stripping the large leaves from the stalks
starts the process
sorting and carrying green tobacco leaves
to the barn
where bundles are created and tied
then mounted on the hanging sticks
readies them for the cooking fire
farm hands balance on narrow boards
twenty feet up from the floor where
fifty feet up, rafters wait
for the bundles to be hung, carefully placed
to allow warmed air to circulate among them
fires are carefully started at floor level
and cooking begins
for days, the bunched leaves are dried
while a farmhand checks them daily
braving one hundred eighty degree heat
high in the rafters
making sure air flow remains steady over all
and tobacco is cooked
preparing and cooking tobacco
seems much like human courting ritual
creating a curing space
feeling heated
allowing feelings to move as they must
over, under, around, and through
until the relationship has cooked
c. 2024 Roberta Compton Rainwater