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mother’s crustiness sometimes
stretches too far
sometimes bleeds fire
and lava runs to scorch mother’s skin

she ignites her anger
warns her children in hellish flows
to keep them safe from
her fumeroles
sacrifices herself to let them

smiles from her heart eyes
that see it all

c. 2023 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Fumerole: volcanic earth ****
cypress gets to its knees
to pray for breath
without it, breadth is not attained and
age falls away

oxygen becomes important
when rooted trees have not-enough
boscoyos come up from the bosque
as kneeded

how do I breathe for you
you won’t root me in your soul
let me come up from your swampy
depth to fill your need

or mine

c. 2023 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Boscoyo (boos-KEE-yo): cypress knees; SP/Cajun
Bosque (BOSS-kee): a swamp; SP
a fantasy of love is
a sinkhole
full of water and deaths,
of hearts torn in sacrifice to
false gods, human gods,
indignities, caricatures of reality

I gave everything to them
because it was easier,
because it was the program,
the curriculum,
the single choice available to me

it made of me a cenote,
drowned my heart in waters
by the stony hole
in the indifferent jungle

sank me
in a deep blue hole
waiting to be discovered
by you, who made
of me a treasure, a precious cargo

c. 2023 Roberta Compton Rainwater
I Cenote: (sen-OH-tay) SP; a sinkhole
it’s like,
I ride songs into sweet
of my daddy
of my friends
of my sister, and my twin

I float in a star-strewn nebula,
a compostella, each star
a different scene and cast,
each a member of my asterism of
each and all beloved
clear as the ringing of a bell
flooding my eyes with tears
of sorrow and joy and laughter

I ride music like
a flying carpet lifts on the magical,
gently carrying my heart
into the beauty and sorrow and laughter
of Love lost and
Love found

c. 2023 Roberta Compton Rainwater
my heart is a codex full
page after page
of hieroglyphs of Love
a lucifer bearing my light in
symbols of a soul
and eyes
opened to Love
by Love

c. 2023 Roberta Compton Rainwater
Codex is a book
Lucifer is Latin meaning ‘light bearer’
a flock needs its truth made plain
to follow
through the mists and snows
of Life
over trails unknown and
dangers unseen

and needs the staff and rod
of honesty
to guide it through
rocky rivers and gorges cut deep
from stone

Love is a bellwether
that leads us to its fold

c. 2023 Roberta Compton Rainwater
A bellwether is the belled sheep in a flock that all the other sheep follow.
This is the end time of a life
a hurricane of possibilities
storming through a life
intended for Love    yet
somehow skipped
except by Godlove
Kyrie eleison

Lord, Have Mercy

c. 2023 Roberta Compton Rainwater
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