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Robert N Varty May 2012
An event. An addition
Simple, complex.

Novel. Delight.
Amusement, fear.

Through time enough, enough through time
From age to age, from soul to soul.
From the depths, from the heights, amounting

A dream of fears, a nightmare of desires
A contrast in hope, a contrast in faith
A distant light burns brightest, mutually.

Though joy, the greatest
Offers more than most

However demands a certain yearning.
Of legendary fabled origin
Pending finality.
                   from reality.
                     through infinity.

Bounding from thought to conclusion
Procuring and devouring;
Knowledge of beauty and the beauty of knowledge
Ever-lasting, yet finite, understanding.

Aclaimed to conquer all
To vanquish all
To destory all
To end all

Yet survives
Robert N Varty May 2012
Hereupon, hereafter:
A mist, undefined and blurred.
A jealous wrath as loving desire
Warped power as dishevelled beauty
A timeless existence as the finite

Transcendental in its result
Transcendent in its cause
Transcends outright

A myth of the mythical
A voice of the voiced
A love of the loved
A fear of the feared

That which commands silence,
That which commands peace,
That which commands love,
And that which commands faith

Is just one touch,
Robert N Varty Mar 2012
Je l'ai vu et je l'ai cru, cette sensation étrange
Qui est toujours parlée, et toujours discutée
Je n'étais pas prêt; je n'étais pas préparé
Je ne comprenais pas, cette émotion étrange

Je l'ai vu, et encore, cette sensation étrange
Et encore, mon sang, sur tout le corps, déferlait
Encore; j'ai dû, la montagne, escalader
La montagne de cette émotion étrange

Je ne savais pas escalader la montagne
Je ne savais rien de "l'amour", des "désamours"
Et je ne comprenais pas comment comprendre

Je ne savais pas quoi faire, ou comment me sentir
Mon cœur a s'éclaté, esprit a était déchiré
Mais rien ne peut être fait, car l'amour est parti
Robert N Varty Nov 2011
Completion of the trial marks the end,
for better? For worse?

An onslaught of a pleasurable suffering begins -
An all-consuming disease which attacks the body
and festers and manifests within the very soul like the Plague,
tearing it apart, piece by piece, mercilessy, and willingly so.

There is none worse an ailment or life-crippling disease
that has so thrived off the human heart.
Its only enemy is Time, which, itself,
an ally of the soul, mind and state of being is not.

Tribulation after tribulation is hurled against the soul,
Destroying the walls of defence before they are even constructed
while Life sniggers mockingly,
preparing for the next blow,
enjoying its cruel, torturous game.

Flickers of hope are ignited only to be smothered
and suffocated by giant waves of abusive torment,
and Fate, the Natural Terrorist,

simply smiles
and it all begins
Robert N Varty Nov 2011
Icy cold it became, the room
Melted it did, the heart
Racing they were, the nerves

Torturous, it was
Torturous, it is
Torturous, it will be

Dreams me tormenting have been
Confusion within set in has
Excitement, mental, now overflowing and bubbling is

Unknown what to do is,
Nothing what to do is
Robert N Varty Oct 2011
Right (the opposite)
and downwards without
knowing what, nor
about which it is
spoken via
that which is not
always accessible,
not always

Senseless it seems
in uncertainty,
not without question
until understood
at the end
Robert N Varty Oct 2011
Wir leben in einem geordneten Chaos,
mit viel Zeit, und doch ohne Zeit,
mit angenehmem Schmerz,
und schmerzhaftem Vergnügen.

Das Leben ist gerecht, aber ungerecht;
eine gesunde Krankheit,
der man nicht entfliehen kann.
ein friedlicher Krieg,
in dem es einen glücklichen Herzschmerz gibt.

Unser Blut ist lebendig,
aber es trägt kein Leben.
Unsere Gehirne denken,
aber ohne Gedanken.

Wir sind am Leben
Und sind doch tot
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