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Aug 2019 · 132
Robby Aug 2019
Times ******* moving too ******* fast lemme tell ya buddy
Aug 2019 · 135
Robby Aug 2019
We are not from here

I am from a place called a distant somewhere
patiently awaiting when you all can join me in nowhere
I am not from here

I wish we could go back home to somewhere
or maybe now we're more content with nowhere
Aug 2019 · 155
TO: me FROM: a more calm me
Robby Aug 2019
Enjoy what you do not presently understand.
Take the risk and find it in yourself to be a better man.
Forget the past even if it was your fault.
Throw yourself into love like its cupids catapult.
Wipe the tears off your face and remember that there will be better days.
               Find a way.
Aug 2019 · 144
We are here.
Robby Aug 2019
The words used to slip out of me with ease, but now it seems I struggle to find quite exactly what to say.
As the sounds transcend me into feeling what I once thought was lost I find you waiting for me in the astral realm. Stay right there here I come again.
Jun 2019 · 150
From notes
Robby Jun 2019
It was as if the words I’ve ever longed to tell you are from foreign tongues. It is as if our love never did sprout and was never enough. It is as bellowing as anything I’ve ever known to feel the feeling of being alone. It is without further compression, I let you go. My grip on you is iron clad, but it seems you found another lad. At times my mind and heart may wonder but I never envisioned you having someone else of whom you consider quite fonder. My disdain isn’t in what we lost, it was the true cost of stretching the words unspoken ultimately to be here broken. My love for you is still entirely intact alas I am not. Seconds turn to minutes then to hours as even they to pass to days and before I knew it it had been 2 full years without you.
Jul 2014 · 398
Robby Jul 2014
Layin in the rain
Forgettin bout the time
Layin in the rain
I really don't mind
May 2014 · 413
Robby May 2014
Dream deeper than pockets.
May 2014 · 951
Robby May 2014
with no home
I'm okay with being alone
May 2014 · 315
Robby May 2014
Lost in this plastic life
Let's break out of this fake *** party
Turn this into a classic night - Kanye West
May 2014 · 291
Robby May 2014
I miss the sun beaming down on my innocent smile, These drugs will never be able to fullfill me, like the sun did when I was an innocent child.
May 2014 · 222
Robby May 2014
I walk with you in my memories to feel some peace of mind.
May 2014 · 322
Robby May 2014
They released her urn unto the voices of the wind so she could dance and feel like forever again.
May 2014 · 903
plug pluh
Robby May 2014
Sleep deprived I've been up for too long thinking about how we used to dance so long ago. if I grabbed you by waist Do you think these worries would fade and bring us to a time we both know. Ages ago two different paths but  if you trace this chord back to the wall you can see we were never unplugged at all.
May 2014 · 325
Robby May 2014
to live is to be evil just rearranged to be more appealing.
May 2014 · 2.6k
Robby May 2014
When I hear a crow chirp I am reminded of death and his grievances. When I hear a robins sing their morning tune I am reminded death isn't permanent because robins sing in the journey to pleasant immortality.

— The End —