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 Jul 2013 Rob Flynn
Harriet Lucy
Far away
you can stay close
if you want
I’ll forget every reason
why not
remembering only the why
-why I should never have turned my back
to your crooked smile
your soft glow
your eyes.

Stay close and have nothing
far away you are
the sun moon stars,
heavens above,
dance the clouds.
I want to say to
take my hand and
lead me, treading softly
along your silk path
through the sky
-it’s okay.

But no,
don’t get too close
stay behind the line
stay away.
How can I improve it? :)
The light in your window
I will always remember that.
As we propped your pillow
and hid under your blanket.
As we conversed in strange languages
and laughed at silent jokes.
As we exchanged battered whispers
while promises fell like raindrops.

I will always remember us
as we locked the door
and left the world outside.
As you tossed my shoes, burnt our clothes away.
As you consumed my name
while the looking glass admired
the ways we dissolved
then inevitably disappeared.

And I will forever remember
the interminable look in your eyes before you sleep
and your fingerprints
here, there and everywhere.
You are the sweetest scar that had stained my whole existence.

Because we have cheated destiny;
and until we defy immortality.
 May 2012 Rob Flynn
Daisy Fields
i will let the rain,
drop down & ease my pain,
dampen out my fear,
& wash away my stains.

let it bring the calm,
clean the sweat from off my palms,
blend into my tears,
& bring the rise of dawn.

let it cool the things i'm stressin,
drown out all of my depression,
i will let the rain,
be the answer to my questions.

so when i'm low & dried,
& i feel i want to cry,
i'll see the clouds roll in,
& smile at the sky.

— The End —