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 Feb 2014 Rick Snow
melodie foley

y o u r s e l f,
 Feb 2014 Rick Snow
Claire Waters
a short silence
for lucipher's wings
a short silence
for jesus' body
a short silence
for the death of youth

breaking for adulthood
 Feb 2014 Rick Snow
melodie foley
they always ask
"why regret something you once wanted?"
but if I had known
what I know now
I never would have wanted it
in the first place
although that is a lie
if I had known
what I know now
I would still want you, madly
immediately and forever
such a shame
is looking at someone you've know your whole life
and realizing that they are a stranger
is realizing that maybe they didn't want you to know them
is wondering how easily the person you knew was replaced
is wanting to know who this new person is
 Feb 2014 Rick Snow
Danielle Rose
My eyes are in need of an emergency shower
For they have been contaminated
My mind is in need of a coffee filter
Lest I consume the grinds
and deter myself from the benefits of waking
The goal is elevation
I crave liberation
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