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Rina139 Feb 2016
Darkness pervades; an empty whole.
Tears fill this broken bowl.
The nectar too salty to quench the thirst
a brutal reminder of what came first

A Blackness, a Void. God illuminated into being.
Beauty, Belief, Faith - a false way of Seeing.
The futile attempts to make the hole whole,
but it's Loneliness that resides in our Soul.

In every being sprung into existence
the Romantic effort of Man's resistance
is Love, hailed as the Cure.
But ask yourself, "Are you sure?"

At a life with Loneliness by our side
Love's importance becomes amplified.
But Love is just a wishful lie
it is Loneliness that embraces us as we die
Rina139 Feb 2016
She isn’t physically quick or agile.
She disappears in libraries.
She has been known to dissolve into the physical pages of books.
She is good at tucking herself into the stacks and retreating to reading nooks.
She blends in at coffee shops where her voice can be drowned out by the grinding and the steaming.
She can become indistinguishable in the dark of theatres, in the quiet shuffle of art galleries, the finger-snapping of poetry readings.
She is indistinct and adept at hiding in plain sight.
Rina139 Feb 2016
They **** a body and go to prison
Behind the bars with time they have to pay
A life that’s deadened with a life exchanged
So law and justice see the light of day

But tell me what of a person who killed a heart
Who murdered love and glibly walked on
Incarceration is not his reward
The weight of guilt to bear, he does deny

A greater crime than this is yet to be
To **** a heart and form the living dead
Someone who walks and talks but is not real
Who shoots away the day and weeps in bed

Imprisoned he should be to now walk free
A murdered heart  must be a greater crime!
Rina139 Feb 2016
Look into her eyes
and tell me what you see
do you see a reckless girl
or someone depressed at 15?

Do you dare see the tears
that spread across her skin?
Do you see all her losses
or the very few she wins?

If you dare to touch her hand
will you feel her softness
or will you feel the calluses
from burns and feeling-less?

Do you see unflawed youth
or do you see a broken child?
Do you see all her pain
or do you see her just as wild?

Can you tell she’s screaming
out for help she needs?
Or is she just the silence of
the whistling wind without heed?

Look into these eyes
and peer into her soul
tell me what do you see
is she broken or is she whole?
Rina139 Feb 2016
Simple rhymes using words
thoughts from my mind
deleterious flow so be careful when you dive
my words having you committing suicide in a sea of catastrophe
Your girl is possessive but I have her in my possession like an apostrophe
its really the small things that lead to the big picture
I was made in God’s image so I guess he can write too...go figure
a lot of people don't believe in what they cannot see
you can't see oxygen but you believe you can breathe.
Rina139 Jan 2016
Three hour voyage
To our destination
An exploration
Of my vast nation
Brings a new sense of life
To my broad mind

The road seems endless
My heart has no rest
As the hope of arriving
Suits its best
It is narrow

My eyes are heavy
But they cannot stay shut
They stay wide open
Against my will
And **** my sight
As they fade
Into the never ending sky

The lake’s waves
Fill my ears with a subtle bliss
Calmness corners me
As I forget
About the war with my eyes and my worries now set aside.
Rina139 Jan 2016
Hear me
As my silence curses thee
Fear me
As the non-existent sword shields me
Be near me
As an invisible force tries to repel
The hell
Of life’s uncertainties
And mystery
The wishes within me
Bleed, as none can be satisfied
As they hide
To release my thoughts
Please me
Unseen jewels be near me
See me
As distracted eyes are averted
Need me
Even when all seems fine
That line
That draws my thoughts
In frozen time
When no sound waves
Shall reach an ear
Slow motion
In course of fear
For the unknown notion
Behind those ears
That can’t hear
And those eyes
Blind in sight
And naïve
To a clear definition
That shows the translation
Of my thoughts.
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