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9.4k · Dec 2011
Ricky Rose Dec 2011
Here we are just me and you our emotions boiling like stew for each other as we gaze at one another. I approach you standing before you in ****** thought. Studying your beautiful **** figure so innocent in your taunting  poise. I give you my crooked smile with a raised brow. Wanting to show you if not everything I know how. Everything that's not allowed. Now I take you boldly and without warning close to me.

Pressing my lips to yours overlapping each others. My lips almost curl to yours as I enclose over your mouth like a puzzle piece fitting in place. I close slightly to interlock our mouths passionately head tilted to complete the exchange. My tongue exploring your mouth teasing your tongue to play. Ever so long we kiss as we wrap our arms tightly around each other. Not wanting to let go.

Inevitably my arms loosen only to grab your sides my hand slipping down beneath your pants swaying slowly as a tree limb in the faint wind. Fingers expanding apart into your ******* like the tentacles of a sea creature over your patch of ***** hair above the sweet lips of your ******. Longest finger going threw the folds feeling your **** harden. You start to moisten with every touch I give to you playing with your *****. I stop only to have my lustful kisses go to your cheek, on your neck my lips as a suction cup feeling the warm pules of the blood beating in your jugular vain.  Tasting the salty sweat on your skin ******* the blood to your skins surface I leave my mark as a vampire on your neck. My **** hardens unbarring wanting to escape the enclosure of my jeans. I push you on the bed of seduction caused by your temptress ways!  We feverishly tear off one an others clothes all while caressing and pressing ourselves to each other.

My eyes exploring your **** body every curve and shape it brings so lovely in its beauty. It's form can not be duplicated. I stare into your eyes hands at each of sides the prettiest face I've ever seen on a girl. I left your head close to me as I lay over you. My lips going for more of you. My body nudging between your legs you spread them apart slightly I balance over you as if I was readying myself for push ups. We can't stop making out I go to your ear kissing your lobe flicking and nipping the bottom of your ear with my tongue.

My body slides down a little further as I explore you. Going to the finest breast Ive seen. Shape just right I circle  my hand around and over it feeling your ******* hard between my fingers. I massage them firmly and lightly. Kneading them in my hand I start to Kiss and suckle them playing with your ******* in my mouth. Teasing them ******* on hard and softly with the hot and cool air as I breath and blow on them.

I raise up a little kissing further down your body as your legs spread more before me. I adventure to your belly kissing your belly button in a playful manner tickling you. Hearing your cute giggles laughing so soundly sweet. Now at the entrance of the ***** I french kiss your ****** in a romantically way. My lips pressed to your *****. Licking you rubbing my tongue through the folds and over the pearl that is your ****. Turning my head back and forth as I bury my face more between your thighs as you push my face up to it wanting me. You lift up spinning around to sit on my face. Sliding your self to and fro as your ***** mounted on my lips. Thighs against my ears. I Lick and lick  kiss and kiss in all manner of ways I **** on your ****. Turning over you grab my **** kissing up an down the shaft of my ****. Kissing the head of my ***** your mouth engulfs my ****. ******* on me rubbing me squeezing my ***** with your hand playing with me only as you know how. I continue to make out with your special spot while grabbing your *** cheeks and spanking you playfully. entangling around like two serpents mating. I have you down back on the bed.

My **** hard as its ever going to be in this moment of lust, passion, and ecstasy. I insert myself and enter you sliding my **** in the entrance of the begging of life. Giving you my love and tenderness. Feeling your warm wet ****** around my hot ****. You gasp and moan inhaling and exhaling with every push and release of me in you. Faster and faster I go exploring your insides every which way probing you with every inch. We are at a rhythm of love making. Kissing caressing my movements are like a crazed caterpillar crawling in its way. I tug at your hair as I'm going back and forth inside you. Pounding vigorously against you more and more.

We spin around once more to have you ride me. Back forth up and down. I buck you like a wiled horse. Lean up to you kissing you between your breast. Playing with them once more. In the moment of ****** you ****** uncontrollably scratch my back. We turn over and I lay you back down once more. Never exiting you keeping that good rhythm inside you. Alas I pull out as you can't take no more only to roll you over on your back side and protrude your tight ***. My **** swelling once more. You tighten your *** cheeks while I'm inside you again. I rigorously pound against you as I did in your ******. My hands massaging your back as I press against you. Leaning over to kiss and cress your back with my face. I pull your hair with one hand playfully. With the other I massage your neck. Now with both hands I go to your shoulders and pull your body closer to mine. I *** in your *** as I came in your *****. Our breath exasperated from the pleasures of love we muster up the very little energy we have to shower and cleanse one another. So we can lay and cuddle in our bed of love with a kiss to fall asleep.
3.3k · Jul 2011
Love Letter
Ricky Rose Jul 2011
To the beautiful sweet girl of my attractions. How I would love to be in intimate comfort as companions. To hold you close, look in your eyes and study each others auras radiating in illuminating shades of color.

        Taste each others moist lips as we kiss, in a sign of intimate affection. Share our hearts feelings. Experience new things, and share each others wisdom; of our lives journeys as is.
      Know why you feel that you have to enhance your beautiful cute face in those makeup colors.... Is it to enhance what is already beautiful? You attracted me not only in your physical elegance but your nice personality.... What you say means a lot.... For your opinions do matter! ....

     I would love to have someone like you.... As a companion to care and be cared for.... Not to overwhelm your heart, but to keep it full when others pierce it with negativity....
To tickle for your laughter with and without a touch.... You and I together would make my dreams a reality.... As friends it is half complete....

    My secret is revealed.... Feelings out in the open for you to decide...

May this not shy you away if not get you closer.... I would like to go places to hang out as my companion/potential lover, or a close friend.... I would like to be here for you as ether or.... You as my girlfriend would flame the spark I have for you in my heart....
2.4k · Jul 2011
Ricky Rose Jul 2011
Alright Jezebel is that not who you are? How much of your soul are you going to sell? With your chest pushed high and your **** in the air. With the smile you bare and the wink you blink. The fruit for the trick to get their fix behind blind eyes. Your secrets hidden away through your faults beauty and enticement. A walk that attracts nothing but the ****. You put your self on the proverbial block. Though on the outside you converted and claim outwardly to the king of kings God and Christ. Though believe like a Pharisee. A marionette innocents for all to see. 
Yet even a Pharisee doesn't hold the many lies you've told. For even they are the best known hypocrites that Christ warned and spoke against. Telling everyone your married, or so you say with a bold face. Yet you go out at night to collect your lies by spreading your thighs for material and lust. Helping to destroy families to commit adultery with theirs and your own. You lost your Grace and the Holy Spirit depart.  Now you gain worldly excitement and shame. Living your life amongst the dogs. In a fad life style fed to you. Taking it as wholesome, knowing better. So it is to be said your like a lost little Lam  on your way to self destruction. Without a care of the afflictions. You allow yourself to be used like a Devils tool, yet tell yourself your not a toy.. May it go to show you are becoming Lucifer's proprietary embodiment. Only to think you have the upper hand.
Shown by your eyes that is a window to the soul exposing wickedness!
Though on the deep inside is there not yet another cloak?? Do you not cry at night with heavy sorrow when you look in the mirror for the truth to be whole and despise the girl you have yet let blossom to become the ultimate woman that is there. Pretending to be some one your not. So you are a lantern in need of a new candle wanting to be rekindled. How cold you must be to have so many layers. But that's what you get when you become a player. A sweet and sour flavor. You say "Don't Hate!" Though to walk up right on the path of truth would attract in your self a better person. Why not  accept your self for the real you. The one mistakenly hidden so deep inside. Is that not who you are? Instead you bed with the heartless desires  you give your self too to become a trophy. The mold you have created of yourself only mocks at the real you. The inner you fading and becoming transparent. Now with out a care you have become fake, vile and foul. Yes he who has no sin cast the first stone. So it should not be thrown. Heavenly Father I pray for her!!!
2.1k · Dec 2011
Ricky Rose Dec 2011
Swimming in our own corruption as we Play then we pray Oh Heavenly Father you gave your son to us in Sacrifice so we can be repeatedly forgiven for our ways, but yet our days are numbered one by one. Sorry your rules are boring we've read your story now were snoring Christ blood is poring flesh torn by the thorn of our own mockery by sweet sin we put ourselves in. Though some sins of others affect our way. Time to blame you for them. How could you let it be? Again some blame their brothers so no one will see there trickery. We haven't lost faith just your place. Of course some have. For you not being tangible sometimes our life is not manageable. We Play for fun, careless for the heart. Please forgive us we fell apart. In our own playground of sin testing others to come in. We're too lazy to stand upright. We don't care you see, it's easier to take and fake then make or pay our own way. Yes we lie to get by our fellows. Why should we care life's not fair it's too short Dog we mean God. Just want to Play in any way through our short existence. Forget the busters they dont know its ok, to continue go this way. All I have to do is say sorry so sorry and everything will be ok.  Thanks for your Son we just want to have fun!!!!!
2.0k · Jul 2011
Ricky Rose Jul 2011
Sweetness, kindness, gentleness
are cures. A heart so full of  love, when
girls touch it they think it will burst. Relationships for me not affectionate you
see. For I am not asinine. That is what I lack in my personality! When it does
come to me, then I will be truly ugly. My reflections to be a blur.  My soul a hot melted wax that keeps the wick
from burning too quick. This curse upon me heart I thought was a gift. A plague
on modern time ways. My anger unleashed only in defense to others. Humor too
positive to laugh in front of some ones disadvantages. To caring to remark
aloud unattractive looks of another, Just for my ignorant unthoughtful
laughter. My remarks are kept at a low for others not to hear. I, too, am human;
do the same as others. I  only learn from
those ***** mistakes. Raised as a gentlemen not to treat girls as a ****** toy,
only as a lover. ****** love not a lay, child at heart play! Maturity; responsibility
when called for so the landlord doesn’t kick me out the door! Food on the table
instead of ***** in my belly! Only on occasions on that one blue moon. Too big
of heart not enough aggression. Too this, a part of the curse! ....
2.0k · Jul 2011
Ricky Rose Jul 2011
A teenage boy to sweet, a girl unknown. All he knows is this girl so so beautiful. To shy to say "hi," -only couple of friends he knows . One in particular a roommate of the beauty. Tells her of a crush, a friend of hers to make the beauty blush. A bracelet he made to get her attention you see. She wears upon her wrist, so she must like! One or two worldly spins later. He comes across the beauty, with the roommates connection the two meet. She nervous as he says "hi." Shows the attractor the bracelet with a blush. Only thing he can think is to say "hi'' back. Only words he spoke. She walks off red faced full of embarrassment same as he. For that was the first time they met.

His heart pounding fast as a drummer with no rhythm. He sits blank minded as if he was in heaven. Light headed he is with nothing to think he goes on with his day. Praying he will come across the beauty once again. With prayers answered they meet again. Courage in his heart he he asks her for dinner. Amazed the beauty has no response. Tells the attractor to seek her later. As the sun rays dim, the moon shining bright. The attractor sees her standing alone. Happiness in his heart, question in his mind. Approaching her with a smile asks her once more, "No not tonight." Things I got to do."

The attractor walks away. Excuses she had I knew this couldn't be, foolish me. Oh no, no this couldn't be. For she did say not tonight. So a worldly spin later. The attractor encounters her. Asks her day. "Good!" she says nothing elts she speaks. To himself he asks why. Why does she not speak many words? Is there something wrong with me? His heart grows grim fallen light it's dim. Confused about her action not knowing her thoughts. Left to put together the puzzle of emotion. Hard as hell trying real hard. The attractor wondering should he move on?

With an ever spinning world, speaking no more he walks past her this time. The beauty looks on. Watching his moves as he swiftly goes past. Stares she only has for him the attractor wondering why. Then several worldly spins later he finds out she has seeked another. How could this be? She never told the attractor she was not interested. Saddened and dismayed angered at himself for thinking such thoughts of affection. Of hoping he may be the one to fill her needs. It's as if his insides start to bleed.
1.8k · Jul 2011
Ricky Rose Jul 2011
I wish I may, I wish I  might. I wish to have this wish tonight.

I wish it could, I wish it would. I pray it so, to be true.

A wish is a wish. I wish you so.

Yet a fantasy the wish of the minds yearning heart.

Constructing dreams, some of touch. Affectionate passionate ecstasy.

A wish I wish this for me. So in a wishful fantasy I reach for thee.

Only for thee to pull a way, giving to another. This truth I found

My eyes awake, to see my place in reality.

A dream a fantasy's illusion. I wish I may I might have God take away my foolish heart tonight.

Keep me bold, keep me stern this heart a heart I wish would yearn never no more.

Keep it right, keep it real this love I have 'Dear Lovely' is pure. Yup, ever more my friend!
1.8k · Jul 2011
Ricky Rose Jul 2011
I see you with him, questions in my mined on why you won't take me.
Intimacy with you I wanted it to be! I guess that's not what you want from me. I don't understand, I shouldn't dwell I'll only put myself in hell. I care for you this is true attracted to you, for we have a lot in common. Though you said you don't want to loose our friendship with going out. I know that's not what its about. I don't want you not accepting me. To loose our friendship totally. Boyfriends may come and go. This I was told. Yet friends stay. I may not make you smile like him. I could only be there for you the best I can. To you my friend. I wish you happiness!
Wrote this when I was a teenager as almost all my poems. Except Jezebel.
1.6k · Oct 2011
Midnight Blue
Ricky Rose Oct 2011
The only one I ever published!! It was for no one just writing! I was 20 y.o.

Midnight Blue
Once a pone a midnight Blue,
there was sitting me and you!
We were all snug an tight.
Beautiful my soul felt so right.
To hold you in my arms tonight.
When you pass that lushase kiss I close my eyes to reminisce.
About the time we made love,
my **** dove.
I have fallin' in love for only you, its vary true.
To see your smile stretch for miles.
My heart hurts to see you cry,
To see those tears run down your eye!
So have no fear for I'll be here for you.
On this midnight Blue!
I'll love you for ever and ever,
never think bad it will make you sad.
So think happy thoughts my Love!
Ricky Lee Bloker Copyright ©2009  Ricky Lee Bloker
The only one I ever published!! It was for no one just writing! I was 20 y.o.
1.4k · Jul 2011
To Know
Ricky Rose Jul 2011
So girl why blush do you have a crush? Or did I simply embarrass you much? My intention good, no bad trick in the sleeve. Mean am I not will not especially to you! Because I like you girl yes I do! Thought no personal knowledge of you, things I'd like to know. Your character abundant that draws one near. As beautiful as you are no make up needed no indeed. Aura so colorful that shines with light. Through crystal prism in a rainbow of color! Though to know your thoughts, feelings too. For if your sad and hide it deep inside. I'll know to help you through. Give you a smile positive words to say. Drying your teard heart to brighten your way. The one I truly admire is only you. Let's go for a walk, play some pool, walk by the water. What ever you want I do not know, so tell me I would like to go. Be your friend hang out with you. Questions to ask things to know for a good relationship to grow.
1.2k · Jul 2011
Fruitful Girl
Ricky Rose Jul 2011
Dreams of enchantment swirls in my head! Majestically fluttering at all points of my mortal being. Images so serene I daze in amazement. Power frozen iceberg cold, weak with no movement. I'm being pulled in.

Yet no physical motion, how could this be? Eyes locked to yours paralyzed in ecstasy. Thoughts of intimacy fill me! Your my jungle juice, sunshine in the rain. Bestow a multicolor silk laced bow. Metal to a magnet, I'm charged with passion. Scenes at work with the aroma of your fruitfulness. The aromatic taste of cinnamon apple, cherry red!
1.2k · Jul 2011
A friend like you
Ricky Rose Jul 2011
How are you on this day? Are you happy enough to play? Or do you not want to speak many words? Then write me, so I can see what your pen had to say through it movement you portrayed. Glad to have encountered such a lovely girl! To have you as a friend rocks my world. Ever so spinning things can get confusing. Your are contentiously amusing. I have heard how well you sing a nightingale with angel wings. Light hugs to spread your friendly love. Turns a frown to a bright smile. **** ya off and you could be a crocodile. These words are not to surprise there true I tell you no lies.

— The End —