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Today is a day we should all remember as well as regret-
The horror-the pain-the tragedy-the deaths not easy to forget-
WE have paid a high price for freedom some may say-
WE look back now and reflect upon that day-
WE will go on being a stronger nation some would say-
For remembering 9/11 will make us that way-
GOD  will give us the strength to stand tall-
AS we pay tribute to them all-
Those who went before us paid freedoms'price-
SO the rest of us could live in peace and live nice-
WE owe our freedom for those who have past-
For thanks to them our peace will forever last-
Silly the cat has found a home-
NO longer will he need to roam-
HE likes his new home it seems-
HE lays around sleeps and dreams-
HE has adjusted well to our place-
Almost has a smile upon his face-
Enjoys our other cats as well-
AT least from what I can tell-
I guess he is here to stay-
WE would not have it no other way-
Now we have four cats -what can I say-
WE always have room for one more stray-
IF I could create a xmas wish list it would be what I  have written below-
I wish good health to all my family members-
I wish peace would prevail throughout the world-
I wish GOD  would make me a better person-
I wish the crippled people of the world could walk again-
I wish all the members of our armed forces would return home safely and soon.
I wish GOD  would erase all the hate in our world-
T wish all the poor have enough money to enjoy xmas
I wish GOD  would find a cure for those suffering from cancer and other diseases-
T wish my own health would improve-for good health is the greatest gift of all-
I wish all countries would become friends with the U.S.A.
Most of all I wish peace with our LORD to those who have died before us-
GOD  bless everyone and may next year be our best one yet-
Getting old can be tough-
Fighting aches and pains can be rough-
Truer words were never said-
Truer words were never read-
Enjoy life from day to day-
Enjoy every minute I do say-
For life really is short and sweet-
Then it's with GOD we meet-
Death is a beginning not an end-
For with our spirits we live again-
I hope everyone enjoys this poem.
Life at times can be great-
Good things come to those who wait-
Illness sometimes makes me mad-
I want always to be glad-
Getting old can be tough-
Day in -day out it gets rough-
New medicine to cure my ills-
Medicine to cure my chills-
OH  well perhaps things will change-
MY life now will rearrange-

The snow fell as the weatherman said-
I watched it fall from my bed-
I heard plows coming down my street-
AS I went to my kitchen for a bite to eat-
The trees in my yard so pretty in white-
The sun shining down now so bright-
Winter is nice if you stay inside-
Outside prepare to slip and slide-
Soon the man in red will appear-
With a sled full of gifts pulled by his deer-
Another Christmas would have past-
Hoping this is not my last-
MERRY XMAS  from me to you-
Swords-battleaxes-and tights-
Castles-Crusades-and Moats-
The horses and their oats-
Fighting and Death -Hand and Hand-
Fighting for freedom taking a stand-
The Days of Old no longer exist-
Medieval Days gone in a twist-
Medieval Days had to be rough-
To exist you had to be tough-
Medieval days special as can be-
Maybe not for you -but special to me-
A wintry mix hit our area today-
Lots of snow on the way-
Cars covered in white-
More snow coming tonight-
Shovels-plows busy as can be-
Holidays coming exciting to me-
Kids on sleds having fun-
Snowmen to please everyone-
Snowballs in the air left and right-
Lots more snow on the way tonight-
Welcome to NEW ENGLAND WINTER is here-
Lots of snow for all to share-

BLACKY is a pretty stray cat-
WE tried to take her away from all that-
She's cute-She's smart-She tugs at your heart-
She lives outdoors all year round-
With her friends she can be found-
Winter is her only fear-
She lives outside all year-
She may have lots of friends-
But her love for us never ends-
BLACKY IS a stray we have looked after for several years now.
Books I have written can frighten some-
Some of my novels can make you go numb-
Some of my novels cause fright-
Some of my novels will cause screams in the night-
Some of my novels will cause fear in your heart-
Some of my novels will tear you apart-
Some of my novels will make you scream-
Some of my novels will cause a bad dream-
Some of my characters will haunt you all night-
Some of my novels can cause death by fright-
Some of my characters will make you go mad-
Some of my novels will make you sad-
Some of my novels will make the devil seem mild-
Some people think I was born an evil child-
I'M not evil I swear that's no lie-
But some of my novels can make you cry-
So read my books if you dare-
Then your opinion of them you can share-
BOOTS  passed away a while ago
IT was so sad to see her go-
WE shared good times together you know-
BUT with the goodLORD she had to go-
She no doubt is sharing her love-
With our dear GOD above-
CHRISTMAS is coming real quick-
Again we get a visit from SAINT NICK-
CHRISTMAS  joy is in the air-
With lots of gifts to share-
Kids and adults out shopping galore-
Buying gifts at their favorite store-
Then at home place the gifts below the tree-
SO many gifts -perhaps one for you-and one for me-
Another year will soon close out-
SO HAPPY NEW YEAR I have to shout-
I  had a vision early today-
A message about someone who had passed away-
Perhaps his soul came on by-
TO bid farewell to another guy-
TO take one last look at a lifelong friend-
Perhaps it's a beginning and not an end-
A message of another place-
TO which we may come face to face-
A journey that will have an end-
For he has GOD
NOW for his friend-
Frogs serve nature in their own way-
I like frogs what can I say?
Frogs are part of GODS' plan-
Some how they do help man-
Frogs serve a purpose so let them be-
Somehow they do benefit you and me-

Frisky just returned today-
For ten days he'd been away-
Meowing at the window with sorry eyes-
Seeing his return was a nice surprise-
HE ate some food and wanted more-
HE meowed and meowed some more-
HE seems to be glad he's home-
Guess he no longer wants to roam-
HE is resting on a chair-
HE knows truly that we care-
HE opens his eyes to check on me-
For at times I was his security-
IT'S nice he returned today-
For his return has made my day-
Now happy I write this poem-
For my cat FRISKY is back at home-
Frogs are forever so it seems-
Living in ponds-rivers and streams-
Lets' do our best to keep them well-
For nature has a job for them prey tell-
Frogs-SALAMNDERS and TOADS  do their best-
TO help balance natures' needs then rest-
Frogs were put on earth to please-
Saving them can be done with ease-
GODS' creatures are here for a reason-
They are here no doubt every season-
They serve a purpose thats' for sure-
Saving them sure can be a cure-
Frogs help balance nature's quest-
What they do they do it best-
When life has you down-turn to our GOD
When there is not even a glimmer of hope
TURN to our LORD
When your tomorrow does not look promising
Talk to our LORD with the use of prayers
When there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel-
Again confide in the LORD-
Any salvation is feasible with the help of our LORD-
When you feel anquish or anxious seek his guidance-
Allow our LORD  to cradle you in his arms and make you feel
whole again-
May GOD  look over you at all times -until you return home to HEAVEN-
The hot air blew through my windows today-
Another hot day was on the way-
IT is SUMMER make no mistake-
But the heat I just can't take-
The a/c rumbled up on the wall-
Trying to cool the air in the hall-
I tried to relax as the cool air passed-
I was hoping the cool air would last-
OH I wish for a cold WINTERS' breeze-
For Heavens' sake I'M not hard to please-
But indeed WINTER can be far away-
Saving itself for another day-
The hot air blew through my windows today-
Another hot day is on the way-
Cats serve a purpose that's no lie-
Sometimes they make you sad and can make you cry-
For the most part they are smart-
They sure know how to win your heart-
They are there at times when you feel ill-
Having them at times is a thrill-
I love my four feline friends-
Hope our friendship never ends-
They fill my hours in my day-
AS they go on their way-
They play all day and they can play rough-
Two of my cats are mighty tough-
They jump and beg on their hind feet-
That's when I pull out a treat-
They jump for joy and beg for more-
Then I scoot them out the door-
ALL  in all I think they are grand-
AS I feed them their favorite brand-
OH yes I love all four-
And will love them more and more-
IF I left the EARTH  today-
What words would I cinvey?
Would I be glad to go-
I honestly don't know-
Would I cry-would I feel bad?
Would I feel happy or will I feel sad?
The years spent hear have hurried by-
Now I sit here wondering why-
Life now taken from me redeamed-
Life at times seemed somewhat dreamed-
IT is the end of a long dusty ride-
And now that I'M dying I  expose my pride-
Cats are interesting and are fun-
They love attention from anyone-
They play and take naps all day-
I love watching them what can I say-
They play with their toys and love their treat-
They all gather round when it's time to eat-
I love my four cats-I must say-
For they all kind of make my day-
JO-JO-was a stray cat-
WE took him away from all that-
Now he is one of three-
They get along just fine-
I'M so glad they are mine-
The three cats make my day-
IT'S fun to watch them play-
I love the three so much-
OH its' my heart they touch-

Life when you are young is simple and fun-
WE attend school -play and run-
WE have lots of friends-
The fun just never ends-
AS the years went by things changed-
Our lives by GOD  got rearranged-
Now as I reflect on days gone by-
MY eyes shed tears as I cry-
I now await GOD to take me home-
IT'S my time to rest no longer will I roam-
I will miss the earth,the sky,
I will miss the days gone by-
NO longer can I run-
NO longer can I have fun-
MY time on earth has truly past-
MY memory for some will forever last-

Life has its moments thats' for sure-
And for some problems there is no cure-
WE all go through the motions day by day-
Resolving our problems what can I say-
WE hope for better days to come-
Solutions work but only for some-
So do your best always as time moves along-
Always do the right thing not something wrong-
Lonely raindrops begin to fall-
AS I watch from the window in the hall-
Winters'cloudy look for everyone to see-
Another dull day for you and me-
I wish winter would hurry up and end-
I hate MOTHER NATURE-for she's no friend-
Please Lord let SPRING  come soon-
Today-tomorrow-this afternoon-
I need to see the sunshine real quick-
For-I'M tired of WINTER -it makes me sick
For here I sit out the window I look-
Might as well go read a book-
Hope tomorrow the sun will arise-
That would be a great surprise-

The heat is on today-
Summer is on the way-
Temperatures on the rise-
Nothing but blue skies-
Birds are singing so sweet-
Time for a picnic-time to eat-
A ferry ride would be great-
Baseball games -I just can't wait-
Swimming -boating- picnics galore-
Walking hand in hand along the shore-
Summer seems to make things right-
A longer day-a longer night-
Fun-fun and fun galore-
Enjoy life at the shore-
Summer comes and goes so fast-
Wishing always it would last-
Enjoy SUMMER  each and every day-
Soon FALL  will come our way-
I love SUMMER  and sure you do too-
The best time for me and you-

Due to illness that got worse-
I needed the assistance of a nurse-
Marcy visited me twice a week-
About my illness we did speak-
She helped me back on my feet
A better nurse I never did meet-
Marcy is super as can be-
Shows by the care she shows for me-
Marcy gives her best for me-
Made me better one-two- three-
Marcy is the best you can plainly see-
She takes great care of me-
GOD it's hard getting old-
Bad medical news I'VE been told-
First a hip replacement-I did fine-
Now had blood tests-they say are mine-
I never seem to catch a break-
Bad luck with each breath I take-
GOD why me I ask myself-
While I  place my bills upon my shelf-
Medical issues to deal with every day-
Instead of being happy in every way-
AT age seventy two heed my advise-
TO your doctors do be nice-
Otherwise you too could get bad news -And could share bad medical views-
I have four cats -what can I say
I love to watch them as they play-
They run about the house all day-
Chasing each other while they play-
Cats are marvelous pets per say-
I would not want it any other way-
CATS entertain us this you can plainly see-
They surely entertain me
Cats are marvelous-cats are smart-
Cats surely can capture your heart-
IF you need a pet a cat might do-
Then the cat can entertain you-
There is too much violence in our world today-
WE need to end it today -I say
Violence serves no purpose I'M sure-
BUT for violence we need a cure-
There has to be a way to stop it now-
There has got to be a solution somehow-
This is my 72nd CHRISTMAS  and I'M excited as can be-
Christmas is very special to me-
Looking back over the years-
I remember the laughter-I remember the tears-
When I was young I was poor-
Never had to much thats'for sure-
What does it matter there is no reason why-
AS a poor boy at xmas I'D sit and cry-
IF I received one gift I was glad-
IF I  did not I did not get mad-
I was grateful back then I know- I played with my one toy in the snow-
BE grateful for what you receive -
ON this special CHRISTMAS EVE-
SO much time has slipped away-
I am seventy two years old today-
THE years went by just so fast-
I thought my younger years would last-
MY LORD  one day you're just a lad-
Then you're old suddenly and thats' so sad-
Today is a reflection on times past-
I thought my younger days would last-
SO much fitted in a lifetime for sure-
I guess I expected a whole lot more-
Imagine a life with a second chance-
I'D be so happy I'D sing and dance-
I would change in so many ways-
I would really enjoy my days-
I'D change the world if I  can-
I'D be such a different man-
I'D paint a smile on everyones' face-
The world would be a better place-
BUT nowI'M  seventy two -it's time to rest-
For-I have taken lifes' greatest test
I was here and did it my way-
I enjoyed it all what can I  say?
GOD is now knocking on my door-
For here on earth I'M needed no more-
I did my job -my last day was sound-
Now HE'S  waiting I'MHEAVEN bound-
Another THANKSGIVING  will be here-
Another holiday for families to share-
Another special day to show we care-
A bountiful harvest to share-
Wishing everyone holiday cheer-
FROM my family to yours my dear-
The books I write can frighten  the reader-
After all with ****** stories I am a leader-
The blood spills wildly about-
The reader who is scared may shout-
The characters are  realistic it seems-
They will haunt you in your dreams-
So buy one of my novels today-
I'd love to hear what you have to say-
Several CHRISTMAS times have passed-
MY mind wonders back several years when
XMAS had a different meaning-
With the loss of my mom and dad and my stepfather
the true meaning of XMAS has gone-shattered by the
reality of life and deaths of those close to me-
XMAS leaves a void in my life never to be filled again ever-
With most of my loved ones gone there is this vast emptiness
that is eating away at me.
YES I have some family but it feels shallow as the holidays approach.
IF I  could go back in time and change things I'D put together the
pieces of the family puzzle and make XMAS a real holiday instead
of feeling down in the dumps but reality can take a bite out of your life-
and toss it away with no remorse-felt.
The only certainty is XMAS will come again and add its'reminder that
those who I love and miss the most will not be here .
I miss the opening of the presents,and the smiles and the small talk around
the XMAS tree .Maybe some day I will understand life better than I do now.
I will get through this holiday even though I will hold back my tears-I want to shed-
I pray to our LORD that he gives me his blessing to get me through-my time of need-
For mending a broken heart from family losses is not something you can put on your
XMAS wish list.
Mother Nature had her way-
She made it rain hard the other day-
Things that were dry-They got wet-
Damages not figured out yet-
A new place to live -Say bye to the old-
Another chapter of my life was told-
Moving around getting settled again
Trying to enjoy life again my friend-
Mother Nature caused me pain-
Hope I never see her again-
I-will make it through this mess-
What it will take is only a guess
Today will be put behind us now-
Better days will show up somehow-
I have had my fill of very high stress-
Life at times is not good I guess-
Tomorrow may be brighter some people say-
MY GOD I hope so anyway-
Snow is coming but its' on delay-
SO enjoy the nice weather GOD provided today
Snow is coming there is no doubt-
Get your shovels set is what I shout-
Old man winter is on his way-
Get ready for bad weather is what I say
T had a goal to write a book-
I reached my goal but what it took-
IT took a year or so you know-
TO put those chapters in a row-
I had the help of a great staff-
I needed them around to make me laugh-
The hard work -the long nights-
The wee hours-The suns' bright lights-
MY computer for hours would run-
Just so I could have some fun-
Now the book is complete-
AS I sit upon this seat-
Hope everyone enjoys the book-
IT really is worth it to take a look-
Well that's all for now I  say-
I have to be on my way-

Iwrote this after completing my first novel.
IF a  mans' health is at its' peak of perfection-
Then he has something that is truly priceless-
IF a man is respected by his peers,friends,relatives-
then again respect from others is of great value-
IF a man is truly loved by others for who he is and not judged
on materialistic wealth then he is a true success and has truly
found the wealth of someone honestly caring for him for who he is-
IF  he lives a long life in a humanistic manner then again he has something
of great value in his approach to others -
IF he leaves a legacy with deep regards to who he was on this great planet
earth then he has left this world a wealthy man has he not?
From my heart these roses I give-
IN my heart for you I live-
ON my knees I do pray-
That you have a nice VALENTINES' DAY-
The fire in my eyes begins to dance-
AS we kiss we take a chance-
Blustery weather is headed our way-
Shutting down highways what can I say-
Shutting down small towns too-
How's the weather affecting you?
I feel old man winter is mean-
Look outdoors at the scene-
All is covered in white-
Not going out tonight-
Cold winds blowing/icecycles forming fast-
I wonder how long this storm will last-
NEW ENGLAND stands proud in white
AS the snow continues tonight-
Spring  should indeed be close by-
For I hate winter I cry-
Well make the best of today-
For theres' more snow on the way-
The room was bright I'LL never forget-
AS we celebrated that night we met-
MY toes nervously wiggled up and down-
I felt just like a circus clown-
WE toasted our meeting surely with class-
Pouring of wine into our glass-
Together we're happy as can be-
A beautiful future for you and me-
The room was bright I'LL  never forget-
AS we celebrated that night we met-
MY toes nervously wiggled up and down-
I felt just like a circus clown-
WE toasted our meeting surely with class-
Pouring our wine into our glass-
Together we are happy as can be-
A beautiful future for you and me-
There she was sitting on the track-
Playing with her hair flowing down her back-
Wondering when the next train will come-
Wondering just where it came from-
Sitting there not caring-
Sitting there just staring-
Sitting there awaiting her fate-
Sitting there the train running late-
Sitting there going numb
Sitting there acting dumb-
Sitting there waiting to die-
Sitting there wondering why-
Sitting there in the morning sun-
Sitting there not having fun-
Sitting there ready to die-
Sitting there with no reason why-
Sitting there a train on its' way-
Sitting there alone what can I  say-

I look at the blue sky above with its beautiful white clouds and say to myself ''GOD CREATED THIS
I look at the trees with their vibrant colors and again I say ''GOD CREATED THIS-
I look at all-the animals in the forest and again I say ''GOD CREATED THIS-
I look at you who I love and you love me in return and again I say ''GOD CREATED THIS.
I had a dream which seemed to long-
IN it with my heart I wrote a song-
MY breathing increased real fast-
Two glasses of wine did not last-
Wishing to go back where my heart belongs-
Wishing to create a lot more songs-
Hello my friends at HP-
Thank you so much from little ole me-
Thank you for reading all my stuff-
I hope truthfully it was good enough-
I hope my poems brought smiles to your faces-
I hope it took you away to different places-
I hope it made your imaginations run wild-
Again I hope the poems made you smile-
I will continue to write that is for sure-
For poetry is therapeutic and poems are the cure-
Until we meet again on the internet-
May this holiday season be your best one yet-
IF I could change the world where would I start?
I guess I'D place love in everyones' heart-
I'D paint a smile on everyones' face-
AS I traveled from place to place-
I'D spread happiness to all my friends-
Happiness forever until my life ends-
What a wonderful world this could be-
For everyone including you and me-
AH if only the world was a happy place-
There would be a smile on everyones' face-
Maybe one day when the final war ends-
WE all will come together as friends-
Then at last GODS' world will survive-
And it will be grand just to be alive-
One day our prayers will be answered with love-
From our great creator above-
IT'S time to decorate the xmas tree
SO much fun for you and me-
OUR cats love our ornaments and such-
They play with them so much-
The cats like to tear up the gifts galore-
Whenever we place them on the floor-
Every year the cats attack the tree-
Giving more work for you and me-
This year no doubt will be the same-
AS we kind of play our game-
Yelling at our cats by their name-
Someday this will all be in the past-
And we will have a tree that will last-
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