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THE laws in our state seem to favor the bad-
IT'S  true and of course it's sad-
I'VE always have been honest -but it does not pay-
IT seems honesty gets in the way-
IT seems for the bad justice will always prevail-
When we know this person should have went to jail-
The crimes increase daily in our nation-
MY GOD  what a bad situation-
The gun laws are a joke-
Guns still fire bullets and smoke-
The crime rate climbs day by day-
And for those killed we duly pray-
Violence and crime fill our streets-
The cops nationally cover their beats-
Someday we all will die
IF killed by a gun who will ask why?
WE ignore the news at times-
For the news reports the crimes-
Hoping tomorrow is a better day-
Hoping all the guns all get put away-
Don't laugh for crime is real-
Feeling threatened is how I feel-
The streets should be safe every day-
This is what I'M  trying to say-
LIFE-IT seems to move along quick-
TO stay young is quite a trick-
One day you are a teen-
The next day you are no where to be seen-
Now here I am at seventy two-
The same thing can happen to you-
GOD-where does the time go?
I sure don't know-
SO live every day like it's your last-
For one day all your time would have past-
WE all have a date with fate-
But with me I'D  rather wait-
SO live life day by day-
Enjoy all the things that come your way-
The heat is on today-
Summer is on the way-
Temperatures on the rise-
Nothing but blue skies-
Birds are singing so sweet-
Time for a picnic- time to eat-
A ferry ride would be great-
Baseball games I just can't wait-
Swimming - boating- picnics galore-
Walking hand in hand along the shore-
Summer seems to make things right-
A longer day-a longer night-
Fun-fun-and fun galore-
Enjoy life at the shore-
Summer comes and goes so fast-
Wishing always that it would last-
Enjoy SUMMER each and every day-
Soon FALL will come our way-
I love SUMMER and sure you do too-
The best time for me and you-
Here I am again here today-
Help save the frogs is what I say-
SALAMANDERS and TOADS  are here to stay-
DO your best to save their lives today-
GOD placed frogs on this earth for a reason-
They serve a purpose every season-
NO matter what day it may be my cats make my day-
Wheter they are playing-sleeping or running-what can I say
They sometimes get into mischief after all they are boys-
There are times they fight over their toys-
There are times they want to play-
GOD at times they make my day-
Cats are loveable there is no doubt-
BUT when they are bad I need to shout-
Basically they get along fine-
I'M  proud to say they are mine-
There was a cat her name was PATCH-
IN the old castle the mice she'd catch
She'd hide behind the old stone wall-
Then pounce upon them one and all-
She was shrewed and she was fast-
Upon the walls her shadow she'd cast-
The mice would run -they would hide-
While PATCH would take it all in stride-
Sometimes the mice would win or lose-
The fattest ones PATCH would choose-
She ate them with great delight-
While some looked on in total fright-
Now PATCH  is old and slow and such-
Pays not attention to the mice so much-
The castle now is cold and bare-
For PATCH is no longer there-
The mice still run and play-
about-''Good No More Cat'' They Shout-
I created this poem just before my cat PATCHES  died of cancer.
This is my 72nd xmas and I'M excited as can be-
CHRISTMAS  is very special to me-
Looking back over the years-
I remember the laughter-
I remember the tears-
When I was young I was poor-
Never had to much thats'for sure-
What does it matter theres' no reason why-
AS a poor boy at xmas I'D  sit and cry-
IF I received one gift I was glad-
IF I did not I did not get mad-
I was grateful back then I know-
I played with my one toy in the snow-
BE grateful for what you receive
ON this special XMAS EVE-
SILLY  was once a stray-
SILLY  lives with us today-
Silly fits well in our home-
NO longer does he have to roam-
SILLY is loveable -friendly and smart-
SILLY can capture anyones' heart-
SILLY  loves his new home-
Silly will no longer have to roam-
Our other cats like SILLY a lot
Love for each other is what they got-
I'M  surprised that I survived-
When I was young they seemed so far away-
Now here they are what can I say-
All my younger days seem so far behind-
TO me MY DEAR LORD was so kind-
AT seventy two still going strong-
Living the good life right or wrong-
Living everyday the best I can-
Guess the GOOD LORD  has a plan-
I will run until the end-
For then I will have GOD  for my friend-
The holiday season is here-
Close to closing out the year-
CHRISTMAS trees decorated so bright-
Carolers singing throughout the night-
Kids waiting for SANTA  and his deer-
Mistletoes hanging just right there-
Presents under the tree just right-
Waiting to be opened this special night-
CHRISTMAS EVE  indeed has come-
Celebrated by everyone-
Outside the snowflakes fall-
Mistletoe hanging in the hall-
A wintry mix to make things bright-
ALL for this special night-
From my family with lots of cheer-
The holiday season is here-
Close to closing out the year-
Christmas trees decorated so bright-
Carolers singing throughout the night-
Kids waiting for SANTA  and his deer-
Mistletoe hanging just right there-
Presents under the tree just right-
Waiting to be opened this special night-
Christmas EVE  indeed has come-
Celebrated by everyone-
Outside the snowflakes fall-
Mistletoes hanging in the hall-
A wintry mix to make things bright-
All for this special night-
From my family with lots of cheer-
There are many holiday sounds-
AS SANTA  makes his rounds-
The sounds of chestnuts on an open fire-
The wrapping of gifts with such desire-
Two people kissing under a mistletoe-
A car outside ready to tow-
Snow plows making lots of noise-
Snowballs being thrown by boys-
Cars stalling in the street-
Neighbors acting kind and sweet-
Everyone enjoying the day-
AS more snow is on the way-
MERRY CHRISTMAS  from me to you-
There are many holiday sounds-
AS SANTA  makes his rounds-
The sounds of chestnuts on an open fire-
The wrapping of gifts with such desire-
Two people kissing under the mistletoe-
A car outside ready to tow-
Snow plows making lots of noise-
Snowballs being thrown by boys-
Cars stalling in the street-
Neighbors acting kind of sweet-
Everyone enjoying the day-
AS more snow is on the way-
MERRY XMAS  from me to you-
Everyday I face stress-
IT'S part of life I guess-
Some car problems first-
Medical problems make it worse-
The wife is moody boy she's mad-
Having arguments makes me sad-
NO talking on the telephone-
I need some quiet time alone-
MY blood pressure rises quick-
A glass of whisky does the trick-
Now it's late I have time to write-
Working on a novel throughout the night-
Story writing reduces my stress-
I found peace at last I guess-
Hope tomorrow is a better day-
Hope happy times are on the way-
I hope the stress will go away-
I hope I have a better day-
Too much violence on tv-
AT least it seems that way to me-
Shoot outs between the good and the bad-
IN  real life shoot outs are sad-
ON tv commercials interrupt-
BUT in real life people are corrupt-
SO many people die by using a gun-
Guns affect just about everyone-
Gun laws need to get tougher yet-
Guns will remain a problem I'LL  bet-
Guns **** someone in our world every day-
Guns serve no purpose except to **** per say-
WE need to destroy all guns to survive-
IT'S our only chance to stay alive-
Tomorrows another day-
Hope all the guns go away-
AS I gaze from my window at the outside world
I wonder why it's so captivating/so mysterious/so
challenging in our struggle of survival-SO weird
as if we are trespassing on this earth or perhaps only
passing by or-through this thing we called life
Perhaps life is just a perception an imaginative product
and perhaps death is indeed our door to reality-
I awoke this morning to a blanket of white-
I guess it arrived sometime during the night-
Everything outside covered by snow-
Bad weather with no place to go-
Welcome to NEW ENGLAND  as we say-
Weatherman states more snow on the way-
So stay inside safe and sound-
While the plows outside move the snow around-
Hope SPRING  is on its' way-
I hate WINTER what else can I  say-
Shovel -shovel until your sore-
While old man winter brings us more-
IN the house hot chocolate tonight-
Makes things seem a little more bright-
Enjoy your day-
Enjoy the snow-
Take care-got to go
Everyday I face stress-
IT'S part of life I guess-
Some car problems first-
Medical problems make it worst-
The wife is moody-boy she's mad-
Having arguments makes me sad-
I need some quiet time alone-
NO talking on the telephone-
MY blood pressure rises quick-
A glass of whiskey does the trick-
Now it's late I have time to write-
Working on a novel throughout the night-
Story writing reduces my stress-
I found peace at last I guess-
Hope tomorrow is a better day-
Hope happy times are on the way-
I hope the stress will go away-
I hope I have a better day-
Everyday the squirrels gather round-
AS I place peanuts upon the ground-
Sometimes theres'four-sometimes three-
They never lose sight of me-
They spot the bags of treats galore-
Eat the nuts and look for more-
Their little eyes look so sad-
Giving them nuts makes them glad-
They are not afraid as they look around-
Scouting for nuts upon the ground-
IT'S fun to see them eat and play-
AS I go about my day-
Their little faces light up my heart-
AS I feed them from the start-
I am indeed their friend-
Tossing peanuts is the trend-
They look for me everyday-
AS I go on my way-
Having fun all the way-
I love squirrels what can I say?
Why me LORD I ask him everyday-
While with others things go their way-
I never have an exceptional day-
AND GOD I'M seventy two years old today-
Still waiting for my luck to change-
SO my forsaken life I can rearrange-

Winter weather causes madness-
Dreary days causes sadness-
Snow falling all day long-
Missing the birds delightful song-
Outside the plows do their thing-
Indoors I dream of SPRING-
Shovels busy making noise-
Snowball fighting from some boys-
Snowman making makes it fun-
Share our winter everyone-
Hoping Spring arrives real quick-
A quick goodbye to old SAINT NICK-
Snow will melt and go away-
For our Spring to come I pray-


— The End —