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Dec 2014 · 782
merry christmas
Ria Nagpal Dec 2014
a tiny fire engulfs my brain
my innate superpowers
lost across the synapses
away from the lethal electricity

"embrace me, embrace my beat"
my heart dawdles forth to my rescue
not my physical self
but my tiny wishes
it can't see my veins sob
bright red blood
bright red cheeks
                                                          Is that what it wants
its esoteric enigma is a heartfelt fantasy
"be practical, are you in your right mind?"
what's right, what's wrong
I'm aloof

brain is my roof
and my heart is my window
through which i will escape
stealing my mind and soul

mock me lampoon me
my footsteps will answer you
santa awaits my wishlist
                                              merry christmas.
Dec 2013 · 546
I can't
Ria Nagpal Dec 2013
Why did the world have to evolve...
So much that I fail to hear the echoes of the past.
It feels as if someone has pulled me through a time vortex
And that those blissful days are not very far

Why did the world have to be so curious
About gravity and magnetism
That now success is lost
As the population increases
It's harder for my dreams to come true
For anyone's dreams to come true.

Why did I have to grow up
Why did I have to be born in this era
Why not in those times...
When the morning began with family and ended with family
And not with work and with work

Why has everyone lost their innocence
As popular culture takes a terrifying turn
Do I have to change?
Do you really think a "Be Yourself" exists anymore?
How long have you been in this illusion?
How long have I been in this illusion?

I can't say "It's never too late"
Because it already is.
Do you think we have to trap ourselves in this false realm
And believe that everything would be alright?

We cannot turn back...
Oct 2013 · 947
How Untitled became Titled
Ria Nagpal Oct 2013
As stunning as the star-studded skies,
Her smile beaming across the velvety nights........
powerful sixth sense
allures me
and warns me
my protector.

her forte
her art
as sly as a detective
walks the grid to success

a companion, a comrade
hears me out
very unlike
those                                                     ­                                                                 ­                      whom have me last on their priority list.

enrapturing me since the day she entitled my friendship
I was an untitled document, an unknown result in an ultramodern institution
a two-way street
now a one-way road.
for making this untitled document titled
and typing some happy into her first page of a new edition.
Jul 2013 · 855
To My Dad on His Birthday
Ria Nagpal Jul 2013
All through happy moments and affection,
You brought this little girl up,
Capturing video clips of me using that video camera,
Crawling around the room,
Messing just about dozens of tissues,
As well as laughing at me every time I cried.
Whenever you lead me to the playground,
Mama suggested that you show me how one can ascend those nets,
But yet I fumbled and ignored,
And you helped bring me down,
Exactly where I was at ease.
Simply because you believed I would certainly learn sooner or later.
Once I were on the verge of spoiling the home phone,
By tossing and smashing it on the flooring,
You merely stared and bore the nuisance,
And didn't hinder me,
Simply because you believed I would certainly learn from the repercussions.
You showed me to embrace my faults as well as my strengths.
You drilled in me me how to be a strong girl,
To not moan when in pain,
Although you do so too...
But heal every wound and proceed to the next round of life,
You will always stand by my side,
Dream what I dream,
Watch what I watch,
Listen to what I listen,
You were, and still are, the best father any little girl could ever wish for.
Thank you for all the gifts you've given me, the best of which is you.
Happy Birthday to the perfect Papa I know!
Jul 2013 · 887
All Day Long...
Ria Nagpal Jul 2013
All day long...*
We await the trickles of drizzle to chuck out the sizzle
So we can relax to the max!
With chips we sip
Hot coffee and save a toffee
For Daddy and Teddy
Drip! Drip! Drip!
Be careful not to trip!
It's all slippery and trickery!
O! Rain! Rain! Rain!
Wash away all our pain!
Jun 2013 · 2.3k
The Lightning Bolt
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
Zeus was the king of gods,
The god of sky and weather,
Law, order and fate.
A regal man,
Sturdy figure,
                      Dark beard..
Royal sceptre,
O, how can I ever forget his passion for his Lightning Bolt,
No one dare touch?
Then again,
                                                                ­                                              I seek..
the power of lightning.
the cackle of thunder.
the massive electrostatic discharge.
                                                      ­    AWAKENS MY SENSES
For years I have longed..
For your beloved bolt
But when I accepted that it could not be mine
And shall stand faithfully by your side..
M Y W A N D E R I N G S ended..fullstop
Another bolt greeted me...
No intention had I of embracing a new love...
For your bolt has been sown to my heart..
Sealed forever..
The keys are lost in my crimson pool of despair..
No one shall ever find it.
You have ruined the recesses of my heart.
                                                          ­                                                       But, let me tell you something.
the key was unearthed.
found by true love.
brought a sparkle in my eyes
a glimmer in my sunshine
a power arose that beat                                                   *the daylight out of..

dark and daunting thoughts.
I beamed that 1000-watt smile once again.
Thank you Mr. Lighting Bolt of Hello Poetry
For when you turn yellow, the electrons in me sizzle..Feel the spark, Zeus?
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
"Attention! Attention!"
"This is the final call for Space World Airlines flight SW406 direct to Earth. Could all passengers for this flight proceed immediately to Martian Lounge 3. Thank you for your kind attention and we hope you have a safe flight. You will be missed!"

Seven months later...

So I inhabit the quaint hamlet of Earth,
Whose streets I have wandered,
Breathed their oxygen,
Felt their dirt and grime in my skin.

**** sapiens are pitiful organisms
Which are plagued by deficiencies in bottle green pigment.
They are just plain nonsensical and silly
With a passion for rather outlandish hairstyles.
All of us have zero wild hair from where I originate from..
Possessing formidable odours,
Mysterious in their temperaments,
Endless bickering and ticked-off outbursts,
Endeavours to implement their godly theories,
404 Not Found Error.

The females bear a gadget
Identified as a handbag
It ought to be alive
Since it is secured around their necks
And is clutched solidly.
In the event that others investigate
I presume these others desire to set it free.

They must absolutely have deplorable eyesight
As when a number of them are
Stepping down and up a street,
They have a tendency to head straight for each other.
Some of these humans occasionally bump
Into one another and they surprisingly
Accuse themselves and each of them apologises.
Mind-boggling, isn't it?

The majority of them seem to have one hand
Attached to the right or left side of their skull
And chatter to it..
How bizarrely ridiculous!

It really is crazy just how this planet is indeed so gigantic,
And features such an abundance of land,
But yet most of these pathetic creatures,
Will never grant you any without money.
Of course, this is obviously a bit of paper!
You will discover an awful lot food everywhere,
But nevertheless countless **** sapiens go hungry;
Thanks to the worship of this outrageous paper..
They don't permit these flying feathered beings
To ascend the heavens,
Shooting them down nutty humans,
To make shoes and boots and mittens!
They cut down all the big trees,
To construct infinitely more dwellings.

Tick tock, Tick tock..
Where is that mystical melody emanating from?
I felt so faint and dizzy..
That sound..
Then, I spotted a crystal face
With a pair of hands and eye ***** moving right and left
It seemed similar to a bomb and gazed ominously at me,
Did the inexplicable humans plan to eradicate the entire alien population?
Have you no mercy?
O, when shall my spaceship arrive,
And take me away from this perilous planet?

I'm merely a martian exploring this space,
So absurd, so preposterous
Do visit us one day, we will greet you hopeless humans,
And reveal to you the splendid planet we reside in.
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
The Black Bridge
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
The heavens were an infinite expanse of mourning veils,
Untainted by a moon;
Or possibly even by the stars.
The air was frosty,
And hard-hearted,
Gnawing at my flesh.
But yet I simply had to proceed.
I was feeling trapped and helpless,
But yet I saw certainly no other possibility.
I realized I had to pass The Black Bridge,
To seek the blessed springs,
That possess miraculous powers to alleviate
Just about all afflictions, torments and woes -
Which drown human conscience and faith,
Further and further,
Into an abyss,
Deeper and deeper,
Where they are seized by devils.
I had to pass through hell,
To get to heaven.

The Black Bridge was somewhere no soul ever wanders,
Somewhere that has been lost,
Somewhere that has been silenced and suppressed,
Victimised by the murderous evil.
Will the path I have chosen,
Devour me completely and make me lifeless once again?
**** my grandmother,
My only hope in this chaotic world?
Why should I have faith in the cursed tongue,
Of those who have never crossed,
This saintly white yet black bridge?
Maybe, just maybe..
The Black Bridge could possibly lend a hand in my quest,
By keeping me safe and out of harm's way,
Banishing all who embraced sin and depravity.

The wind howled in despair,
And the oceans crashed violently upon the shore,
As a storm began to brew.
I could hear every footstep of mine,
Every anxious beat of my heart,
Every breath I took.
No demons had crossed my path.
A ray of hope flickers in the sky.
I am not the Shade.
I walk on the path of enlightenment.
The tale of The Black Bridge was a lie.
Never have I seen such ignorance or contempt
For somewhere so innocent and kind.
Never shall I make this mistake again.

The Black Bridge was heaven in disguise of hell -
A disguise blackened by the sin of lies,
And unveiled by the illumination of goodwill.
All that seems dark, dire and deathly,
May not be so bitter after all.
I had to pass through heaven,
To get to heaven.
Jun 2013 · 1.0k
Mr Icy
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
Frolicsome, merry, and shy, very shy was Mr Icy,
Wandering aloof from my fingertips.
Just as though associated with a wicked conspiracy,
Chilling down summer sips!

Engaged in icy combat against my nasty bruises,
He bestows upon me the promise of protection.
A marvel on sizzling cruises,
But a traitor on wintry inception.

Sadly, Mr Icy was ever so fragile and fleeting..
Frenzied near a burning stove,
Vulnerable to cracking and splitting,
Yet somehow exquisite in our treasure trove.

O, Mr Icy!
You now have shown me that not a soul is perfect,
That downs might be pricey,
And then ups shall reflect.
Jun 2013 · 712
Heaven on Earth
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
That you who seeks Heaven on Earth
Is living in passion and heart's desire
Echoes with festal song and mirth
Only true bliss and love is worth
The escape from hellfire

That you who seeks Heaven on Earth
Spins the tale of fantasy and so forth
Demon blood seems to be somewhat minor

Echoes with festal song and mirth
Free the denizens of Hell's hearth
The wicked shall retire

That you who seeks heaven on Earth
Will travel to witness the lights of the north
With the ones you hold near and dear

Echoes with festal song and mirth
And cry of a newborn at birth
Where there is no place for fear

That you who seeks Heaven on Earth
*Echoes with festal song and mirth
Jun 2013 · 870
You, Dark Stranger
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
Little did I know, that one day,
Oh you, dark stranger would whisk me away,
Away from a world, I once took for granted.
Depriving me of the things that I valued,
Most dearly..Most devoutly...

O, dark stranger!
Why, O why...
Did you inevitably have to make me appreciate,
The fact that life is precious and far too short,
And that I could die tomorrow..?

Just what satisfaction do you get,
In making me cherish,
Every minute that He gives us?
In bereaving me of,
The gift of laughter..that is priceless?

Before you attacked me in the shadows,
I had not a clue that
This life was a treasure chest,
Rich in diamonds and gemstones of all sorts,
Or perhaps that it will be snuffed out and finished.

Unbeknownst to me,
Precisely how vulnerable and elusive,
For the misconduct of a handful of cells,
Could change my life so profoundly,
That happiness plays like a sad note.

Bounded to my bed,
Never shall I forget how you pinned me down.
Shut off in the small world of my own,
Unable to help, to meet or to work with
Break out, be of importance, perform marvels for God almighty.

You ponder how people can rejuvenate,
Or gather close to you.
Sympathy, inspiration, foodstuffs together with prayer,
Refreshing menu from the small yard,
Encompassed by care and attention.

What potency lay within me,
Reserve of power
Just been released just as much as I require,
To acquire in the battle,
Against you, dark stranger.
Jun 2013 · 517
Sandy Hell
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
In the fiendish day

Be on the brink of despair

The weeping angels

his masterpiece

Don't fall into bizarre quicksand
Jun 2013 · 1.0k
Lady Bugs Picture
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
crawl and I creep and I crawl In open vicinity
love Venice to grab Rainy Winter
The sky is sipping hot chocolate
an alien is Po and the Piave Rivers

****** if you can, I'm feeling down

somebody Happy-go-lucky
taller than you.
Jun 2013 · 1.6k
Daddy's Little Girl
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
An angel flew down to Earth one night,
Falling into the affectionate embrace,
Of someone who she could call her own,
And became Daddy's little girl.

She and her Daddy,
Played on the seesaw, the slide and the swings.
Listened to every single song,
And savoured each and every movie.

She and her Daddy,
Laugh and sneeze together,
Snooze in an identical posture,
For all to acknowledge she is the chip of his block.

She and her Daddy,
Are partners in crime.
When Daddy creeps up to the fridge to have a snack or two,
She promises to keep it secret.

She and her Daddy,
Played Badminton for hours,
But he never let her win like other Daddys'
Because he knew it will it only make her better.


Her Daddy is so busy every day,
In the grueling race of life,
But never forgets to buy,
Her more gifts than he ever bought Mommy.

Her Daddy is her best friend and her guide,
Someone that she can count on,
To always,
Be on her side!
Happy Father's Day!
Jun 2013 · 787
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
It means loving, caring, friendly,
It is the number 17,
It is like the passion of fire,
It is hiking and scaling mountains for the first time,
It is the memory of Dad,
Who taught me happiness and compassion,
When he showed me a dream,
My name is Ria,
It means living your life to the fullest!
Jun 2013 · 1.9k
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
I craved to fly away,
Like a bluebird confined in its cage.
Away from the oppression,
That I was living under.

My wings longed to stretch, to take flight!
I too wanted to soar the skies.
I too wanted to smile at the sun,
Illuminating the sky and the forest.

Demons unleashed, demons suppressed.
The battle will be ongoing,
But never fully conquered.
I wanted to fly like a butterfly,

And flutter out of my prison.

And so I finally did.
It was my time.
And the bluebird lived happily ever after.
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013






Horseshoe, chips
Lift, miner
Mustard, bellows
Jun 2013 · 6.3k
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
The tree of heaven
In the light
Of a song
About fruits of paradise
Piña colada
Jun 2013 · 919
Stop The Clock
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
Stop the clock.
I am frozen in time.
No sweet talk.
Stop the clock.
Fresh sugar cane juice with lime?
Stop the clock.
I am frozen in time.
Jun 2013 · 774
Mirth Not Misery
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
Absence of malice,
Blissful is life,
Mirth not misery,
Malice in absence,
Life is blissful,
Misery not mirth.
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
Succeed to You
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
Get well soon
Get well wishes
Wishes to eternity
Wishes to succeed
Succeed and grow
Succeed to lead
Lead and learn
Lead of love
Love to hate
Love and friendship
Friendship is fruitful
Friendship and flowers
Flowers in bloom
Flowers in doom
Doom is everywhere
Doom and gloom
Gloom to glory
Gloom of night
Night in paradise
Night and day
Day is done
Day of the dead
Dead is the new alive
Dead and gone
Gone with the wind
Gone and never coming back
Back to life
Back and forth
Forth or fourth
Forth of fire
Fire to the rain
Fire and power
Power to conquer
Power to live
Live life to the fullest
Live each day like it's your last
Last breath
Last but not least
Least and greatest
Least as possible
Possible and plausible
Possible to do the impossible
Impossible to tell
Impossible to find
Find me
Find you
You are my sunshine
You are my last
Jun 2013 · 991
Trick or Treat!
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
The mayhem and merriment,
Of Halloween’s magic glamorizes the excitement,
As the littl’uns skitter with their bags of candy,
Whilst the old’uns sip their brandy,
Trick-or-treat bags fill with assortment.

I love the orange glow of the pumpkins on the steps,
Fanatical dreams of Schweppes,
Florals and vines exuding a mystic glimmer in any light,
Illuminating the dead night.
Frightening one another with the threat of a terrible hex!

All the ladies wear the skimpy clothes
While the dudes eat cereal oats
They party wildly, that halloween night
Watching horror movies for a good fright
As the children run away from home.

Halloween is a time of ghosts and goblins and all things scary.
Fangs and vampires that go haunting amongst trees of wild cherry,
For new flesh, raw bones, they sink their teeth
And eat you alive in your dreams.
So be careful to shut the closet door tightly!
MANY MANY THANKS TO HSET HSET, who contributed A GREAT LOT to the writing of this poem. This poem consists of 4 limericks combined together, hope you enjoy our upcoming poems.
Jun 2013 · 7.7k
One Friendship
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
One friendship for the times we love,
One friendship gotta stay alive...I will survive
One friendship for the city streets,
One friendship for the hip hop beats,
One friendship...O, I do believe!
One friendship is all I need..
Just felt like writing this, nothing great, I know :P
Jun 2013 · 804
What Makes Your Soul Shine?
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
What makes your soul shine?
The moon's sparkle on a cold winter's night,
Or the sun's rays beaming through majestic clouds?
Maybe it's just the summer breeze that has caught me off guard!

Or maybe the laughter of childhood,
The gleeful game of hide-and-seek,
The warmth of your own blood and flesh,
The contemplation of future and science.

What strongly delights my soul is
The clash of armour in battle,
The valiant smiles which seem to illuminate the hearts,
The courage and bravery of the human spirit.

Not as much contentment do these little delights bring,
As when a noble deed is done.
True happiness is achieved when you love others,
And value their life more than your own.
Jun 2013 · 757
What Every Human Deserves
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
Born are we in a world brimming with chaos and unrest,
Where slave trade is no surprise,
The cries of our fellow comrades go unheard,
This cannot go on any longer,
Destruction overrules our constitution.

Every human deserves a chance,
To live a life that is filled with joy and gaiety,
Those are the rights that the Lord gifted them,
And no other human has any right to revoke them.

Are humans so hostile,
That they don't care about others' suffering and pain,
Has the thorn in your flesh stabbed your heart for too long?
That the emotion is leaving you, that you no longer care?

If you believe in the Lord,
You have to believe in others,
And if you destroy others,
You are destroying yourself,
You are killing your own rights.
Jun 2013 · 741
The City Limits
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
They told me to write a poem,
Themed “The City Limits”,
I didn’t know what to write,
We didn’t know what to write!
My mind went blank,blank,blank.
With my favourite reddish-brown pencil trapped in my fingers
I slowly, steadily
Using a long ruler,
Drew a rectangle
I drew squares in that rectangle
It looked like a building
I drew more of them, even taller; yes taller ones that towered above the others completely
They peaked at the sky, bathed in an orange hue,
My mind was filled with an image,
Where trees swayed to the breeze
Swoosh! Woosh!
And cars moved bumper to bumper, caught up in the expressway.
Peep! Peep!
Bonk! Bonk!
A lively city, this little red dot is, But the construction works; Enough! O what a pain!
But, there was one thing,
Something was wrong with my city
The people had buttons for eyes!
Their friendly smiles turned into evil glares
The orange sky turned into silvery-grey buttons
Someone was singing, O, yes to me
Orange, red or blue
Whatever you choose
The buttons are such a beauty!
They threatened me
Oh, yes we didEvil Laugh
To sow buttons into my eyes!
I had to escape
From this dreadful nightmare
But you just couldn't wake up
Running away was forbidden!
Ring, Ring, Ring!
Holy Cheese!
Mum was shaking me awake
Finally it's over.
Poetry competition in Sec 1!!! We came second!!!
Thanks to Hset Hset, Asina, Shayna, Sarah is helping to write this poem.
Jun 2013 · 1.0k
Where I Come From
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
Where I come from,
There is celestial music to bring a smile to your ears;
Melodies that have been passed down through generations and often worshipped;
When I see the cows trotting down the streets;
Amongst the towering skyscrapers and ultimate urbanisation,
I see flashes of my homeland's culture and tradition circling around me!
Its unique beauty enchants me,
I twirl my hair and I ponder, “I love India!”

A door in the mind blows open, and there I envisage a fusion of nature and science; interwoven with emotion and love, and little shimmers of perfection!
Jun 2013 · 631
A Conversation That Matters
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
Beauty, beauty, beauty!
That's all you care about, don't you?
Look at the world around you.
Open your eyes.
That isn't what matters.
It's who you are from the inside.
Not from the outside.
I don't care if you're the fairest of all,
Neither will I if you are the ugliest.
All that matters is how you are as an individual.
Witty, intelligent and diligent?
Or humorous, delightful and gleeful?
Or sad, sorrowful and pessimistic?
I want to be your friend, not turn into your enemy.
I want to change you for the better, for the greater good.
If you hurt yourself like this, life will take you nowhere.
Do you understand?
I hope you do.
Jun 2013 · 583
The Roller Coaster of Life
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
The people of my generation prefer the wilder side of fun,
With crashing turns and the promise of a turbulent ride of any kind.
I think to myself with the dizziness sinking in as the world spun,
How delightful it was to travel against the wind!

The outburst of mirth was unquenchable,
O, it felt as if we were racing through heaven!
Small, boring rides were no longer acceptable.
One, two, three, four, five, six, SEVEN!

And here we go, off into the azure skies,
Reckless emotion and happiness overwhelming all at once,
With Earth, for some split-seconds, we severed all ties.
What troubled me was gravity's absence.

The screams of delight ringed in our ears,
All through the memories in years!
Jun 2013 · 458
Paper Hearts
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
Torn by hatred,
And patched by love.
This is my paper heart.

Our heart is so fragile, yet so tough.
This is the power which love brings,
Transforming a world poisoned by hatred into something beautiful.
This is our paper heart.
Jun 2013 · 1.0k
Igniting Lilacs
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
The smell of lilacs,
Ignites a dancing spirit;
Trapped in a dark room.
Jun 2013 · 513
Jungle Fever
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
I was freezing cold as my eyes fluttered open,
To reveal a grassy jungle matted with flower gardens.
I stood up and brushed off my cloak and dress,
Smiling into the night.

Then I remembered, I remembered how I got here.
For the longest time, I had run away from everything.
All a blur...the torture, the pain, the tears, the fear.
I felt it resurfacing, tearing through me like shredding paper.

I began to run,
And I wanted to run as far away from my past,
That haunted me throughout.
Everything was a blur, I was finally freed.

I wanted to go on,
To keep on running,
I wanted to fly, I wanted to fall,
But I never wanted to stop.
Jun 2013 · 323
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
In fire, I drown.
In water, I burn.
In air, I walk.
On earth, I fly.
Jun 2013 · 572
A Black Rainbow
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
Amongst the laughter and celebration,
A black rainbow lurks.
Colour is her aspiration,
But in smiles, she sees smirks.

One fine day,
Someone knocks on her door.
Someone special, someone who has lots to say!
And caused an uproar.

The black rainbow is now glad,
That she has a special someone,
No longer is she sad,
Her fears have been undone.

A spring in her step, a sun in her smile;
The frosty winters to whom she said good-bye,
Erased is the phase that was hostile,
And so whitens her black eye.
Jun 2013 · 581
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
Not visible
Withdrawn from sight
Hidden, secret, and clandestine
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
Angels in Despair
Ria Nagpal Jun 2013
The angels of God struggle ceaselessly;
Painting holy heavens a villainous
Hue of foul Satan, goodwill gone awry.
Please pity the labour of innocence.

Denied of the good fortune of childhood,
Only the despair of toil they possess.
Alas! Among merry hearts they withstood,
Alone in an abyss without caress.

Devoid of an education at the
Age of enlightenment, of frolic and
Play. Trapped in a vicious circle; sea
Of monsters drain all vigour in command.

Hear, O demons! The cries you claim as noise,
Echoing through darkest depths, a meek voice.

— The End —