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341 · Jun 2015
Brown Eyes
Haleigh perty Jun 2015
Every time we went up into the staircase and I watched your shaky nervous legs go down the hallway I felt  surprised and happy. I remember the first time you took me up there just so we could be alone for a while. We sat in silence and you just looked at me with those big brown eyes of yours and all of the sudden I felt your lips on mine. It was almost like something took you over and you started touching my body, but for some reason the thing that was running through my mind wasn't "What if we get caught?" Nothing was in my mind really. My main focus was you. When I felt your breath against my neck it was like nothing else mattered. That you were all I needed in that moment. Us just having our bodies against each other was so calming to me. We just sat in that stairwell and I looked at your unfocused brown eyes. I guess it was just the way that the  light hit them that drove me insane and made me feel like all of my nervousness just left.  And then it happened. The words "We should stop." Came out of your mouth.

Of course my first thought was that I had done something wrong. Until you sat in the floor and patted the spot next to you for me to set. It was silent for a solid three minutes.  Those three minutes were probably the longest minutes of my life. All of these things were going through my head and then the thing that got me away from all the chaos was when I heard you sputter out the words "Have you ever thought about suicide?" I quickly turned my head at you to see your hands over those soft brown eyes trying to cover that you were tearing up. Before I could respond you told me "Being addicted to **** *****." You went on to tell me that you are smoking two packs of cigarettes a day and that she is using you and you just can't stay away. That she only wants you for money, and that you don't want t worry about the future.

I try to tell you that If you cut off the things holding you back you will feel a lot better, and then you start going on about happiness. "Happiness is all *******." you say "Every time I get happy whatever it was leaves." I nod my head in agreement and that's when your brown eyes got teary. That's when I knew that things were getting hard for you. You had never opened up to me before, but  I guess now I'm your only friend. I'm the only one that has stuck around. Only because I am so helplessly in love with you and your brown eyes. No matter what is going on in your life or whatever you do to me I will never be able to stay away. Those brown eyes of yours have me hooked on you and I promise I'll never leave.
327 · Feb 2015
Haleigh perty Feb 2015
There is something about this sadness. Something comforting. It is honestly I will never come to understand. I remember this time last year was when it all started. When I realized I wasn't just sad. I remember thinking "I'm sure I will be back to normal sometime soon." And yet I still stand here a year later. I felt this way for 5 months. In March the sadness had finally calmed down. Let me be alone for a while. But it didn't stay that way for long. 3 months past and I loose my first and real best friend. Not in a death way. In more of a "they found better people" way. I remember trying to hold my tears back while I saw him out in public. I got stood up by the one person I thought would never leave me. In the blink of an eye I was alone again. I remember coming home and my family reviving a door slamming rather then a "I'm back." I locked my door and cried for hours on end. I remember the feel of the cold metal to my skin. This feel of relief that I had completely forgotten. It was amazing but terrible at the same time. I felt okay I found comfort from harming my own body. But I also felt bad because I shouldn't need a blade for comfort. I should not need to feel pain to feel loved. July I hadn't been a day clean sense the loss of my best friend. I remember all that was in my mind. I would think myself into these terrible situations. I would set outside on a blanket alone and listen to sad songs and hope it could some how feel this void. This empty feel I had. August School is almost here. Which means being around my former best friend. Just the thought of having to act like I was never forget sent a shiver down my spine. It also meant shopping for clothes. This is also the time I realized I was not okay with my weight. When I tried on that first pair of size 15 pants I could have chocked when they fit almost perfect. I went to school only to have him ignore me even more. I thought he was mad at me for whatever reason I will never know. September I make a new friend. Her name is Lindsay and she is amazing. We get close over the course of a week. She makes me feel alright with myself. She makes me feel not alone. October. I get message at 2:36 A.M. from my former friend. "Wake up, it's question time." He asks why I push him away. I respond with an "I'm sorry I thought that's what you wanted." We talk for hours as if nothing ever happened. October 11th I get a boyfriend. He is the sweetest person I have ever talked to. I have just never met him. He makes me feel like I am perfect. October 31st. I am 2 months clean and proud. November. Family gets loud and the voices in my head get even louder so loud to the point of wear I can't even think straight. November 10th 60 pills down the throat I set and wait for it to all end. I get a kik notification from my old friend. "Are you alright, something was telling me to check on you." I reply with a "yes just know I love you." I start to get drowsy and all I can remember from there is they somehow talked me out of it. I gagged myself to try and stop the pills before they can do anymore damage. My friend was sure to let Lindsay know and she told my boyfriend. She made sure I knew that what I did was not the Anwser. I went  school the next day and got a huge hug that felt like a breath of sweet relief to me. November 23rd I meet my boyfriend. I have an amazing day with him. He makes me feel loved and cherished. December. My birthday is soon And I am determined to stay here long enough for it. I feel okay. December 7th my boyfriend blocks me on every social media. Our only way of communicating is just gone. Without a trace we never fought or anything he just left. I fall back into this feeling of nothing and yet again turn to my blade. December 20th I made it, it is finally my birthday. I go out with the old friend that is the reason I am here today. We have an amazing time, I start my journey to feeling alright. Again. December 31st I go to one best friends house and we make our 12 New Years wishes when the ball drops. January I get the feeling of sadness again.I struggle my way through school and my family life. The voices get louder. I am feeling the same as I did a year ago. February 1st I write a long dumb poem that no one wants to read. And suddenly realize I never changed a bit from this time last year.
This is long and you probably don't care. Sorry.

— The End —