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Aug 2013 · 329
You fed me this dream
I swallowed it down
Seeing it grow
Observing the bloom
In a shape of its own
Under great care
Held in my heart
It was beautiful
Aug 2013 · 506
Eroded Soul
Too much to risk
So much put on the line
I wont be putting my time to waste
I can feel you
You're so far away
The roots on my legs remain
I'm stuck in one place
Yet you want me to show my face
I struggle to move
Only dreams help me get closer to you
Grime covers my eyes
Heavy storms pass me by
I can finally see
The truth is so blindingly bright
No more games
Done with the pain
I was never playing
Take my heart and keep it
Anything that tries to hurt me
I wont be able to feel it
It wasn't too late
Before sacrifices were made
Misery turned to motivation
Watching it all become a waste
So don't waste my time
I'm here for one thing
So blow my mind
Since you're not mine
Its not the same
I know I don't belong
Just let me in tonight
&tomorrow; i'm gone
Jul 2013 · 404
Nothing but The Future
I can't gather my thoughts
Thought this through
I can't sustain the damage
I still see the worth
In those damaged goods
You never lost your value
Nothing can break through your gilded barrier
I treasure your very existence
Every breath of yours should be savored
A life like yours can't go to waste
As tall as you as strong as you
Those walls will remain standing forever
Above the clouds slumbering peacefully
Nothing can touch you
Don't let nobody wake you
Theres a dream that keeps you trapped in deep sleep
But who is he? Who is he? Why does he keep you asleep?
Its the past that keeps bugging you
Its no wonder you've sleepwalked through it all
Nothing is there to help you
This dream you call a nightmare
Is nothing that could compare
With the horrors of the unknown
Tell me what you know about the future
Jul 2013 · 540
No Shame
Given nothing to produce everything
These thoughts conjured in my mind
Give me time to release these dragons
Watch them blow fire over my conflicts
I was given nothing so I could give you everything
The only thing I got is heart  
This determination can be seen in my eyes
Its a fire blowing steady never to go out
Its the suffering before the glory
Don't hold onto these words
They hold no promises
Look in my soul and search for the fire
Thats where the real promise lies
I hope that you're the one
To be able to perceive it
A passion burning stronger than the sun
If you feel this then you're the one who is about to receive it
Jul 2013 · 465
New Strings
All feelings detached
I can't even sense you
You were always so out of reach
But something was always pulling us closer
Now that I've torn all bridges apart
I can no longer touch you
The touch only the soul can make
Now I sense an unbearable pain
I've been attached again
But this time its not with you
Chills cover all of my body
Tingling underneath my skin
Never thought it would end this way
A promise in the form of a ring
A commitment only a real man would make
From all my flawed memories
I can still see the sands of time trickle
Labeled hope because there is no time left for me
I know this wont be the end of me
Theres a gift only given to those worthy
Please give me a miracle
Jul 2013 · 429
Although I Left
A firm grip with hands fully extent
Pressures rise when I meet your eyes
Fists clenched, I know I'm not your type
Its not till now that I see, you meet all my tastes
I don't even know you
I let you stir trouble in my mind
Gave a stranger access to my emotions
Cause me to have misfires in my mood
I feel angst in my soul and see my hearts aura explode
No control, no taking hold of it, don't look back on me
This is a tragedy, its a force of mischief
Enlightened by my mysterious characteristics
You try to get closer but I am chained
You say you have the keys
You tell me not to be afraid
I sat there defenseless and opened up the doors
Because I knew I wouldn't have to worry about getting hurt again
Jul 2013 · 508
Take His Faith
Its those things we can't control
We're terrified so we respond naturally
In a day and age we can't
We must respond intelligently
To see past the haze
To walk through the fiery inferno
Theres a kingdom there but evil all around it
Its king, a man who can't reign
A man with no patience
Who lacks the use of proper terms to unite it
Though, a man of God lurks
He is never chosen to lead them
His life is blessed by God but never made it to the top
Where the dreams he had were only dreams
He opened his eyelids
A great vision he sees to defy the King and take its people
To a land filled of promise
Taking his time to ready the plan
To find men who will lend him a hand
My oh my did time pass by
Carefully devised a plot to rescue the faith of the people
The weight of the lives hold heavy in his hands
To do what ever it takes to save them
His unselfish attempt led him to a point he never imagined
Immortality among the Earth and the heavens
In a world where dreams never happen
The impossible happened
Jul 2013 · 603
In The Dark Age
Colors seem to fade
Vision is taken away
Same faces everyday
Worthy of recieving honor
My soul giving out
My heart pouring out
Small touch of your skin
Another touch it'd be sin
To be loved is pretty great
Lust must be displaced
Blackness turns to grey
Transformations night and day
We are all owls
Suddenly we behave
In a awkward kind of way
A behavior that no one can take away
Depressed by night
Moon hear our howls
Jun 2013 · 756
The Entrapment
Its the mirror which divides her from reality
This medium is where she questions her mentality
For how long will she keep her doors closed
Its so sad and she becomes something from a dream
Its these chains that hold her down  
Her social responsibility that makes her unstable
Her hunger for knowledge still lingers
Since her curiosity remains to grow
For answers that don't exist
Yet in her head she still believes
And through her shallow eyes
Peace is all she wishes to see
Jun 2013 · 484
loves appeal
I've never felt this urgency
To repeat every memory
Where we could love happily
Don't take it so rough now girl
I'll make this easy
And whistling all around us
Is the shear sparks of our passion
Hear them crack against our devolved skin
Our souls mix with each other
Theres no other with the capability of owning this type of compatibility  
And I pray
Could this no longer be a struggle
Just let us be
What we are:
Jun 2013 · 705
if Jesus told me to write
several notes here etched for you
read from tablets of stone
there she goes
far from the grasp of my reach
there she goes
I still stand before her
as she leaves through the gates
gilded with the purest mineral
I still stand before her
taking her shame along
this is a good bye, so long
*so long so long so long
Jun 2013 · 1.0k
Patient and waiting
Caring yet feelings hidden
Believe the lies and ditch out the truth
Evade me more and you will suffer longer
Those events that happened so quickly
At the same pace you will lose them
Try to stop the present
Lose sight of your future
Unknown and unclear
These paths unmarked
With a tilt of your head
You always look up
Answers aren't above you but within
You seek for something greater
Catch it now or you’ll be catching it later
You know there’s nothing out there
Nothing is of value
Nothing to wait for
Jun 2013 · 2.5k
You don't need me
I don't need you
Those are obvious facts
None that were ever true
Remain persistent
Thoughts consistent
Where ever that went
It was time well spent
Not a moment too soon
Should I release my consent
I found it dwelling beneath
All of my black crude arrogance
Lays in the smoldering cinders
Of what once was our hope
No future between us
Only decades apart
Do we truly start crumbling apart
Decayed and blown ashes
We cross paths as dust
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
Welfare Hero
Open your eyes and you will see
A new type of color
A different vision
You've ignored for so long
Slapped right in front of you
Whats going to happen when you believe
The leaps of faith that took you
Those that glance into the abyss
See horrors farther in the mist
Feel faith slipping through us
Self inflicted pain among our wrists
But what can stop us
What will sustain the bleeding
We no longer crave for better now
So we give you our worst because life
Life has given us dirt to our mouths
Every time we fall flat on our faces
Continue to live in such calamity
Nothings stopped
Nothing will change
To get so far is to die
As to chase dreams of peace
Dying in your sleep
Wake up in one piece
Power falls in the wrong hands
Those that never suffered
Deliver us sufferings to satisfy their greed
Slaves and working class heroes
Following a false leader
The one must rise because we need a hero
Jun 2013 · 832
A flower only blooms in sunlight
but you have managed to not lose sight
in this God-Awful darkness
in loves mercy is your only bliss
a silent but deadly kiss
your own love couldn't even diminish
just needs to be replenished
cough, crawl, cry coward cry
let your fever go sky high
and hide every struggle, every sigh
and let your smile go on for a while
just smile
because a flower only blooms in sunlight
after every storm comes a rainbow
after every tear comes your own show
where they come to entertain you
to please you
give everything that life's taken away from you
and love you
so grow my dark rose,
my dark heart
Jun 2013 · 2.7k
The Eye of The Jaguar
The expansions of space
the matrix we learn to re-create
lucid dreaming conquers the mind
lust drains the mind rendering it blind
past issues fade like clouds
pedestrians pass in the confusion of time
inner thoughts expressed aloud
surrounded atmosphere all around
limitations is what keeps humanity underground
infinity: a number of fantasy
kept up like gasses and when the bubble pops acid drops
slipping into the abyss till gravity stops
amid the ashes is where life crashes
so long as it stays concealed in darkness
everything comes out to light
in such sparkling moments
in energy in rebirth
the fallen jaguar rises taking the form of night
chosen by the stars
given divine right
Jun 2013 · 1.7k
Originality in Personality
You are a victim of your own appearance
Don't let yourself be judged, I know you don't
The way you see yourself means everything
Buts thats not right, don't go far enough to be someone your not
Don't turn sides, wether you're confused or not
If you do you'll be consumed by your own self admiration
That you will no longer be on the bright side
You want to be appreciated then stop hiding and come out of the dark side
May 2013 · 603
Put in all my effort
Sadly enough we lose battle such as these
I blew past traces of our love
I knew how risky my attempt was
I loved you more, I wanted more but what we had is no more
She knew I was not enough
Kindness in her heart wouldn't allow it
Her mentality was on something else
She was too distracted to see it
I had to bare and witness
The consequences of my actions
This pain, self inflicted
Never lost faith
For Gods sake, how could I ever forget what you really meant
A symbol of love in my life
Sad how I'll never find it again
Just to know that it exists in this world makes my teeth cringe
What we lacked was hope
I sense no sign of it
Is this suicide because everything is dead
I mourn for her love to be resurrected to take away this pain
I know nothing will be the same
Hope, faith, God, dreams, kept in mind
Then... all that could change
May 2013 · 431
Don't Cry Child
This life calls for uncertainty
With you my love I'll never be certain
This life leaves messages for us
Those messages all left unheard
We are those children left ignored
The children grow and explore
As we leave this phase we lose our worth
Till we find the face of innocence
Our youth will yet again be restored
May 2013 · 840
Retaliation of the Poet
Staking it all for once, this was all you ever cried for
The truth hidden behind the ocean of lies
You allowed time to pass you by so quick
You were never on your own
Tonight this becomes OUR crime
Youth inside the crevice of your mind rendered blind
Time passes, hour glasses, crazy how they fly
Reminded by the fine grains of gravel in your eyes
Watch the erosion from your tears wear away your foresight
The blood wiped clean, these toxins can't penetrate too soon
Slowly fade away, the drugs can't fight for you forever
Stop trying to terminate it, Stop where you are
The exit isn't far from here but there's no escaping destiny
Shred up the evidence of any severed wreckages
Stranded thoughts within the quicksand’s of a mind outside of prejudice
Erase the messages
Evacuate the residence
This competence won’t go ignored
I felt too many feelings and now I'm going to back you down to the ground with the affliction of my own pains that lingered and still dwell in these pits of agony I call my own
May 2013 · 885
The Wrongs of Undoing
Was it hard to stay true to your own beliefs
The strange taste collected upon your lips
Don't let it take you like everything else you own
Slowly spark the candle wax around your residue
Feel it in your bones, you would die for less than this
Just dont give in before its over, dont give up before you win
Now don't go stealing thoughts that aren't yours
I believed you to be someone but you're just another follower
A real life twitter *****, I never been blindfolded for this long before
It won't happen again because I don't see anything in you anymore
Peaceful wasn't my intention, an intervention won't prevent it, resented since the lessons stretched within your own resented presence
A matter of time before you snapped, the clocks run out and overlapped, it's said and done, Im sick of waiting, sick of cages and your traps
And I can't find the meaning to your persistence
Used to be drained of my life in order to satisfy yours
Take back whats rightfully mine, take back what I work for
After all that, you've gained nothing from stealing from the poor
May 2013 · 465
Still In Her Eyes
Stealthy vibes passing you by
Healthy lives they quickly die
Take small sips finish it to the last drip
Drinking from the chalice of youth
Its moments like these that kept you still
Losing you as I gave you up
Was it me?
To rid your bitterness out of my life
Perhaps, yes, if that is so then here
Good Bye
Wait, no, it's not so
You pressed me to act like I was given no choice
Happiness you wont find it
How mistaken were you
Leaving all your worries behind
Happiness is found somewhere far
Somewhere where you aren't looking
Yes I can see your depression
Still imprinted within your eyes
Your sadness has no place to hide
But if its an answer you seek
Just come back and look for me
May 2013 · 704
I feel your cold sighs over my shoulder
All the lies brought to light
The things you've done are magnified
Its not like I want you
Don't let it, get it, hit it
Broken into shards
Misunderstood the concept
Its time, to feel fine
Throw out, come on
We have much time
Its our turn, to go
We'll die, and you'll live your life
Filled with guilt, blackness filled void
Darkness is hard to avoid
I am the only light you can perceive
Get lost, its done, pointless
You freak, you don't realize it yet
You have been deceived
Wish once again
I can help you this time
"I wish I wasn't here"
Alive, fallen in despair
Deep breathing, gasping for some air
Its gone
Soul and mind
No longer coexist and let it be lost
4 life we will make this our backbone
To every great thought wasted
Is you in it
4 life, i've tasted the last of your affection
May 2013 · 4.1k
The Jaguar
The warmth of your lover holds
An infant given no choice
Behold, deliverance into a new world
Hard work, destined just for the ordinary
Raised in great love and care
Left fear in his eyes, to decide how he would live his life
Greatness sprouts in the deepest of dreams
Boundaries kept around, without a sign of being free
Swelling inside, was a concealed beast
The coal furred animal, he holds
Cold deep black eyes, with a mouth made to roar
Once free from entrapment
This Jaguar will pounce from the soul
Out into the real world and soar
May 2013 · 623
Take The Call
Don't think that these words were for someone else
I know how much it hurts you
Those doubts led you to believe your own lies
It is evident that the feelings that died will never resurrect back to life
And it only hurts so much because you're the only one close to it
Built up guilt; the structure of my mind
Indifferent to all the change, and it goes to waste
At such a rapid pace, I don't feel for you
Happiness, out of place, along with all other feelings
No need to hide that scrupulous face
Love and its intentions to do harm,
Oh the scrutiny that blows in oasis
Its broken, its lost, scattered across this Earth
The spirit in my dreams isn't her
What I have found is nothing but a mere ghost
Haunting me through memories,
Here they die, in grace and forgiveness
To never be born again
May 2013 · 455
Dream Central
I laid down my heart for you
Fate came along to drag us apart
Lost souls flowing freely
I catch them as they wander
Crawling helplessly hoping to escape
In this life you must find the exit gate
Give up and be stuck forever
So many doors to take
Rest your head down and pray
Forgiveness isn't dead its never too late
Expose vulnerability and it will be your undoing
Close those doors because you know you can't go through em
White lights there to guide you
Tightropes test your balance
Fall down and I'll be there
Waiting to take you to my secret palace
Please dive into my arms tonight
In our world: Dream Central
May 2013 · 614
Hold on Let go Don't go
It was you or the world,
I cried when I chose you girl
Deny it all tonight baby
I know you'll change your mind
By morning comes, its rise and shine
By and by, the day ends
To my surprise tonight its ride or die
One misguided step, its your call
Come on by, see what needs to be seen
Be what you want to be
Be all that you need to be
If you're everything that I want
That would make you: nothing
All words have been said, come pick up your spirits
Clean up the filth that you've left
Respirating so desperately, get these things off my flesh
Alone I whimper in my self made deception I believed to be my life
Tonight you'll catch me riding but tomorrow you'll find me dying
Stop me, while I'm still alive
May 2013 · 980
The Soul of a Stranger
Frustration chiseled on her face
Depression in her eyes, purple blotches underneath
Those feelings she locked inside, its a prison in her mind
Passerby's watch, I see her teeth shine
The wind blows through her graceful hair
Flowing freely against the air
Her eyes so bold, when she sees something she wants
All appears too far and out of sight
Despiteful with a cold heart
She no longer trusts, and on her own
She believes shes alone
In her own world, here stuck on planet Earth
I could see that she doesn't presume herself of any worth
Eyes remain steady, her motions remain still
Emotions are there but left undetected
Her mood like a rainy day,
I watch the tears wash away
Turning all her surroundings gray
Is there still hope for life as all precious memories decay
Detached from the world, she wants to be erased
Yet, still in my mind
Her figure remains
May 2013 · 381
Depths of My Passion
I sense the pains rising from within
The uncertainty of the length
The time it takes to go away
The life is yours, here it lays
Distances farther than heaven
I am here alone, I hope you see
It may be nothing, I know its broke
But still remains
My heart
Forever yours
May 2013 · 1.1k
Plain and Difficult
When theres doubt in my mind
I can feel the pain lingering through your eyes
Its hidden in disguise
The clues to your evident denial
The sequence of your steps
Strokes of fear and regret
Death, misery and sorrow all share common bonds but will never swallow the entity in which we follow
I believe that there is a God
There is good in this world, theres a face which we can praise
Look to him and remember what he gave you
All this life here dwindling down to your last moments of distrust
Its pretty large, its not too small, its out there where we can all lay our tiny little eyeballs out and see that you're nothing but a disgrace
Its the race that your proud of, we can't take that notion for granted so we bury it deep inside where there lurks nothing but mischief and hopes for a way to escape
I see nothing more, I can't forget that night when we loved but knew that there was no one knocking on our hearts door
So we lay our poor souls down, falling out like the petals of a poor bouquet left unappreciated
Endless times where we have nothing to say, theres times like these
Time where we, enjoy our lives, where we just let things be
Theres this new feeling, down in me, just now being born in me
And I feel, that I've lost, the unique seed that grows out of me
The past is gone, my time is done, dried out and left to bleed
I am apart of a cycle, like the leaves on a tree

— The End —