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Reilly Nicole Aug 2013
You talk
to me
with words
And I
look at you
with feelings
Reilly Nicole May 2013
My skin is a canvas
There for me to draw
When the voice consumes my mind
And the blade begins to call.

I’ve tried to stop myself
From doing what it says
But my hand acts of its own accord
Drawing out the red.

I say that I am better
That I won’t do it again
But there’s a demon that lurks inside
Hidden behind my grin.

It tells me I’m not good enough
That I will never succeed
And it makes me draw the ugly lines
From my hips down to my knees.

I’m sorry I’m not perfect
Or who you want me to be
But in truth the person you’re looking at
Isn’t the real me.
Reilly Nicole Jul 2013
As I down this bottle of pills
You're the only thing on my mind
As blood drips from my skin
You're the only thing I'm thinking of
As I skip another meal
You're embedded into my brain
I can never stop thinking of you
No matter how hard I try
My head always seems to find a way back to you
Just like my heart does
Every single time
Reilly Nicole Nov 2013
I was so happy
With this new boy
That made me forget that
You and I ever existed

Then you tell me you're biggest secret
You had ***
With your current girl toy
Washing up memories
I thought I had scrubbed away

Now the terrible thoughts leak back into my head
Drowning all my happiness
With this vow of silence
You made me take

I feel  my aching mind ticking like a time bomb
That could go off at any second
Causing me to snap
And stain myself in hot crimson

I take a needle and thread and sew my mouth shut
I close my eyes and try and wipe away the memory of you confiding in me
Bleaching my brain cells in the process
Causing me to grow weary once more
Killing any ounce of feeling I had left

So, I'd like to thank you for what you have done
You started to pull me back to you
Thus strengthening my feelings for my new boy
The one who is nice to me
The one who doesn't lie to me
The one who really loves me
Unlike you
He's better
And doesn't constantly tear me down
And make me want to cease my existence

He helps me breathe in this toxic air you've created and expel it as if nothing had ever happened between you and I
Reilly Nicole Jun 2013
Rain soaks through my clothes
And chills me to the bone
My sneakers slap against the concrete
I wander the streets alone
Headlights pass by
Ignoring me
I should head home
Mum and Dad will be worried, right?
I'll continue on my journey
My journey to nowhere
Reilly Nicole Aug 2013
Reilly Nicole Dec 2013
Why do you still love me
If I'm a piece of trash
Who never deserved you
To begin with
Reilly Nicole Jun 2013
Have you ever heard a violin?
The bow strumming peacefully across the strings
A beautiful symphony
Then you hit a sour note
And the beauty just starts to bleed away
Until every note is sour
Making you cringe with every beat
Making you want to scream
Reilly Nicole Sep 2013
I just wanted
A small scratch
This huge ****
Reilly Nicole Jul 2013
You said you'd always be there for me
But where were you
When the clock strikes 3 am
And I'm sitting in bed
All alone
With tears stinging my eyes
Pills settling in my stomach
And a dull razor blade dancing across my skin
Wanting you beside me
To hold me and tell me
That everything is going to be okay
And that you love me
So please tell me
Where were you
When my thoughts were full of suicide
And the only thing I needed
Was you
Reilly Nicole Aug 2013
Winter is a beautiful season
The way the snow lands on the skeletal trees
The glistening icicles hanging from the roof
The lazy days staying cuddled in blankets with hot chocolate
But my favorite thing about winter
Is no one asks why I wear a sweatshirt
Giving me the perfect chance
To create more scars on my arms
Reilly Nicole May 2013
Swallow the pills
Slice with the shining silver blade
Silence your screams
Say goodbye
Reilly Nicole Jun 2013
Tear stained eyes
Love stained lips
I'll kiss you goodbye
Under this starry night sky
"I'll see you in heaven."
I whisper under my breath
"Shh, don't say that. You're not going yet."
You smile and kiss my lips once again
"Goodbye, I love you."
"I'll see you again."
Reilly Nicole Jul 2013
Reilly Nicole Jul 2013
I've been dreading this day for quite sometime
The day you finally push me away
Leave me behind to rot
You didn't deserve what you got
Possibly a sharp slap to the face
It's all my fault
And I couldn't be more sorry
Now I'm lost and wandering
Because I don't know what to do without you
You must have forgotten that you are my everything
That you're the reason I'm still alive
But now you're gone
And you're probably going to forget what we had
You just kicked me out of your life
Just like everyone will do eventually
Don't worry
I'll get used to it
Reilly Nicole Jun 2013
I roll up my sleeves
And show you my scars
You hold my hand
And kiss my skin
You tell me you love me
And that you'll never leave
You make me promise
To never hurt myself again
Tears well up in my eyes
And I whisper to agree
Thank you
I love you
You're my best friend
Reilly Nicole Jun 2013
In a room full of people, my eyes will always search for yours
But every time I look at you, I cry for you are not looking back at me.
Oh how I have wished your beautiful eyes to gaze on me so that I might smile again.
How I wait for those eyes that sparkle like stars and your smile that could melt the coldest snow.
How I wait for it to warm me.
How I long to have your arms wrapped around me.
Your breath hot on my neck speaking those simple yet complicated words.
I hold each breath and wait for you to say them those three simple words.
And then your breathe catches and you speak, but only a whisper. "I love you"
Reilly Nicole Jul 2013
You should know
That I'm not just going to leave
After you confessed your secret to me
You should know
That sometimes
I forget I have messages piling up
You should know
That I don't think any less of you
Or that what you did was satanic in a way
You should know
I'm still your friend
And I'm not going anywhere

— The End —