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You’re an arsonist, baby.
You’re an arsonist, dabbling
in the arts of fire.
And love is your fuel.
My heart was inflamed.
You left me to smolder
But I stoke those flames
because I’m a pyromaniac.

Your flames licked at my flesh.
And I kinda liked it.
The heat, the burning,
I thrive off of it.
You’re an arsonist, baby,
and that’s okay.
Because I like the fire.
You lit me up, ignited
my thirst, my hunger,
my passion

I inhale your smoke.
Taking you in.
The smoke left me in a haze.
My vision, my thoughts,
all left unclear.
Your fire left nothing untouched.

You scorched my heart.
Consumed me. Refined me.
You sought to finish me off,
burning for you from within.

I tried to hide behind others.
Beneath their skin.
Not even grafts can hide
the damage done.
You left behind your mark,
on me.
Branded me with your ashes still visible.
Dose me in your precious love.
Open the flame. Light me
Up. I’m a dancing tongue of fire of your creation.
Watch me burn for you.
Watch me perish because of you.
Watch me love you with
Everything I am.

You’re an arsonist, baby.
And I’m a pyromaniac.
What’s the number for 911?
I need a firefighter.
Lemon trees blossom through the reams of end
And the
                edges of
Sunrise               shimmering in the sky.

Butter screams, and daisies please.
Why are the coats of rain for me?
Oh, to the sun I see, glaring

Oh, bumblebees and copperheads.
The sand and buttercups don’t mix.
Cheese, and bananas chomp the pride off of our waists.
Happy, caution, the color of sickly potion.
Faded smiles greet the familiarity of old friends.
The only beautiful thing left from the change –
Intimidating intimacy
I’ll wait for you to put a ring on my finger,
Not a ****** on your *****.
Intimate intimidation
Assertiveness, not aggressiveness, is a quality fit for a
Prince. Your highness,
Dost thou want thy queen?

Seems even marriage has fallen under the blanket of
Fashion over Function.
Wedding rings mean more than wedding vows.
Gone are the days in which marriages fueled society, and
Function before Fashion.
Cheers to the weeping ages of an ill generation.
If only love lasted as long as 14 karat gold.
Sweet kisses, silver under moonlight.
Soft lips with an open invitation
Memories, re-memories, repeat
Play, rewind, re-play, repeat.
Slight smiles display gratitude and infatuation.
Hands remain polite, show respect.
A quest for the holy grail – the heart.
No war for the body.
Soaring on serotonin,
Can we do this again?
Funeral processions
Money, Money, Money
Bridges to Neverland should exist.

Wedding party
Fall leaves
Breaks winter.

Intuition floods the sauna of life gated in
By the strong arms of the whispering trees.
******* profit, taking advantage of the sheltered
Wallets of men plagued by the insensitivity and greed
of the less mature.

*******, sir, for charging innocent minds and hungry souls
To enjoy the entrancement of the world
Far older than you
something I wrote during the drive to a hiking trip
Chime the bells
Ignite the wind chimes
Bang the doldrums, lie in wait for the mood to swing
The war begins
Pawns shuffle, too terrified to move
too fast lest the ranks break open,
We aim to hit the target
No child nor man left behind?
Nay, no survivors.
One scene
Two rooms
Three memories
He ordered the troops to retreat
from the War on Terrorism.
Welcome to the war on sanity.
Define real, test reality, prove what’s happening is actually happening.
Just a taste, five hits to the synapses
Overboard, complexity ensues.
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