Words spill out like a waterfall.
Tears tumble over the edge.
My current adheres to no border,
I spill so much with no sense.
I am a dangerous waterfall.
People don't want to get close.
Hurling myself so I plummet,
But, loneliness hurts the most.
I know it's too much to fall with me.
I know you're scared of the edge.
I know I could bring you down with me.
But I'm just so alone on the ledge.
People don't want to chase waterfalls.
Instead, they're looking for streams.
They want to wade in calm waters,
Where people can say what they mean.
But I want you to swim in my stories.
I want you to wade in my love.
If only I knew how to get to my stream,
Then maybe you'd want to come.