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Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Lift me up,
In your name
Of your love.

Jesus surround
Me with all the
Protection that
You have.

My mind seems
Like a total blur.

With your strength
And power,
I'll forever be heard.

Not just today,
Not just for tomorrow,
But for a life time
Without anymore

From above.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
The darkness of your soul,
Wants to go home.
Can't stand the pain
And hurt anymore.

Jesus is slowly
Taking you away
To a much better
And brighter place.

The darkness of your heart,
Keeps tearing mine apart.

The love that God
Is trying to give,

You keep on turning
It away and having
One too many fits.

Don't know where
Our love stands,

I rather be in
God's holy land.

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
My love is like a storm,
Going through your soul.

Everything you own,
Is my heart.

No one is
Going to take
It away,
Or even tear
Us apart.

What you have,
Is a huge heart
Of gold.

It's why
My love for you,
Is like
A ocean stream.

Just swimming
Through this life
With just only me.

Love always
Your sweet
And loving
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The love that
We make inside
Our hot and steamy

As we are underneath
The steamy covers
Of love

That's were
I see the true
Colors of our
Love making
And such

Motions of both
Of our bodies
Up against each
Others warm
And moist skin

You lean in
For a sweet and
Juicy kiss

That's were our
Love making starts
With a lot of bliss

As our love making
Will always go on
Forever not
Just in our dreams
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
You love me,
Yes I know
I've seen it show
A thousand times

You're my lover,
And you're my dream.

I'm so very blessed
That God gave
You to my sweet
***** too.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Love you with all my soul
Love you with every ounce
Of my sweet little heart
Love you with all my life
You mean the whole
Atmosphere to me
When God created man
He created the best
To live and share
A whole life time with
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The pleasure
Of loving you,
Is all I want
In a true man.
I'm just blessed
To say I have
You in my life
Every day baby.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Love is all around
It doesn't hurt
Not does it have a frown

Love is all around
In our life's and
For always

God is the master
Piece of my soul
He knows where
Just to go

He loves me
And I love him

Love is all around
It's full of joy
And a lot of sound

God created love
And God will forever
Be love
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God is good
God is great
When I meet
His glorious face
He'll surely
Open up the gates
To the loving
God that he really is

God is awesome
God is real
When you get
Down and pray
All your prayers
Will come true
One day

You just have to
Believe that it is there
He'll wash all your
Troubles away

That's the power
Of his love
For all of us, amen...
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
This day
I pray
For everyone
To worship your
One and only
Holy name

Praise you through
This storm of life
You have suffered
And then you died

This day
I worship your
Forever name

Want to be
With you through
My fears

You're the real reason
Why anyone is here
On earth
That you created
Several years

You're the message
And the way
Of my one and
Only soul

I love you
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Midnight fire
Midnight love

You'll always
Be my one and
Only special love
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
The monsters
At night
Tug at my sheets
In my weird and
Creepy dreams

Wind is blowing
As loud as it can

Then I hear
A door slam

It's the creepy
From another

It comes chasing
After me,

As they grab a hold
Of my sleeve

I wake up from my
Dream and start
To scream

Then end up in
A cry
And wondering

The monsters
Were really
Coming after me

Getting down
In a silence
Of pain,

Praying to God
That it'll all
Go away someday

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Thanks for being in my life,
You do such a great job
Of being my mom,
Of the Holy spirit of life
And God.

Without you,
I am broken.
Without you,
I am confused.

Without you,
My mind is blank,
And some times
A little bruised.

Without you,
My life would be
In tears, because
Not that many
Know me like you do.

Without you,
There to guide me
And show me that
Intelligence of wisdom
You have,
I'll be lost forever.

Thanks for being you.
Thanks for always being true.

And thanks for always
Trying to make me happy
And not blue.

One more thing,
Thanks for always being you.

I love you mom
With all my life.

And always keep up
The good and great
Surprises you
Have for my
Future life!
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Mountain of pain
Doesn't take
The hurt away.

Mountain of pain
Just causes more
Issues every
Single day.

It's something
That we can't
Really take away.

It's always there
To give us some
A real big scare.

That's the
Mountain of pain,
It's always going
To be somewhere
And especially
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
A sign from God
Is all I needed,
It came
Like a bullet
To the heart
It hurts
Yet it feels good
The sign from
God is trying
To tell us all something
When we decide
To not listen to him
Our heart will bleed
In confusion
On what he is trying
To tell us
And when we decide
To listen to God
Our hearts will cry
Our for mercy
Now we know
The decisions behind
The glory of our
True father Jesus
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The rhythm in your hands
The gentle touch of your fingers
Makes me dance

The gentle whisper
In my ear
The soft look
In your soft gorgeous eyes

Has my heart
Flying into your
Arms of love baby

Days and nights
Will go by
My love for you
Will never be
A complete lie
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Let's get under the covers
And make passionate
Love all through the night

As we rub up against
Each others soft skin
It gives me the chills

When you put your
Warm hands
Down the back
Of my shirt

Touching each other
All over our
Bodies of love

You want me
And I want you

Need your ******
All over mine
Forever baby
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Mind is froze
Head is numb
The heart is ripped
From this frame
That once was loved.

Eyes are droopy
Ears are wet with tears,
That doesn't mean
I go and throw a
Huge **** fit loaded
With fear.

The nose is dry
And the fingers are moist
The heart was opened
To more than just one voice

The lips are blistered
And the toes are cold
The soul of life tends
To twist and turn
At the seams where
No one tends to go

The pieces of my life
Has been discovered
Probably that's why
I'll always love
My sweet and loving

The noises echo
Through my mind
It doesn't matter
How long the time

The voices in my mind
Scream out of my soul
For the very last time

Urging to find that
One special truth
That is nothing but
Full of the holy spirit
Of life

I get down in a huge
Cry for my one and
Only life

Feel like others can't
Seem to treat me fully
And completely right

Going into the other room
With just me and Jesus

Turning on my night light
Of love, he is the only
One that I'll forever trust

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
There's no love
Intimate pleasure
It hurts inside

It tears me apart
The rear drops
On my cheek
Pretty much explains

The love we need
Is not the love
That you want to give

It sends my emotions
Into over drive
Time and time

The pain gets deeper
Every time you push
Me away

I love you
More than
The words can
Really say

There is no love
Intimate pleasure

I try and try
To give you what
You want and need

For some reason
I'm just not
The wife
You thought
I would be
And that hurts
Very deeply
You see

There's no love
Without intimate

Hope you
Get and
This hurtful
Love letter

There's no love
Intimate pleasure
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Speaking of your truth,
Hits me hard
Like a holy rock.
Didn't know what
Your words really meant,
So I cry here in doubt
Of confusion
Hoping that someone
Could help me fully
Your true way of life

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Clear your mind
Listen to God
On what he has to say
God loves you
It It true
God wants the best
For you, and so do I
He'll never leave you
And that's the
God honest truth

Clear your mind
Open up your heart
Cry out to him
He'll hear your plead
He'll hear your cry

God knows every
Answer to your life

Open up to God
Let him into your heart
Open up to God
Let him heal every
Single wound
From your life

God is always
Here to say
I love you my child
And everything
Is going to be okay,
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Kissing you in my dreams
At night
Pulling you extremely close
As we make passionate love
To one another

As you hold me so close
In your gentle soft arms

I'm reminded of why
God made us simply
For one another

As you continue to wrap
Me in your love
That I so deeply and truly love

I know that I am made for you
And you were made for me
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
Perfect lips
For the
Perfect soul
You drive me wild
That It's out of
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Real picture of God
What I see
Is a creator of so
Many beautiful things.

The real picture of God
Fills my heart up
With tears

To know that others
Out there find it funny
To mock and destroy
What God has placed
And made for our life's

When I see others
That are not of
The holy one

It hurts my heart
It hurts my eyes
And it especially
Hurts my mind

God gave us life
And he can remove
Us  from life
At anytime
That he really wants

Cherish the moments
And the others that
Surround your life today

Because tomorrow
It might be all taken away

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
I love to sit way up high
In a tree all day long
Just writing the most
Beautiful poetry
That's where I do
My most thinking
Is in a tree
Writing poetry of life
And poetry of God
That's just
Who I am
All in all...
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Poetry is the master piece
To my soul.

It tells my hand what to write,
Even if it's about living in
Hate and fright.

Poetry guides my heart,
Poetry guides me
Throughout this heavenly life.

Poetry is just more
Than words on the page.

It's tells a story about
A journey through life.

It can be loaded
With all types of emotions.

You just have to decide
I'm which way to go,

And God will always
Do the rest,
Don't you know?
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Poetry gets my blood flowing
Like snow ❄ on a mountain
It might be chilly
And cold
It's the only way sometimes
I can get to your sweet
Little heart

Open up the gates of love
Tell me what's in your heart

I grab you by the sleeve
And you start to melt
Right into my lips of love

The way you touch my heart
The way you grab my soul
With your delicious eyes

Let me know that
I'm yours forever
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Writing my thoughts to you,
It's like poetry going through
My life, just talking to my
One and only soul sister
For life.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Take me away
I'm your arms tonight
Father God
You'll always be
The way of this sweet
Little girls life

You wash away
All my pain
You heal my hurt
When I feel like
There is no
Other way in life

Taking me away
Father Jesus
To your kingdom

I open up the Bible
And notice across
The pages in ink

That you gave up
Your one and only
Life just for me

Close it after an hour
Or two
Went into the other room

Get down in a prayer
Of life

Asking you father Jesus
To heal my wounded
Scars of life

Make me who you
Created me to be

Show me what's
Important in life

I fall short of your truth

I pray that I'll
Forever stay with you

In this name I pray
Jesus, amen...
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The pressure is gone,
The healing is better,
God is surrounding
My life with the most
Excellent love and

He is with me at
Night, when I sleep.

God kicks the devil
In the side,
The second that
I open up my eyes.

Which will always
Be the best part
Of my life.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Jesus Christ
Is continuing
To put the
Puzzle pieces
Of my life
Back together

When I call
These puzzle
Pieces will

Then I end up
In a cry for mercy
In tears of help
Me Jesus

Jesus Christ
Will always
Know what is
Right for my
Long and
Lasting life
With him

In this name
I'll forever pray
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Please bring
Positive meaning
Into my life
Shut out all the
What not
Please remove
These things
From my life
I really truly
Don't need them
Not want them
Destroying what
You have already
Created me to be
As your child
In this name I pray
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
You're my
Robert Browning,
As you chase your
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
In your fields of love,

Playing with
The streams
Of silk ocean

Let's swim
In fields red

You're my Robet
Browning and
I'm your Elizabeth
Barrett Browning.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
My heart was set free
The second
That you had opened
Up your life to me

God is the purpose
God is the way
God is the reason
Why we are living
On this earth today
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The moments have passed,
The love we here,
My heart opens up
Through tears,
You'll forever be
My one and only dear.

Healing the pain away,
Soothing your body
With my kiss,

Letting you know
That I'm always here
And never gone.

Love walking around
The house, in my
****** thong,
While playing you
A sweet and
Romantic song.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Making passionate
Sweet love
Underneath the

Gives me a tingle
Right down to
My gorgeous feet.

As we go underneath,
I begin to squirm
And moan,

Youre the man of
My sweet dreams
And so much more.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
You get a
Thousand hugs
From me everyday,
You're just simply
Sweet and extremely
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
You're such a sweetheart from God.
When you were born into this world,
He made the best decision of all.
God created the best sweetheart
And no they didn't come from mars
With all these sugar candy bars.
God created a beautiful young lady
Of the Holy spirit.
From my sister heart to yours,
Hope this poem cheers you up
Even more.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Don't want this
Sisterhood to
Ever die
Because I knew
When we first met,
That you would
Always be my
Sister hero for
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Writing you this letter,
Telling you how much
I care and adore
Our friendship

One November day,
God opened up
The door to
Our friendship
And I bless him
For that day.

Writing you this letter,
Opening up my heart
To you as a sweet
Little ***** too.

You fight for me,
I'll fight for you.

Jesus is so amazing,
And so are you.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The fire in my heart,
The smile in my eyes,
Has me wanting you
Every night.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Full of the love of God,
Just a beaming of light
Coming straight from
Your loving and Godly heart.

The comfort of your friendship,
The prayers that come
Our of your heart,

That's the best
Spiritual friendship
Of all.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Write what's in your heart,
It's you and Jesus
Scribbling all over the
Pages of life.

And that's where
It begins to start
With your pages of
God's love
Coming straight from
His one and only
Spiritual heart.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Stream of passion,
Stream of love,
You set my heart
On fire
With the way
That you love
Me everyday baby.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God is great
He removes others
For this life
So that we
His children of light
Can forever have
A better way
On a much better life
And so much more
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
My brain is
Stuck on you
You're like
The river to
My dreams
Forever in time
©Cherisse Powers
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