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Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
Write such gorgeous poetry
That it flows right
Out of your beautiful heart
You're one of my favorite
Poetess of life.

The way you play
With your words so
Excellent, but yet real smart,
That's the best way
That anyone could ever
Win a poetic prize

Noticing the beautiful style
That you create
It doesn't come from you,

It comes from God
And his holy creation
Of fate.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
My hopes
And my dreams
Belongs to God

My heart
And my life
Belongs to God

God suffered for me
So why can't I
Suffer for him?
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The taste of your energy
The taste of your undying
Moist lips
Makes my eyes
Twinkle and turn

I get high off of your
Moist kiss
It sends me into
A day dream
Full of bliss

The taste of your sweet love
Sends my thoughts
Flying to the moon

Jesus said that
I was just made
For you
And only you baby
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The taste of your kiss,
Makes me go wild
For your ****** love
Always baby.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Rain falls gently on my nose,
There like tear drops to the soul.
Imaging all those tear drops
Turning into peace,
For God's never ending love.
He brings angels into our life's,
Their sent down from heaven,
To watch over this earth.
It's so pleasant to know
That they are there,
Even in times of fear,
That's why I don't cry
Hardly ever anymore,
And I make sure
That I keep God really near
To my godly little heart.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Motions of my tears
Stream down my face

When I found out
The real truth about you,

Just got rock bottom
And scream the word

My heart was screaming
In nothing but pain.

It kept my mind
Going completely insane,

That was until we found
Out that you had left
This world today.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Telling you this,
Feel like you
Need to know
Telling you this,
I want you
To know that
Having autism
Is not a broken
Piece of life

It can take you
Several places
In time
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
My God is truth
He never lies to me or even you

My God created
Every inch of my life

My God knows my strengths
My God knows every
Single weakness
That I struggle with
Still today

So I still continue to pray
Every single part of my day

For my God
To help me gain strength
With every weakness
That I still continue
To carry on today amen
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Reading your words on the page,
Brings me to tears.
Opening up my heart
To you, hoping that
You'll finally come

The truth about your words,
The truth about your life,
Totally makes me
Want to think about mine.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
You need your time
You need your space
You need everything
To clear your brain
From this human race

You need to be left alone
If you're not left alone

You might burst
Into tears of pain
And hurt

Only because
Everyone wouldn't
Leave you alone

You're a true soul
You're a true friend

I'm just blessed
That God put
You in my life
At last.

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The mind stays calm,
When your hands
Are on my breast.

How it turns me on,
Makes me crave
And wanting more
Of your ******

The mind stays calm,
When your hands
Are grabbing and
Massaging my
**** ***** baby.

The mind stays calm,
When your tongue
Is on my delicious lips.

It makes my eyes
Smile with love,
To know that
I'm the one that
You've always
Been craving for
My ******
**** baby.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
Jesus took my soul
The night that I
Gave it over to him
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Sweet sister of God,
Love you with every
Ounce of my heart.

There is not a sweeter
Sister like you, you see?

You have so many
Loving and great
Unique qualities.

Favorite one of all,
Is your sweet and
Loving poetry.

Sisters are strong,
We will forever cheer
Them up, when
We see and feel
Like there is something
Totally wrong.

I'm here for you,
When you
Want to sing
A sweet and
Loving song.

We are true sisters
Of God for life,
Always member
I'm always here
For you

No matter what
Storm you're
Going through,

I'm always going
To be here for you.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The mind gets lost
When we can't see
Nor understand
The real picture in life

The mind starts
To crumble, when it
Seems confused

When you put
Your trust in God,
That's where you
Will receive the
Most help after all
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Jesus was right,
When you walked
Into my life.
From that day on,
I'll forever have
Sparkles in my eyes.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
How gorgeous it is
To watch you sleep,
It's such a peaceful
Feeling to watch
My Angel of life,
As he dreams of me
Every single
Day and night.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Jesus is the way tonight,
He protects me
With every ounce of
His life.

Jesus fills my heart
With the Holy words
Of this spiritual life.

He touches me with
His healing hands,

As he pours the healing
Water of God up on
My wounded soul.

I begin to cry with relief,
That someone understands
That some times
We intend to be weak.

That doesn't stop his
Sweet and undying
Love for thee.

That's when I started
To give my full life
Over to the one and
Only Jesus Christ.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
For years
I've prayed
I've cried
I've dreamed
For a True and
Honest soul sister
To come along
Then one day
Out of the blue
God sent you
To me to be
My one and only
Soul sister
For Life

I bless God
For This Everyday
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Where does God
Want me today?

Wants me to live
My life for him

Learn from his
True word of life

Where does God
Want me to Be?

Wants me to be
Positive and treat
Everyone like
God would
Forever treat you

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Whistling wind
Of God's heart
Brings a sweet
Feeling to my life,
He'll always know
What is Fully and
Completely right

Having tears
In my eyes
Knowing that others
Have went against
God more than a
Thousand times

God is the
Whistling wind
Of my heart

He'll always know
When I'm down and
When I'm falling apart

But that won't stop
His love for all of us
From the very start
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Sleeping with you
At night
Gets me
Wild for your
****** love

Under the covers
We may go

Touching each others
With our soft hands,
One thing leads
To another,
Then I start
To go wild for
Your love
Once again

Sleeping with you
At night
Had me in the mood
For your wild and
******  love too
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
Whispering winds,
Dark shadow night,
Jesus grabbing a hold
Of my heart,
When rain drops
Fell from the heavenly
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The words on the page
Brings me to the thought
Of Jesus' holy name

Jesus died for
You and i
He even suffered
His life

With bruises that
Left him bleeding
In so much pain

Nailed to the
Wooden cross
Still there today

Others of Christ
Cry in shame

They can't believe
That others still
Go and curse
His name in vein
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The power of his words
Goes straight to my heart
The message he spoke
Over a thousand years ago
Hit me just the other day

Broke down into tears
As I read the words
On the page
That fills my life
With nothing but love

I feel Jesus touching
My hand
Telling me
That I'm always
Here with you
Through any storm
Of life

The power of his
Holy name
Makes me want
To praise him
All day

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Devil don't bring me down,
I won't allow you to destroy
My life and what Jesus
Has really created me to be
In life that is filled
With nothing but faith
And hope.

In this name
That I'll forever pray
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Worships over
My soul tonight.

He will always
Bring me back
To life.

I'll forever
Eat your words
Of life
Every single day.

You heal the weak
To become strong,
Not just in your
Amazing love,

Also In Prayer
For A life Time.

Worships Over
My Soul Tonight,
He Takes Away
More Than
The Pain of life.

He washes away
All my sins of
Life, amen.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
I write in red
It's the blood
That God has shed
For you and I

As he was
Nailed to the cross
He bled from
Head to toe.

It was so painful,
That God couldn't
Keep his eyes
Fully open at the

The bruises God
Had, were so deep
And extremely scar'd.

I write in red
It's the blood
That God has shed
Right before
He had died
Right there in
Front of everyone's
Sad and painful eyes.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
I might have
But that doesn't
Stop me from
Living a Godly life
That you will
Forever provide
In my life.

Yes, I have autism
And I'm proud,

For what God has
Truly created me
To be in this life
That I'll forever
Live through him.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Beautiful creation of God
Beautiful heart of gold
This is why
Others say that
You're their
Sweet little
Sunshine of life.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
I love you
For what it's worth
You have the key
That opens up
This little angels

I love you
More than
The tears that
Fall from my eyes
When I sometimes cry.

I love you
With all my life

Today and forever
I blessed to say
That you're my
Knight and I'm
Your queen.

Nothing is ever
Going to tear
You away from me.

That's the power
Of my strong love
For you baby

Because with
You and I
We're in the eyes
Of Jesus Christ
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
You're the heart
Of our friendship
You don't give up

You stick it through
Till you've had enough

Jesus placed you
In my life
To show me things
Of the holy light

I'm just blessed
To know that you'll
Always be here
In my life

©Cherisse Powers

— The End —