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Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
Giving me the best love.
Open my heart from above.
Jesus sent you to me,
To always love.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Full of life.
Full of love.
God gave you
To me from above,
To be my one
And only true
And loving dove.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The night
That I cried,
It hit my heart
Like a burning flame
Of pain,
Didn't know
How to react
Didn't know
What to say,
I just hide away
Screaming in pain.
The night that
I cried
Blow up in
My face
It didn't feel good
It felt like I
Was in hell
The tears continue
To drop from my
Burning deep down
In my veins,
I hear the Holy
Spirit call out
To me
Throughout the
Clouds of peace
You can get over
This pain,
I pray for you
But the pain
Still remains
The same.
The night that
My whole life
The second
I gave my heart
And life to God
And finally
Decided to
Get over this
Evil hate and
That has been
Eating me alive
For weeks.
I'm not going
To allow the devil
To make me weak
When I did,
I fell on my face
Time and time
In this name
I will forever
Praise your
Glorious name
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God is like thee ocean
To my life
It wakes me up
When I'm having
A nightmare, you see

God is like the
Ocean to my life
It wakes me up
When I slowly
Start to cry

Didn't even
Know once before
How much
That he really meant
To me
In this godly land.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God is my father
God is my truth
God will always
Be my strength
When I'm down
And blue...
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God is in this place,
God will fill my heart
With grace.

He is the creator
Of all the earth.

God tells me
What has been done
And heard.

God wraps my life
In his hands.

He knows my heart,
Even when I stumble,
Instead of stand.

He is the witness
To everything
That I do and say.

Without him,
There's nothing
Really left to say.

God is my witness
Through the storm,

He lets me know
When it is finally
Time to close
That sounded
And painful door.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God is not done
With my life yet

He wants me to
Experience everything
That I possibly can

Before I reach the
Gates of heaven
Down the road
In my much older life

God still has to teach
Me a lot of things
About life
Before I go
And live with him
In the holy spirit
Of Jesus Christ

And that is to
Learn to accept things
In life that you don't
Want to accept

Later on, they might
Turn out to be
Beneficial to you
And the one you're
Fully and completely
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Falling from God
Is not what others want
Being in his presence
Fills their heart
And life with his
Undying love

When you know
What's right of
The holy one

Everything will eventually
Start to all into place

Until then,
All that we can do
Is pray

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The sweet Godly love
That you bring to
My life every day

It brightens up
My smile
When you always
I love you sweetie

The Godly love
You being
Opens up my heart

It tells me that
You won't ever
Leave this
Angels heart

I appreciate everything
You do,
Thanks for being apart
Of my life to...

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God of the world
Wants us to be
Faithful and true

God of the world
Is always going
To be with you

God of the world
Set our hearts free

He does this
He loves us
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God is the love of my mind,
He brings such a peaceful sound
Every single time.

God is the life of my heart,
He has known me from the
Very start.

God heals every
Wound of my soul,
He tells my Godly
Like brain where to go.

God holds me
Real close to his side,
As he wipes away
Every tear from my eyes.

God heals the weak,
So that they will
Become stronger
Through his words
Of praise.

He is the reason
Why I'm living
On this earth today.

In Jesus name
I pray, amen.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Trials may come
And trials may go
But we'll always
Have Jesus Christ
To lean up on
Every single time
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Pretty as a butterfly
On a bright
And sun shining day
I hear the beautiful rain
Coming straight from
Out of the bay

Pretty as a butterfly
As God always made
Me to be
Extremely cute and
Very unique

Pretty as a butterfly
Now that I can see
How gorgeous
God really made
Me to really be

That's just part
Of his plan
And so much more
In this land

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Gorgeous heart
Of God
You were created
By God's
Healing hands
Of love

Your gorgeous heart
It shows and it also shines

You care for everyone
That you know

Opening up their eyes
To a powerful Jesus
Of this whole life

Gorgeous heart
Of God
Is what you have

You'll go the extra mile
To pray for them and
Forever make them glad
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The coffee is brewed,
My heart once was
To have you in my
Makes me want to
Go wild over you
All the time.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Worship you everyday
Taught me things
To guide my heart
In the right direction
Of your unending love

You lift me up
Every time that
I would stumble
And fall

You're the message
To my life forever

I read your word
As much as I can

Worship you everyday
Opening up my eyes
To a whole brighter
Message and way

Get down on my knees
Tonight in a prayer of healing

Want to worship you
And your forever
Holy light

Being faithful
Is all that I want
Healing the wounds
From the very start

Opening up my heart
For the first time

Coming out of the dark
Was sometimes really hard

Then one day something
It was Jesus speaking
To me

Saying I'm always here
Through the storm
And the rain

I won't ever give
Up on you
Not even after today
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God hears our heart
God hears our voice
When sometimes
We really can't
God hears our thoughts
That come from our mind
Every time we think
God hears our whispers
When others seem like they can't
That's the power of his love
Is so real
Is so very strong
God hears all our prayers
The ones that he doesn't
Answer, he does that
In protection for our life
Let God heal your heart
Take him in today
Let God be apart of
Your everyday walk with him

He hears everything
That you're going through
God will forever understand
Your thoughts and needs
Only because
He cares and loves you
Very deeply you see

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Can't stand being apart,
So I just go and scream
Right from out of my heart.

The tears may drip,
And my heart may
Feel like it's ripped.

In the end,
God and Jesus
Will always have
My best interest.
©Cherisse Powers
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Heart glass,
Shattered thoughts
Had you in my dreams
And now there rather lost.

What once was love,
Is like a bird flying
Away in the midnight

Destroying a love
That could of been
There for life.

And now, don't
What love really
Is in this life.

Taking my pain
And hurt to
The father God
Of this holy land,

Hoping and praying
That others can
See and feel what
The true meaning
Of love
Really means to God
And me

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
A heart
Of a lover
We'll always
Love each other

That's a heart
Of a lover
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
A beautiful mind
Comes with a
Beautiful heart

The caring words
You say,
Lifts up my
Spirit everyday

You have a heart of
An angel

And that's all
I have to say!
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
In the wind,
Noises in the dark,
I finally hear you
Coming after my

In the valley,
In the wind,
My heart went
Putter patter,
When you came in.

My heart belongs
To you,
As it belongs
To God too.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
You're my Angel and
I am your white dove
We make the best
Passionate love
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
He knows our hurt
He knows our pain
He knows when
We've been
Completely unclean
With everything
Especially to him

No need to explain
Your story to him

He knew what was
Going to happen
Even before the end

That's the power
Of his forever strength
And not your sin
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
I am here, when you're down.
I am here, to support you,
Even when I'm not
There in town.
I am there, when you need a hug.
I am there, to make
You smile and such.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The touch
Of your soft

Upon my neck
Drives me wild

Caress of
Warm soft
Hands turns
The heart up

Passionately waiting
For your ****** love

Gives me tingles
Up and down
My luscious body

Dreaming of your
Lovable touch
Makes my heart
Smile and jump

Passionately waiting
For you to undress
Your luscious body
To me

As we're hot
And bothered
Underneath the covers
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
My heart melts for you,
When you walk into the
You set my soul on fire,
The second your
Hot lips touch mine
So gently on my
Sweet and luscious
Lips, that are so
Delicate and fine.
I'm just real glad
That God
Made you fully
And completely
Mine baby.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
One farts
And the
Other one snores.
A maid comes
To the door
And says
I have to
Clean this room
From the top
To the floor,
Just because
One farts
And the
Other one snores!
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
When I came out into life
No one knew what to expect
Our of me
So I just ran into the other room
And just cried

Holding onto my pillow
Screaming into the case
Praying to God
Why did you create me
To have autism today?

As my mother ran into the room
Holding me real close to her side
Saying I love my child
More than a thousand times

As I hear the comfort in her voice
As I feel the comfort in her touch
I knew that I was safe
With my mother oh so very much

My mother doesn't go around
Giving up on me
So why should you?
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God sent me here
To love everyone
As much as possible

God sent me here
With a open heart
That will always
Care for everyone
No matter what

It is God
Who gave us
A heart of gold
That's what
I've been told

God sent me here
To be a thoughtful
Understanding soul

Go against that
And God will have
Tears of pain in
His eyes forever

But he will still
Continue to love you
In any storm of life

That's the power of
His undying love
For each and
Everyone of us
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
Staying in control
Following the rules
Of the road.

Knowing what
Is right,
Keeps you out
Of a lot of fights.

Which will lead you
To God's one and
Only holy light
Of life.

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
When moments,
He is the heart
Of grieve and pain.
Jesus is there
To wash away
All the stains

In moments of pain,
Tears may fall
From the eyes,

But Jesus
Will always
Be there
Right by your side,

Even when you
Don't have a
Single clue about

He is there to
Hug you and
Tell you
That everything
Will be alright.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
When things start to get good
The devil intends to pull us down
I'm not going to let all that to happen
I'm in God's hands
I'm in God's life
I'm in God's town

I feel safer and secured
When my life is in the
Hands of the Holy father

I'm more together
Of what I want and
Of what I need

Because with him
He is everything to me
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Father take me by the hand
Lead me somewhere
Where you need me to be

My heart is in your plans
I live it daily in your one
And only gorgeous land

Father guide me in the
Right direction of your
One and only truth

Sometimes I cry
I have no one else
To really turn too

It is you father
Who makes all
The world better

When others don't
Follow in your truth

It hurts my heart
Just thinking
About it today

Just member
I'll never stop
Following in
Your miraculous
Way of life

That will always
Guide my heart
This whole entire
Life that
I only live through
You father

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
We'll always be
And that's a
Huge must
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
Jesus be my guide
Jesus open up my eyes
To the things that I
Can't seem to always see.

Jesus be my pull of strength,
I need you like a tool
More than anything.

Jesus be my path,
I need you in every way,
Even on this day.

You created I
To be full of your
One and amazing
Holy light of life.

Jesus be apart
Of me, because
Without you
I'm really not anything.

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Banging at the door of life,
Jesus hears my cry.
He opens up the door
Of his heavenly light.
Asking me, are you alright
My sweet little child of life?

Jesus opens up his arms
To let me in,
I go running into
His arms of love and joy.

Wiping away my tears
Of hurt and pain.

Jesus said
Whoever did this,
I'll make sure
That it doesn't happen

If it did,
That'll just be
Then repeating
The same ol' sin.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
My heart
Flies like a dove
Right into
Jesus arms of love
He is the reason
Why this
Little sparrow
Believes in his
One and only truth

Get down in a
Worship of prayer
Jesus will forever
Be apart of my life

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Power of his soul,
He'll forever
Make us whole
He has a burning
That everyone
Wants to praise
His one and only
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
Jesus is with us
In all walks of life.

He is with us on
The days that we
Seem to cry.

When we put our
Full faith in him,

We will forever win.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
It all up
For the father God
Heal the wounds
From everyone
Who might be
Suffering in pain
Suffering in hurt
And their mind is all
Confused and very burnt

Give your heart
And life over
To the father God

He knows your past
He knows your present
And he most definitely
Knows your future

All you have to do
Is give your whole life
To the one and only
Jesus Christ

And you'll forever
Be healed by his love
Time and time again
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
I know I've done wrong
I know that I've
Made you hurt and
Cry more than
You should

We all have our
Journey of sin
But that won't
Stop me from
Striving to win

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
It's not easy
Telling someone
It's not easy
Watching those friends cry
It's not easy
Letting go of a friendship
That you tried
So very hard to keep
It's not easy at first
When God tries
To tell you to move
On from something
That you clearly couldn't
It's not easy
Watching a friend
Walk out of your life
Not getting the full
Truth on why
I'm closing this poem
With a clear vision
Of God
As I pray for your life
God has told me
It is time to say
Our final goodbyes
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Torn up inside
Just feel like saying
With a bruised heart
And a bruised mind
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God is working
In my life
It brings tears
Of joy
Knowing how much
He cares and
Loves me oh so
Very much
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Message to my heart,
Feels like a  love
Letter that has
Expanded over quite
A period of time.

It's not evil
It's not hate

It's simply a love
Letter of fate.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The look in your eyes
The sad in your voice
Sends my tears
To the heavenly skies
You won't tell me
The real reason why
Behind your hurt
And pain
It's alright to cry
Let your emotions go
Jesus and I
Are with you through
It all
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Let your heart
Tell you
What to do
In the end
It's God's decision too

Let your heart
Tell you
What is right
In this gorgeous
And beautiful life

Let your heart
Lead the way
To a much better
And brighter day

Do all of these things
Through Jesus
Holy name

He cares for you
As much as I do
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
©Cherisse Powers
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