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Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
A connection
Through the wind
Jesus knew from
The very start

That we were
Made to be sisters
Through his
Holy name of love
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
Good friends
Don't come to you

There are some
Out there
That are completely

When we met
It was like
God's open door

To a friendship
That needed
Each other even
More than they
Needed themselves
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Alcohol is the destroyer
Of anyone's hurt and pain,
It gets you nowhere on
Any day.

It's true,
It leads ones into depression,
Then eventually
If we don't play it safe,

It could surely
Lead us to the grave.

In Jesus name
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Be content in the
Lord and
Have meaningful
Things to say

Be content in the
Lord and
He'll forever
Fill your day
With the love
That he gave
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
The more I think about it,
The more I want to cry.
You're the best
I'll ever have in my life,
His name is
Jesus Christ.

You opened up the door
And healed the wounded heart
That I once had.

Probably that's why
I'm always glad,

I have the love
Of Jesus Christ
Forever in my life.

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Growing up
I would cry
Then you would
Huh away my tears
And tell me that I'll
Be okay
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Life is different
Without that Motherly care
I've learned so much
From you

Tears can't express on
How I feel inside
I just want to
Burst out with a
Huge cry

Life is different
When you're not in it
My mind crumbles
And my heart is
In pain

I'll be with you
Again one day

Now that you're gone

Can't call you up
When I feel like
Something is wrong

But you'll always
Be my guardian
Angel from above

That will always
Have the most
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
I'm here to pray
Away all your
Sweet little tears

Give you a hug
And bring you a
Cup of coffee
In your favorite

Brightening your smile
With a I love you
And I'm here to

We are sisters
When we're old
And grey, God brought
Us together,
To be sweet and
Loving sisters forever
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The time for love
Is always on my mind
You complete me
In so many ways
That others couldn't imagine

The sweet things you do
Sends my heart flying to the moon

The time for love
Is always with me
You know just what
To do to please me

When it is time for love
Gazing into one another's eyes

Mine sparkled every time
You touch me
With your gentle words
Of love

That only comes straight
From your soft and
Caring heart
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Until the pieces fit,
Others out there,
Are gonna cry,
They can't seem
To understand
The autism brain
Of life

That is until
The pieces fit
Together for life.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
Autism doesn't
Define who I am
It's a creation
That God made me
To be that way, so that
I can live with it
Throughout this land
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Having fun
Just the way I am
It's a thing called

The mouths
And the days
Will go by

Others will look at me
And wonder why

That's apart of God's
Amazing creation
To me

God made us all
Very unique
In his special
Kind of way

It doesn't matter
If you have
Autism or not

I'm just having fun
Being me
It's a thing called
Autism, you see?
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
God's hands
Touches your heart
He heals the
Broken pieces
Of your life

God knows how you
God's hands
Will protect you

He is holding you
Close to his side
This storm of life

God's hands
Will heal the wounds
That have been
Cut and bled
Over and over again

When you allow
Him to come
Into your life
You'll begin to
Tear up more
Than a thousand

Because the
Beauty of his love
Is priceless

He fought and
Then died
For our sins
Of this whole
Entire life

Thank you Jesus
And amen...
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
My mind is
Set on the
Beauty things
In life and
That's based up
On nothing
But the one
And only Jesus
©'Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
Rhythm of your body
Rhythm of your soul
Jesus will forever
Take control
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
My heart belongs to you
Your heart belongs to me
We're holding each other
Underneath the beautiful
Stars at night
When we wake,
We'll see God's
Shiny bright face
That is full of
Nothing but
Love and grace
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
You treat me good
You try your best
To love me
Like God said you would

You give me chills
Down my back
When you give
Me a sweet hug

I'll always love
That the most
From you

Thanks for not
Giving up on us
That just shows
That you're one
Strong husband
From above

And I'm so very
Blessed to call you my
One and only
Sweet love
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
I love you very much,
You make my heart smile.
You make my tears disappear.
You make my frown go to a laugh.
You make my life a blessing
From heavens sake.
On your birthday,
I'm reminded to make you
The most beautiful cake
The colors of the cake is
Purple and blue,
It'll always remind me of you.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Jesus being me
Back to life,
Show me what
I've really done
That is completely

Jesus has a hold
Of me
He knows that
I sometimes stumble
In my tears,

Knowing that
He'll always
Be near.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Can't stop this feeling of pain,
It always seems to blow up
In my mind everyday.

Can't stop what's going on
In my brain, whirlwind
Of spinning pain,
Wanting to shut others
Out and just be with
My maker in silent prayer.

Because this pain that I have,
Won't ever go
Can't fully understand
Why others want to haunt
Me down,

Just because I have something
Unique and special, that
Covers my heart and life
With the Holy spirit tonight.

Don't want to feel like this
Ever again, it's almost like
Commenting a terrible sin.

Just want things to get better
And not worse, how is this
Even possible,

When I always seem to burst
Into tears when others can't
Seem to hear what is being
Placed right there in front
Of their confused face.

We just all need to fill our
Life's with the Holy spirit of life
And grace.

Just stop thinking and living
In the past, which we decided
When to keeping it cast,
It away across the seas
Surrender it over to God.

I get down
In a prayer of dreams,
Hoping that others can see
And feel my hurt and pain,
Like I've been doing for them
Every single day.

In this name I'll forever
Pray, amen.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Thinking of you
Real late at night,
Want your love so much
That it sometimes
Makes me want to cry

Can't sleep without your love
Need you
To undress your love to me
Show me how much
You really truly care

The gentle and soft
Touch of your hand
Upon my **** ****

Sends my love
Flying into your
****** arms once more

Can't sleep without your love
Wrapped up in your
Soft and gentle arms

Keeping me safe
And warm
Just laying with
Underneath the covers
Tells me that
I'm completely loved
Forever baby, I love you
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Imagine me in a world
So far away,
Yet so close to the
Earth today.

We pray for hope
We pray for healing
All throughout
This world,

Knowing that
Jesus has our
Back always.

Imagine me in a forest
Of dreams,
Something that you
Couldn't feel, get or
Even possibly see.

Reaching out through
The clouds of peace.
To my knowledge,
I see Jesus stirring
Right back at me.

As I started to sob
Up in tears of pain,
Things in life
Don't seem the same
At least not anymore

Imagine me in a ocean
Filled with nothing but
Love, would you swim
Out into the middle,
To just bring them
Back to shore?

With the hopes of
Living together
In the kingdom
Of peace.

Imagine me way up
In a tree, to wash away
Others sins
And make them
Completely whole again.

As we all come
In a circle of prayer

Let's be reminded
Of what Jesus
Has done for all
Around this glorious
Place called earth.

To member who
Died and rose
Again for our
Painful and awful

In this name
I'll always pray

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Reading while I eat,
The Lord brings
A sweet message to me.

Open up the Bible,
As I sit at the table
Of silence.

I drown my brain
In nothing but
His word of love
And faith.

As I read what is in ink,
I start to tear up
Right there in front
Of my daily meal,

That the father created
And prepared to
Nourish our hungry

Reading as I eat
Learning what the
Father God has to say
And preach
Over ones life today.

As I come across
A scripture of confusion,

I get down on my knees
And pray to the Holy
Spirit of love every time
I can't understand
Or even see

What the father Jesus
Is really saying to me.

Reading while I eat
I'll always eat the
Words of hope
Right off of my
Plate of peace.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Dancing in the dark
With no clothes on,
Which sends a spark
Up and down your
Delicate spine.

You slowly pull me
To your side,

As our naked skin
Touches each other
So softly.

You begin to kiss
Me with your sweet
And gentle lips,

As we away out into
The moon light of
Love baby.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Dancing with the words
Of God
Goes straight to my heart

He is like the angel dove
To my life

God knows my every
Little thought that I'll
Forever feel

Dancing with the words
Of God
Are so very peaceful,
Yet so very true

He opens up the
Doors of heaven
Just for me and you

Dancing with the words
Of God
Makes me want to cry
He died for my sins
In life

His love is so powerful
Yet so very strong
I read his word
Of life to us
Through and through

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Dear heavenly father
Come to you
With nothing but
Tears in my eyes tonight

I'm just hurting inside
To know that someone
Special out there

Has finally arrived
At your door of light

Their no longer
Suffering in pain
Their finally at peace
With you
In your holy name
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Loving you,
Goes deeper
Than the valleys
At dawn.

You had my heart
From first glance.

I looked at you
Straight in the eyes,

As you slowly
Pull me closer
To your side.

You lean in
For a kiss,
As I grab a hold
Of your hips.

Whisper in your
Soft ear, saying
Please don't quick.

Loving you,
Goes deeper
Than the forest trees.

You're like the stars
In the night sky.

I'm just grateful
To have you by
My side.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
The truth of my feelings
Run deep in my heart,
I don't let them out,
Unless it's something
Real smart.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Did I make you smile
Did I make you laugh
Did I make you
Want to pass gas!
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
I did it,
Why father
Am I so confused?

You bring a friend
Into my life

That is so very
Sweet and true.

What are you
Trying to tell
Me, father?

That I can't
Seem to get,

Nor understand
The full true
Reason behind it?

All these questions
I ask of you,

I don't like
To see my sweet
Friend all sad
And blue.

I just love my
Sweet friend too.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
My heart
Is set on
The holy one

He created I
To be apart
Of this gorgeous

Then one night,
I discovered
That Jesus
Had died
And rose
Again on Easter

Wonders why,

He tells us
That he died
For us,

So that we can
Have a ever lasting
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Looking into the eyes of the father.
Looking into what he has discovered
As we go on, thinking of him
And what he has truly done
For us, in this life of peace.
I slowly get down on my knees,
In a tearful prayer to thee,
Hoping that others could really see
What his true message really means.

He discovered more
Than just the earth.
He created and
Discovered us humans
Which some are
Blind sided and cursed,

Because they probably
Didn't grow up knowing
The real and true father
Of this one and only earth.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
When struggles come
Banging on your door
Don't fret and worry

Just pray and give
It all to the Lord
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Opening up the door,
Healing this heart
That once was sore.

That fatherly love
That you give,
Brings tears of
Hope to my eyes.

Had no idea how
Much I really meant
To your life.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Heart is filled with pain
Sorrow running down
The cheeks once more.

Soul is aching at the seams
Of my mind,
Others can't understand
Why I'm really here
So, they continue to whine.

The pressure returns,
Memory of you
Will forever stay
The same.

There's a beating at the door,
Went to go open it up
To see what the racket

Then I heard through the clouds
Outside, it was Jesus opening
Up my eyes of the Holy
Spirit of life.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Fall into my lips,
Grab a hold of my
Sweet and ****** hips.

Sway with the music,
As we dance into
Each others arms.

You'll forever
Be my one
And only
**** guy.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Feel the spirit
Come over me
Take Jesus in
My arms of truth

Open up your message
Studying your life
Long truth

Now I understand
You do the things
That you do for
Your children

It's because
Of your undying love
For each and
Everyone of us.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
You're as beautiful
As the stars
In the night air.

You whisk me
From all danger,

Taking me in
Your arms,
Protecting me
With all your
Life and strength.

When you feel danger,
You feel my cry.

You hold me even
Closer to your side,

That's the power
Of your love
For life baby.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The fire of
Jesus love

Goes deeper
Than any life

And that will
Forever stay
The same.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Sep 2017
Hearing the peaceful air
Outside my window tonight,
Reminds me of God
And his holy light.

Hearing the peaceful wind
Blowing through the trees
At night,

Brings a peaceful message
To my heart,
That is fully and
Completely right.

Knowing that Jesus
Is with me
In every way.

I'll forever follow him
Everyday that my
Precious heart lives.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
My love spreads
Through the earth
Of time

It reminds me
That you're
Fully and
Completely mind

Spreading my love
Across the ocean blue

I feel my heart falling
More and more over you

As time passes on,
My heart slowly
But surely becomes
Extremely strong

In the love that
I'll always have
For you my dear

My love spreads
With tears
Because didn't
Really know how
Much that you
Really needed
Me here

My love is yours
And yours is mine
God sent us here
To love each other
For a life time
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Jesus cleanse my mind
Jesus cleanse my life
Heal every inch
My heart is bursting
Our for your sweet
Love today

With one touch
Of Jesus hand
I'm forever healed
In his name, amen
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Protect my heart
From all evil tonight,
Know that you'll always
Be my Angel of light.

The hurt and pain,
Has been washed away
Because Jesus will
Forever protect my
Heart everyday.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Have you ever
Felt a good
Scare before,
That made
You cry and
Fill up with tears,
To know that
Someone cares
For you so much,
That you pray
That they continue
To stay in your
Life forever?

Having this feeling,
Is so strong,
But true.

Opening up my
Thoughts to you,
Praising God
That my prayer
Came true.

And now,
I'm no longer
Hopeless and blue,

I have a true
And strong sister
Like you.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Just want you
To love me all
Over my sweet
And gorgeous body

Want to be in
Your sweet arms

The sweet moist
In your lips
Keeps me craving

For that next
Romantic kiss

You Make me feel
So good baby

That I want
Your love even
Than I did
The other day

Just want you
To love me
In that ******
Kind of way

Because I am yours
And you are mine

Forever with you
Is all I really
Want tonight

As you put your
Big hands
Down the back
Of my shirt

I can't help
But smell
The sweet scent
Of your manly

It has me falling
In love with you
All over again
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The rhythm in the wind
The sparkle in your eyes
Has me wanting you tonight

The rhythm of your voice
The touch of your hand
Makes my heart melt
Just for you baby

The rhythm in your
Gentle hands
Takes me to a different
Place tonight

It has me all over
Your body of love
As we set underneath
The beautiful stars tonight

Holding each other
Feels so very right

Right now
I'm in heaven
With your sweet
And gentle love

Forever we will
Always be us

©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
Give me music
Open up my heart
To and through
A much better
Walk with you.

It's the glory
You give,
That makes me
Want to praise
Your Holy name
All day.

The music
Washes over my

It brings complete
Tears to my eyes.

Opening up your word,
I sometimes start
To cry,
Never knew
How much I truly
Meant to you
As a child of God.

Give me music
Light my heart
On fire with
Your love,

Fill my painful
Ears with the
Heavenly words
You bring to
My one and only
Struggling soul.

Let me hear
That heavenly
Music just go
Right straight
Through my weak

Jesus with you,
I'm never alone.
©Cherisse Powers
Cherisse Unger Aug 2017
The love you give
The love I want
The love you have
Gives me tingles
Down my spine
More than a
Thousand times

The love is so pure
The love is so right
I just have to
Have you in my
Arms forever

Come with me
Show me what you
Truly want and
Forever need

Baby you're my world
You're my light
You're my everything
To me in this life
I love you
©Cherisse Powers
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