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Rebecca Figueroa Jul 2013
When I close my eyes in days of trouble, you give me

I wait patiently for your answer, and when that answer has been answered...
I get as happy as a little girl who just found out the new barbie was made!

So, tonight.. I want to say,
Thank you.
Thank you for calming my troubled sea.
For listening to my every night cry  

You are indescribable, amazing!

So, thank you for listening to me,
and thank you for answering  my prayer.

You are beautiful, Lord.
Just the all time favorite BEST of THE BEST!
Rebecca Figueroa Jul 2013
Ever since that day, the day that I decided to walk out of your life
ever since that day I have missed you.
Not you as a boyfriend but as the friend in you.
I miss ending my days talking to you...
On FaceTime, texting you day and night.
I miss falling asleep on the phone with you.

I miss the fact that I could tell you about my day and laugh about it.
You are the first one I have truly opened up myself to.
The only one that made excited things even more exciting
because I know you would be happy that anything good happened to me.

I miss laughing at stupid things with you...
I miss the love your family offered me.
The fact that they made me feel like their own kid.
I miss your dad's strong country accent.
Your mom's little kid ways.

I miss you

Not as a boyfriend, I miss the friend in you.

Why can't you just be okay with being friends?
... Why can't you be part of my life anymore?
But you meant so much... Now you are just a stranger full off memories.

Someone that I used to know...
I only wish the best for you. Always have & always will
Rebecca Figueroa Jul 2013
Days feel like years
Nights feel like centuries.
The loneliness creeps in like a stormy day.
The feeling inside is as quiet as can be, crying out loud without a sound.
Weeping without tears, feeling like nothing can be worse.

Then I think of you and close my eyes and feel the warmth of your arms.
The love you give me is like being submerged in the ocean,
it is undefined and infinite.
As big as the sea yet as simple as sand.

I calm down, knowing that everything will get better.
Trusting you is what makes me strong as a rock.
It keeps me living life and enjoying the little things that no one sees.
The lonely nights turn into nights of love and comfort.

You are all I need... You are all I need...
When I feel lonely, I sit in bed and just close my eyes and talk to you,
because I know you hear me, because I know you care, because I know you love.
I wait patiently for your answer...
I know my prayers will be answered if I trust in you.

When i'm lonely, I look to you, and feel peace.

Because when I feel as lonely as a feather...

You are my best friend.
Rebecca Figueroa Jul 2013
The day will come...
They day when I will find my own frog.
To kiss, to hold, caress, to behold.

The day will come...
The day that I will wake up to a beautiful creature before me.
To observe, to learn, to live.

The day will come...
The day when I get to kiss my own personal frog.
The sweet, soft, lovely lips.

The day will come...
The day when I walk down the isle to meet you.
The two most beautiful phrases.

I do and Til death do us Part.

And when that day comes, I will be strong.
I will beautiful, inside and out.
I will never let go.

That day is taking too long.

How I long to hold you. To kiss you. To hug you.
To feel you and love you.

But the more I wait, the more special you seem to me.
I know that God is preparing you just like I want you to be.
I know you will be the BEST!
Because the Best Waits,
My own little frog.
Rebecca Figueroa Jul 2013
Faith is what helps you get through life
just a little easier, just a little better.
Faith is what helps you be positive.
It is what puts life in a new perspective.
A new way of viewing the world, in a more
beautiful way.
Faith is seeing with your eyes shut closed.
It is walking in a dark room believing that there is light in the end.
How do we find so?
By believing in God. Having morals, believing in the unseen.
Discovering that there are worse things in life than our problems.
By believing that God is the only one who can make your big problems seem like a
grain of salt.
Faith is what makes life beautiful.
Without it, no dreams would be accomplished.
No goals to reach.
Just a sad place with no light.
A world full of people, full of no one.
Full of light, Darkened with shadows.
Faith is never giving up.
Rebecca Figueroa Jul 2013
Young love is a love that is unexplainable.
A love that is adventurous, exciting, and fun.
Young love is like the wind.
You don't see it, but you can feel it.

Time passes and the love only grows stronger and stronger.
Like the tides of the ocean as the sun sets.
Each and everyday you find yourself with the certain person longer and longer.
Thinking about being with them begins the sweats.

The honey moon stage passes and you become comfortable.
They become a best friend rather than someone you just met.
Suddenly they become a big part of your life.
Someone you just cannot forget.

... Then it hits you.
You both are growing up together, yet separately.
You find yourself stranded, something out of the blue.
You are no longer on the same page. Trying to put everything into perspective, gently.

Slowly you find yourself falling out of love.
Not trying anymore.. Not caring.

It ends... Only to left wondering why you put yourself through all the above.

Young love is a love that is unexplainable.
A love that is fast, heartbreaking and sad.
Young love is like a cliff hanger.  
It leaves you empty and confused.

— The End —