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Someone recently
asked  me
what do I
think about
modern dating?
I responded by
saying we live
in a culture mired
in instant gratification,
i call modern dating
fast food dating
high volume dating
low nutrition dating
We constantly consume
But are forever
         more lonely,
we do not spend
the time to build
value in our own
love in our hearts ,
so we come to a
relationship  taking
and taking and taking
    instead of giving.
selfishness is the
massacre  of
       all relationship,
and our culture
specializing in crowning
self ruler of all.
   And selfishly
we surmise that
We are all
If you want love you have to give love, constantly. Once in a while we must look into our soul and ask ourselves, are we mature enough to come as givers and not takers . Because when two heart givers meet , it creates an environment of growth for both and what a beautiful thing.... love responsibly!
your fingertips danced across my skin
like children in the snow
you caressed my aching soul
and slowed my rapid heartbeat
the light in your eyes
twirled about as our lips pressed together
your tongue sought solace
inside my mouth
and my teeth grazed your bottom lip
as payment for your loves newfound home

your fingertips stayed firmly inside
our locked hands
you traced my smile with your lips
and promised to write me love letters
describing how your heart soared
when i entered the room
i laughed and you raced
to remember the lines that formed
in the corners of my eyes
when my smile lit up

your fingertips stayed hidden in your pockets
as we walked together
down our favorite path underneath the moonlight
i thought it was quite romantic tonight
and felt love coursing through my veins
as i looked at you
but you kept your head down
and the only time you looked up
was not to look at me
but to look at the brilliance of the moon

your fingertips were holding her hand now
and your teeth grazing her bottom lip
as i had once done to you
you wrote her songs of love
and she wrote you poems
describing the brilliance of your eyes
my soul shrank at the sight of the two of you
my heart was a living flame
that eventually died out to ashes
at the the fact that i would never hold your fingertips in mine again
I need to feel somebody’s touch again
I need to hear them whisper my name.
A kiss that’s more than a kiss
I’d like to be in such infatuation that it’s hardly sane.
I need someone to adore my body, embrace my skin
Undress me, ever-so-graceful; I need to sin
I want to press my bare chest against another human being
So hard, close, that we’re able to feel the others heart beating.
I’d like to be laid down, so delicate, like a doll
To be kissed, bitten, pleasured, so intense, my skin will crawl
My arms are aching to grasp another
My legs need something new to feel
Just please, for one night, can I be your faux lover?
Because it’s your heart, that I long to steal.
 Jun 2013 Raven Brewer
She's Poetry,
in more ways than she herself knows.
Just a glance in my direction with those radiant eyes,
or even the mere sound of her voice escaping those lips of silk,
is enough to awaken the butterflies that have been at rest in my soul for what feels like an eternity,
with the intensity of a cyclone.

She's Poetry,
Moving like the smoke releasing from the lit end of my cigarette,
drifting softly wherever the wind may take her.
Her luminous smile alone
is enough of a spark to set my mind ablaze,
giving me the inspiration to write for days and days and days.

She's Poetry.
With just the slightest touch, all my pain instantaneously evaporates,
and my heart begins to melt away.
Sweet as the summer rain, she swims through the rivers of my brain,
and I'm still wondering if she feels the same.

Shes Poetry,
in more ways than she herself knows.
 Jun 2013 Raven Brewer
Gabby K
My skin is raw from the frequent scalding hot showers.
I want to scrub your fingerprints off my body.
I don’t want to smell of your deceivingly sweet nectar,
I don’t want to feel your lingering embrace any longer.

It is no use.
I know that if someone were to kiss my body,
They would taste the insincere plague of your tongue.
They would absorb your flimsy forevers,
And those tender kisses that were meant for only me.

It is no use.
I cannot forget.
It is impossible for me to peel off these imprints.
So instead I will cover them.
I want to tattoo the first time you kissed me all over my body.
I want to tattoo our beach trip on my thighs.
Our day at the amusement park on my feet.
That’s where the skin is thinnest.
Poke close to my fragile bones.
I want it to hurt as much as possible.
It needs to sting.
© Gabby K 6/10/2013

— The End —