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I could be your pile of leaves
whenever I'm around you could jump right onto me
and if ever I'm too far out, you can just use your hands
and I'll come swimming back

you're so beautiful, and lips as sweet as honey dew
I can't help but to keep my eyes open when I kiss you

you look at my loneliness the same way you would an enemy
I feel like you make it a little easier to breathe
and If I'm being too forward
you can just use your hands, and push away from me
I can barely open my front door
inches of snow occupy my front porch
the white is so bright
I have to wear sunglasses to see outside
even though it's the middle of the night
and the sun is not in the sky
this is a rare moment in time
when you can be blinded by the moon light
everything seems surreal and sharp
the dry snow flakes strikes my face like glass shards
as it penetrates my skin, I notice my heart
leaned up against the wall, happy but broken into parts
as loving as life can be, it can be just as harsh
and knowing this necessary balance gives me power
The dinosaurs disappeared around the time of the first flower
therefore, when beauty ends, beauty begins
the end doesn't exist, the universe continues to change  
and is always expanding outward
I remember the times when she'd say
"let's die together one day"
I would pay to have seen my face
at the moment before I turned to run away
it is funny to me how time can bring on change
now, I would love for a woman
to look at me with that type of faith
and it not feel foreign or fake

love can take on many shapes
it could be a window
it could be the shade
it could be the sweetest of sleep
it could be the thoughts that keep you awake
 Feb 2014 Rasputina Keen
maybe I should be a nun
or date that boy in orchestra
or adopt more cats
because anything would be better than
spending my free time learning love songs on guitar
so i can melt your heart if need be
and constantly dreaming about you
and being crushed every waking minute.
I am not jealous
of what came before me.

Come with a man
on your shoulders,
come with a hundred men in your hair,
come with a thousand men between your ******* and your feet,
come like a river
full of drowned men
which flows down to the wild sea,
to the eternal surf, to Time!

Bring them all
to where I am waiting for you;
we shall always be alone,
we shall always be you and I
alone on earth
to start our life!
Her sophisticated soul exhibited in the mind of a goddess
cursed with your spells
got a dark cloud composing my thoughts, and it happened of how beautifully the moonlight kisses that darkness
Killed me with your knife but I knew your touch is so gentle and I've died happy between your arms
you spelled words like heaven that I longed to feel them against my lips
thought you were part of my reality
turned out that you belong to my dreams
There behind the ocean
Hearing your heartbeats rhyming with the waves
Creating a symphony of a life time
A scene worth capturing, hanged on the wall of our hearts

absents minds got lost -intentionally

 Feb 2014 Rasputina Keen
 Feb 2014 Rasputina Keen
I want to live simply.
I want to sit by the window when
it rains and read books I'll
never be tested on.

I want to paint because I want to,
not because I've got something to prove.
I want to listen to my body,
fall asleep when the moon is high,
and wake up slowly,
with no place to rush off to.

I want not to be governed by money
or clocks or any of the artificial
restraints that humanity
imposes on itself
. I just want to be
boundless and infinite.
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