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1.4k · Nov 2019
I grew up knowing we are a broken race,
A race that changes smiles to frowns on everyone's face,
A race of pity, a race of self destruction,
A race of slaves, a race of savages.
I grew up knowing that we are the poison to the sea,
Acid to the earth
And pollution to the air.
I grew up embarassed of my colour,
Embarassed of my Nation,
Embarassed of my Continent...

I guess I didn't know better
That one day I will discover of our Greatness.
I discovered that our forefathers walked all four corners of the Earth.

Let me rephrase that...

Our forefathers were acknowledged in all corners of the Earth.
I discovered we were once tutors of the world,
We were once Astronomers of the stars,
Travellers of Mother Earth,
Doctors to the sick
And Founders of great kingdoms like Cambodia, parts of Egypt, America etc...
We were founders of some of the world's oldest civilisations,
The olmec vivilization.

African child, how far have you fallen?

I get so much joy and pride when I look back,
Back beyond the slave's era,
Further before the missionaries,
The beauty I see.
I am overwhelmed by the greatness of our Africanism.

Where did it all go wrong?

We have such great history
But it all sounds like a myth or a mystery
Especially when I say that we once walked tall and high in the foreign lands of America,
Not as slaves but as residents and rulers.
Our history shouts of our greatness,
It tells us that the first man to be saluted as Emperor of China
Was the son of the soil, the son of Africa.
Our history tells a story of our existence in India,
Our great kingdoms in Cambodia and Scotland.
Our history even goes back further to the ancient times of the Bible.
It speaks of ******, a great man in the eyes of the Lord,
The father of Cush, the founder of Cushite, a black nation.

It saddens me to see us disrespect our elders like this
For they hold our rich history.
They hold the bridges we have forgotten,
They hold the secrets of our Nation.
They were there when mama Africa gave birth to us
And we will weep when mama Africa swallows them up.
We will not cry for they have gone
But we will cry for the knowledge we have buried.

If you don't believe me ask the sage Ntate Credo Mutwa.

Wake up Africa. Wake up and Rise...
Rise African Child!
Poetry In Motion
IG: rapnapoleon_za
287 · Nov 2019
Listen To Yourself
Dear Self
You don't need another person to fill the emptiness within, you need you, start listening to yourself.
Yours sincerely
254 · Nov 2019
Understand Yourself
Dear Self
To understand yourself better, you need to start exploring yourself first, be able to separate what you need and what you want, what makes you happy and what makes you better when you are sad, what you love and what you like.
Yours sincerely
218 · Nov 2019
Do What You Love
Dear Self
If you're not doing what you love, then you're simply wasting your time. Life is too short. Do what you love.
Yours sincerely
201 · Nov 2019
Do Not Quit (Keep Going)
Dear Self
If you quit right now, you will end up where you first began. Remember you when you first began, you were desperate to get to where you are now. You've come so far, don't quit!!!
Yours sincerely
180 · Nov 2019
God looked around his garden
And he found an empty place.
He then looked down upon this earth
And saw your tired face.
He put his arms around you
And lifted you to rest.
God’s garden must be beautiful
He always takes the best.
He knew that you were suffering,
He knew you were in pain.
He knew that you would never
Get well on Earth again.
He saw that the road was getting rough
And the hills are hard to climb,
So he closed your weary eyelids
And whispered “Peace be thine”.
It broke our hearts to lose you
But you didn’t go alone,
For part of us went with you
That day God called you home.
A Napoleonic short poem dedicated to my late father.

Poetry In Motion
IG: rapnapoleon_za
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I'm in a thousand winds that blow,
I'm in the softly falling snow.
I'm the gentle showers of rain,
I'm the fields of ripening grain.
I'm in the morning hush,
I'm in the graceful rush
Of beautiful birds in circling flight,
I'm the starshine of the night.
I'm in the flowers that bloom,
I'm in a quiet room.
I'm in the birds that sing,
I'm in each and every lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there. I do not die.
Poetry In Motion
IG: rapnapoleon_za
In this stanza I want us to be the government's eyes,
Become their lenses since you only see fools,
Observe how they avoid being daily crucified
By citizens that are not satisfied
And they are never or ever will be.
Watch how they nurture these big babies
That are always hungry and needs to be constantly fed
And also deal with rebellious teenage parents who never "cared"
And strikers who use violence to seek attention and to be heard.

In this stanza we will be their mouth and actions that respond.
We'll soothe the country's needs first, as for individual wants, they're postponed,
Reason being we can't act upon all requests,
It's hard like seeking brand new conquests
And we also have to deal with earlier vandalism acts
Done by the strikers, before that we must get all the straight facts.
I guess you now understand how the government operate,
So it wouldn't **** to be patient and cooperate.
Citizens open your eyes and see that you are walking backwards,
Instead work with government and stop destroying hospital wards.

In this stanza we shall be the ears
That will listen to complains, cries and fears,
Listen to the education issue
As they claim the quality is of a cheap tissue,
Meaning the education is poor and there we have to disagree.
If they said we're levels behind then we would agree
But it's not about being behind, it's all about being devoted
But these days education is like an unwanted baby and is aborted
And if we think about it that is one wrong that will never be corrected
Because education is no longer as important as being connected.
I'm scared to say our future is corrupted.

Now we will be the government's words
That won't make excuses but give reasonable response.
Education in this country colours it black as coal
Because we discover drugs in each and every school
And the kids thinks that's actually being cool,
Then there is this students and teachers relationship
Then you wonder why education is a sinking ship.
When a child is constantly failing they blame the department,
They blame the teachers and claim they lack commitment.
If that is the case, how are the other pupils passing?
This is one of the biggest issue the government is facing.

Let us not even touch employment
Because that is one category with no development.
I think I should end here for today because the files of unemployment are in a big case
And if nothing is done I wonder what the future has in her purse.
I don't see anything good as long as we have this selfish mentality curse.
Poetry In Motion
IG: rapnapoleon_za
154 · Nov 2019
I miss high school
Especial how we kept it cool
And always cracking jokes in classes,
Peeked and greeted each other through glasses.
Fumana High School, that's the name
And having fun was our high school game.
Even though we had our own individual characteristics and fame,
Student unity made us one happy fam.

C56, one of the school's corrupted classes,
Mentally good and physically fit.
Some classmates were like candy sweets.
I'm just kidding, but I do miss the fun, the break laugh
And the true friendship love.
It was a small fantasy world and a less responsible life.
I miss my friends and some schoolmates
Not forgetting my classmates.

How can I forgot our teachers,
If this was a song they would be features.
I still remember Mr Sibiya, the joke *******,
Mrs Tshabalala, the corruption tracker
And Mr Phakoe, the workerholic,
His work could turn one into an alcoholic.
How can we forget Mr Mtetwa our deputy principal,
He taught us that respect and hardwork was life's principle.
I haven't forgot Mr Kgapole, always serious,
If he was an actor it would've been in a science fiction.

Class of 2018,
So confusing like the movie Matrix.
We were so unpredictable.
I think being unique made it easy to be unpredictable.
Do you still remember matric last forty days?
The uniform trash day, the good old days,
The drama, the smokers, the lovers, the gamblers and the nerds?
It's a pity everything comes to an end.

I wish we become united again,
Help those who can't stand up on their own,
Be united until death seperates us.
Poetry In Motion
IG: rapnapoleon_za
149 · Nov 2019
Napoleonic Love Letter
Dear Ms Napoleon

I'm writing this letter to let you know how I feel about you.

Sthandwa sami, I have tripped from the hill of my pride and fallen for you. Please catch me but be careful cause I'm coming in too fast. You have made me fall in love with you so much that my fear of drowning is nothing compared to a life without you.
I don't know whether it's a good idea to tip you off just yet, I've got so much love for you that I can love more than one person and yet I can't because you are more than enough for me. I have only one question. I asked Cupid to ask you, but he never does anything I tell him to do, he is so protective over me.
Anyways here's the question; I know you are afraid of the ocean and right now my love is the ocean, are you ready to jump in?

NB: Be warned, this love is so deep that you might drown if you're not ready, but it is also hot to keep you warm while you are diving deeper and deeper. All this love is just for you to explore.
Yours Vulnerable ❤️
147 · Jan 2020
Full poem coming soon

This poem speaks about of the issues that the South African government is currently facing and how to deal with some of these issues.

- The Poetry Gurus
Poetry In Motion
IG: rapnapoleon_za
144 · Dec 2019
Once again I am sentenced without proof
All trust gone, disappeared like ****!
But I don't blame her
I mean I hurt her.
From where she is standing I can see her view
And it's very clear.

My crime will not be cheating,
I broke a verbal agreement,
A promise I made.
I promised to put her first above the rest,
I promised to never lie
Nor to make her cry,
I promised to love her more than her love for her hair
But I broke all these promises in just one event,
An event I could easily prevent.

I guess I should go stand in the queue
With her previous men and enjoy the view,
Watch another man do what I couldn't do,
Make her smile and take her out,
Make memories and take selfies with a pout!
And 100 pics with one particular pose,
Buy her a flower especially a rose,
Make love to her and be addicted to her moan,
Admire her like the moon.

I made my bed
I guess I should sleep in it,
But before that...
Is it too late to say sorry?
Poetry In Motion
IG: rapnapoleon_za
137 · Nov 2019
Beware Of People
Dear Self
People will provoke you until they bring out your ugly side, then they will play victim when you go there. Beware!!!
Yours sincerely
136 · Nov 2019
Pay Attention To Yourself
Dear Self
Rather get broke paying attention to you than get broke paying attention to someone else.
Yours sincerely
135 · Nov 2019
We Are All Equal
Dear Self
You don't need a lawyer in the eyes of the Father meaning you don't need a pastor to pray for you or the whole congregation to know your problems. All you need to do is close your bedroom door, get on your knees and talk to your God, then stand up and give life another try because in the eyes of the Father we are all equal.
Yours sincerely
She thinks I'm her sun
And she's the sunflower.
Infact she thinks she is the flour
And I'm the yeast, I make our love rise.
She thinks for her to survive she needs me.

The truth is I'm the sunflower
And she's the sun.
I'm the flour and she is the yeast.
She is water on Earth,
I need her more than she needs me.

Without her, I'm a church without saints.
Without her, I'm a dog without a scent,
I can't find my way to her heart.
Without her, I'm a home without children,
I am lonely.
Without her I am nothing
But I can't tell her that because she would realise my value
And notice I'm not worth it.

But for some reasons, she thinks she is worth less and I'm worth more.
For some reasons, she always put me first and her second.
For some reasons, she thinks without me she's just a tree without leaves,
I make her look attractive.
Without me, she is Mars, she has no life.
Without me, she is a window without a curtain
Everyone can see she needs me.

Only if she knew a tree without leaves potrays beautiful art.
Only if she knew I wouldn't be exploring her if she didn't have a life.
Only if she knew that window is keeping the wind out of my fragile heart.
Only if she knew her worth to me, she wouldn't be saying what she's saying now.

I'm scared to tell her that to me she's worth everything
Because she might walk away and I will loose everything.
Only if she knew her worth to me.
Poetry In Motion
IG: rapnapoleon_za
134 · Nov 2019
Dear Self
I thought I needed her to make me happy. That's so unfair of me, how can I expect her to make me happy when clearly I don't know what makes me happy?
Yours sincerely
Every soul on Earth that breathes,
Breathes under this world's joys and sadness,
Fortunes and misfortunes,
Success and failures,
Happiness and disappointments etc.
Now this means that we ALL FACE CHALLENGES in this life - on this earth.
Many achieve their goals because they lay aside what PEOPLE THINK OR SAY,
They ACCEPT CRITICS and CHEW THEM LIKE GUM then keep on living.

I'm writing to those who have LOST HOPE - REGAIN YOUR STRENGTH!
You shouldn't let circumstances bring you down to your knees - NEVER SURRENDER TO THEM!
You need to decide now what you want and who you want to be, in that very moment - DO IT WITHOUT HESITATION!

The fact that you can still use your mind means you're ALIVE,
It means that you still have the power of CHOICE and the WILL to do whatever your heart desires. BE IN CONTROL, MATE!
People are people and will always be people...
Why worry about them if they don't help you grow?

The question that lies is: "What have you (under such deep circumstances) decided to do?
To be a master over them or a slave under them?
Poetry In Motion
IG: rapnapoleon_za
125 · Nov 2019
Black Tax
Dear Self
Always remember that your dreams are aligned with your siblings' dreams too, meaning they're all depending on you to succeed so that you can help them make it too.
Yours sincerely

— The End —