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173 · Jan 2015
Ranger Jan 2015
Watch it all fall
the people I hold close

The world turning to ash
Broken memories of happier times
and the shovel in my hands

Every one will be lost one day
Sooner or later it falls apart
memories like scars

My friends and family
lined up in the earth or gone
with only a hole in my life

This is fate until you join them
171 · Jun 2014
what is the truth
Ranger Jun 2014
nothing truly lives that has fear

nothing truly dies that has hope

life or death

its a choice
168 · May 2014
A simple wish
Ranger May 2014
What would you wish
What would you want

Its a simple idea
Its a small word "wish"

Whats in your heart
Whats in your head

Its not so hard
Its not difficult

We all want some thing
We all have a dream

You can have can have one thing
You can have just one

I know what it would be
I know what I would want

I know the pain
I know the hurt

I wish it your end
I wish I could help

But wishing is not needed
But I know this.. It will be ok
165 · May 2014
I wish I knew
Ranger May 2014
Are you mad at me
I speak and you don't respond
Are you hiding
I look and I don't see you
Did I make a mistake
I sit here and I wonder
Is there some thing I should have done different
I ask my self
Are things ok
I wish I knew
163 · Mar 2015
Looking at the stars
Ranger Mar 2015
Looking at these stars
My heart beats fast
How they shine in the dark of night
Glittering and calm
They show me the way
Stars leading you home
And showing the future
These stars
So bright
I love you
161 · May 2014
Note left under a rock
Ranger May 2014
I love you

                 I will always love you
                                                      You're worth it

                                                                               I will love you forever
160 · Apr 2014
I never told you
Ranger Apr 2014
I never told you
I knew it would hurt
I know you would be afraid

I never told you how
I never told you why
I never told you of the time

It would have been fun
It would have been real
It would have been good

I had temptation
I had an offer
I had an interest


I had you
I had a vow
I had a promise

It was love

I don't regret tuning it down
I don't regret staying strong
I don't regret fighting a little longer

I was strong
I was proud
I was honorable

I am those things now
And never lost them
Even tho you are gone

I never told you
160 · Feb 2015
Is this happiness
Ranger Feb 2015
Is this happiness
The fairy tale that was promised
The world as we know it
But this money is cold
And this coin offers no comfort
The more I have the more it seems empty
This is not what I want
My soul does not thrive on this bank
But what is it
That made me smile
Been working 14 hour days at increased pay. Been more then 30 days since my last day off. My bank is loaded and I am so numb
158 · Jan 2015
What is a man
Ranger Jan 2015
What is a man
Man is nothing more then an animal tell proven a soul
And the heart to love
I know of to many times a man has proven to be nothing more then a beast worthy of putting down for the pain they cause a woman
157 · Apr 2014
How do I tell you
Ranger Apr 2014
How do I tell you

I say "it's ok"

How do I tell you all the things I feel

I say "it's ok"

How do I tell you what I did

I say "it's ok"

How do I tell you what it ment to me

I say "it's ok"

How do I tell you what I want

I say "it's ok"

How do I tell you all the things I remember

I say "it's ok"

How do I tell you all the happiness and joy you brought to me

I say "it's ok"

How do I tell you how badly I want to hold you

I say "it's ok"

How do I tell you how much it hurts not to have you

I say "it's ok"

How do I tell you how I still dream about you

I say "it's ok"

How do I tell you how much it hurts not to have you in my life

I say "it's ok"

How do I tell you I love you

I say "it's ok"

How do I tell you

I say "it's ok" because I know that you know
151 · Apr 2014
This is how it begins
Ranger Apr 2014
I crave you
I want you
I wait for you

My eyes spot you
My eyes move along your body
My eyes study you carefully

Slowly I draw near
Slowly may hands grip your body
Slowly I push you to the wall

You look up at me
You bite your lip nervously
Your heart starts to beat faster and faster

I come closer my body against yours
I come closer my lips finding your neck
I come closer my warm breath rolling down your tender skin

Can you feel it, my heart beat
Can you feel it, my hunger
Can you feel it, my need for you

The feeling of my teeth to your neck
The feeling of my nails sliding down your back
The feeling of my lips to yours taking your breath away

A sound, a gasp
A sound a grunt
A sound a soft moan

This is how it begins...
148 · May 2014
what I can't say
Ranger May 2014
What to say
What can I say I haven't said a thousand times
I wish I knew

When I speak it hurts
My words cutting like knives in you skin
Leaving red lines

I don't want to hurt you
I wish I know how to say every thing in my heart
It can't be said

You know how I feel
I would cut my chest with a knife and let it all spill out
If it made you smile

You know my heart
You felt it beat as you lay your head on my chest falling asleep
I remember

It was so good
I never regret any of it
always happy

So many dreams
There are still so many things left to do
I know how I feel

There is no confusion
Those days are gone and all there is left is desire
There is no pain

I will carry on
I think of you all the time
I miss you

I never left
There is nothing to make me abandon you
It is alright

Here I stand
I am not broken any more
Truly strong

I had so many names for you
Non could express how special you where
How many do you remember

Deeply wishing
I could see your smile light up
One more time

I digress
I know you can't let your self hear me
So I hold my self back

I hide
I will do as you ask if it pleases you
Vanishing unspoken

Just know
Those three words
That is all
143 · Apr 2014
Why can't I hate
Ranger Apr 2014
Why can't I hate
It would make things easy
It would cover the pain

I wish I could
I feel like I am broken
I am told it's ok

I wish I could hate
I need to hate
I deserve to

But I try
But I can't
But I won't

I could never hate
I could never wish ill
I could never want you to hurt

Why.. Can't I...

Do you know?
143 · Dec 2014
Ranger Dec 2014
It was all I ever needed
All I ever wanted


140 · May 2014
What to do?
Ranger May 2014
Have you ever had a problem you could not answer?
It grows in my mind like a cancer

Have you ever see some one whos heart was in pain?
I would do any thing to break that chain

Is there really nothing I can do?
I know, all I can do is be here for you.
133 · May 2014
For you
Ranger May 2014
This moment

Looking in your eyes

Holding you as you fall asleep

I could die happy

But this moment is more then that

I could die happy


Live to see you


Would you die for some one


Live for them forever

This moment is more

I would live for you

My Love

My Life

My future

121 · Dec 2014
A day not like any other
Ranger Dec 2014
You and                me
Two years ago       to this day
I got some thing  amazing like never
Held it in my hands for the first time
It burned so bright and felt so pure
I was so scared but so at piece
Please don't break it......
You gave it to me......
I gave you mine...
Our heart..
Our soul.
Tomorrow, The day every thing went wonderful wrong. My life hit a curve and was made tragically amazing. She has Gone but the feeling still remain. I am here and you're still in my heart and dreams

— The End —