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Is it real?
Is it a product of doubt?
Is it what stops use from reaching our goals?
Or is it there to make the world look even more bigger?

What can stop it?
Some say you need to face your fears.
Do your fears go away once you have faced it?
Or do u get more that amerge from the heavenly abyss?

Some fear can help.
Some fear cannot be erased.
Some fear cannot even be faced or seen.
So then what is the reasons for having fears, that can make or break you?

Are they apart of life?
Are we born with fear as oppose to believing?
Is it a necessity we need to move on day to day with?
Do we use it as and excuse from day to day things that we have to do?

In the back of my mind it is.
I have a fear tht cannot be erased.
No matter how many times i try and face it, it nvr disappears.
Since I believe, that fear has release its grip on me and controls me no more.

I say fear is a necessity.
I say fear is a product of doubt.
I say fear cannot take control of your own life.
For if you do live your life in fear, then the end of the world is very near.
copyright Randy Wiafe 2010
The door shuts
Cars stop
People stop moving
As the world is plunged into absolute silence.

Mines don’t explode
Tanks sit still
Guns not fired
As the war is plunged into absolute silence.

Birds stop chirping
Clouds aren’t moving
Water stops flowing
As nature is plunged into absolute silence.

The world is silent
And I know why
This is what happens
When music stops
copyright Randy Wiafe 2010
They are..
Mothers that care for their young
The soldiers that fight for their country
Nieces and Nephews
Seeds of the future
Brothers and sisters blood or not
The inspiration that drives us
Fathers that work day and night
Things we hold dearest to our heart
Lovers that withstand the worst
Memories that can’t be lost
Always there in the toughest times
The reason we face our fears
Friends that will never let us down
Most importantly, they are you.
copyright Randy Wiafe 2010
The first six miles I run,
are ran when the sun raises.
Its ran for selfish reasons.
I clear my thoughts,
then rearrange them for the day.
Listen to my music,
For my legs move in motion with the beat,
and not be drawn by the pain sent from my brain.
Its to awaken me from my long slumber.
Its ran for me to be free.
The freedom to not care what others think and
the freedom to make my own path.

Now the last six miles I run,
are ran when the sun sets.
This is ran so I can see the beauty of nature.
No music is brought with.
Mind is cleared of everything.
My legs move to the music of nature.
My mind listens to the song the trees sing.
What songs? One may ask.
The song of love, as a couple sits beneath a tree.
The song of peace, as the leaves sway in the wind.
The song of power, as the mighty presence of the tree.
Listen close enough you'll hear and see the songs.
Both six miles are ran away from the sun,
to insure I never get lost.
copyright Randy Wiafe 2010
For all those people that think life is so easy.
Step into my life and it wont be so breezy.
Why is there senseless killing of others?
Why cant we live in peace with one other?
Why is there so much disease and poverty?
Why cant we come together and stomp thee?
Why is there so many racist?
What did that race ever do to you?
So many more questions are out there.
But no one there to answer them
I'm not here to preach about life
But I’m here to teach about life
For all those people that think their parents are annoying
I say this once, so listen closely
Go an thank your parents for keeping u alive,
cause if wasn’t for them your *** would be dead.
I bless my mom for what she has done for me
She takes care of me my sister and my brother.
I bless my dad for creating me
beside that I want nothing to do wit him
For all those soldiers that fight for America
You are the real heroes
You are the real heroines
Because you fight for a country that’s not perfect
You fight for all of our freedom
So thanks for what you are doing
Now for my friends that passed away Rest In Peace
But you will always be in my heart
I know you will be watching upon me
Because of this our dreams wont stop here

my very first poem enjoy!
copyright Randy Wiafe 2010
Thoughts on paper,
Emotions in ink.
Verse that shows
What the artist may think.

Not just words
That rhyme or not.
It's a writer's emotion,
Their deepest thought.

To write great poetry
So deep and true,
It must come from emotions
Deep inside of you.

What you feel is what you write.
It helps to let it all out.
It's the perfect outlet
For those who don't scream and shout.

Do not be afraid
To let the world know.
Say what you think,
And let your emotions go
copyright Randy Wiafe 2010
Weeks gone by.
I couldn’t survive.
She was not by my side.
I was about to die.
Her love for me
Was going away.
While my love for her
Was growing strong.
My life was falling apart.
The road in front was breaking apart.
My guardian angel.
Flew away.
I tried to grasp onto her,
But she pulled away.
My mortal body,
Couldn’t take the pain.
I fell into the deepest,
And darkest part of the world
The Abyss
I saw her with another man
My heart sank deep down
Like quicksand
She said she loved me
But it was all false
I couldn’t cope with the pain
So I ran lost
I felt disabled
Without my angel.
copyright Randy Wiafe 2010
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