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 Nov 2013 Rana Saleh
Josh Morillo
I know I don't deserve anything.
But most importantly... You.
It's not cause of the things I've done in the past.
No, that's irrelevant.
It's because of who I am.
How I act.
Because knowing this, let's you know what I will do.
You know I can't, scratch that, I won't change.
That's why you're drifting away.
It's why you won't accept my apologies.
It's understandable.
I can't blame you.
Only myself.
I say it over and over again.
Knowing you don't care.
I say I don't care anymore but it's just a lie.
But you deserve better and we both know it.
I lied when I said I don't deserve anything. There's a lot of things I deserve.
And lastly, life... without you.
 Apr 2013 Rana Saleh
The vow
 Apr 2013 Rana Saleh
I promise to be kind every day that follows today,
I promise to stay by your side no matter what happens,
I promise to take you to dance every friday night,
I promise to sing the songs I wrote for you,
I promise I'll do anything to make you stay,
I promise to give you all the love you need,
I promise that you'll always be able to cry on my shoulder,
I promise to fall asleep in your arms,
I promise to kiss your cheek, your nose and your neck,
I promise to warm you up if your cold,
I promise to kiss you in your sleep,
I promise to make you smile all day, every day
I promise to kiss you under the rain,
I promise to write poems about how much I care for you,
I promise to travel everywhere with you by my side,
I promise to slowly carress your cheek,
I promise to bring you to the top of the Eiffel tower,
I promise to share everything I own,
I promise to tell you you're beautiful every day,
I promise to hold you in my arms and close my eyes,
I promise to make you laugh if you're feeling low,
I promise to believe in our love,
I promise to fight for it,
I promise I'll be the best girlfriend you've ever had,

I promise you happiness for the rest of your life.
 Apr 2013 Rana Saleh
Josh Morillo
We were all born in different places
We were all raised in different places
We were granted different faces
That's just some of our graces

So why do we all strive to be the same
To look the same and play the same game
With nothing to gain but twitter and tumblr fame

Other people, that's who we try to please
At the cost of our own originality, individuality
And replace this with things like ignorance and brutality

I'm not gonna lie, I was like that once
Wanted to be the class clown and act like a dunce

Pleasing other people really to no avail
Entertaining others while my classes is what I fail

Doing favors for others trying to cheer them up
While they all look at me like I'm their little pup

Tired of being disrespected
Doing things that others requested

So finally I decided to look in the mirror and say "STOP,
From now on Ima do it all for me"
My first poem I've ever written. Don't judge too harshly

— The End —