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Anonymous Jun 2014
I am searching for love
I am searching for truth
I need to know why there is suicide
I need to know why we are depressed
I need to know why we feel as though
our lives
out of our reach

I need to know why we are unhappy
I need to know that we understand
that there are ways
our inner
inner creativity

we are beautiful beings
we musn't ever put that aside
it should be in our every stride
in our smiles
when we hold hands
in solidarity
we shall dance and sing

I know why there is unhappiness now
due to societies lack of concern for us as beings
and their concern with profit making
that has subjected this world into starvation
and poverty

but we musn't give up
we must sit quiet
with our self
and find our beauty that has been forced down
and bring it to the surface

and then we shall all hold hands
and sing and dance
and laugh

as we were always meant to
before things got a bit blurry
and foggy
sit with yourself
and find your creativity
your beauty
and we can change the world
hand in hand
Jun 2014 · 295
Anonymous Jun 2014
Laying down
On the cold desert ground
The orange sand

Laying down
Hiding under the black sky
sighing deeply

Laying down
My hands over my head
I breath the earth

Laying down
My eyes closed
I see stuff dance

Laying down
I am the desert
I am the sky

Laying down
I smile
and I cry
Jun 2014 · 484
Thinking of You
Anonymous Jun 2014
Once Every Hour
Once Every Day
Once Every Other day
Once Every Week
Once Every Fortnight
Once Every Month

Moving on,
It takes time
and that's OK.
Apr 2014 · 612
Red Hair
Anonymous Apr 2014
Busy cafes
quiet down pretty fast
busy minds
get distracted all the time
my last thought
was of this guy I was seeing
he had a girlfriend I believe
He kissed me like he loved me
In the back seat of the taxi cab
I paid the fare
Got out and touched his red hair
He said he had a headache
I said I had a cure
and when we touched he said it worked
But he had to go
So there I was
sitting on the sidewalk alone
Apr 2014 · 5.9k
Anonymous Apr 2014
**** on the cement floor
i found the keys
unlocked my door
walked through the hallway
saw my room with two glasses on the floor
Anonymous Apr 2014
a cloud of sadness follows me around
stillness in my room
no laughter only my tears
i wish you would come back

tell me it will all be alright
your green eyes that shine
your tears that are so real
please be true to me

how can i pick myself up off the ground
all the peices of my life have fallen apart
and now you are gone
with another girl

i can only imagine being with you again
a fond memory of us
my heart aches
my body longs for you

broken into nothing
how can i bring back my life
i have nothing left
will the light ever shine again
Jul 2013 · 983
Beirut Black Skylines
Anonymous Jul 2013
Cut loose your black bird

When you sleep

Into the night

Peering and prying

Into other beings lives

It sees you and the world

In another life

Not past nor present

In no space and in no time

— The End —