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Jan 2017 · 920
Adam and Eve
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
I am not an entity
In this world
Or in the next
I did not descend
From Adam and Eve
Or any origin story
My place is Placeless
A trace of the traceless

Jan 2017 · 457
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
With ears
Of tolerance
Through the eyes
Of compassion
With the language
Of kindness
Jan 2017 · 658
Every heart is my temple
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
I belong to no religion  
Poetry is my religion
And every heart is
My temple
Jan 2017 · 280
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Your eyelashes will write on my heart
The poem
That could never come from the pen
Of a poet
Jan 2017 · 251
Baby Butterflies
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
You have wings
Learn to use them
And fly
Jan 2017 · 205
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
It's your road
And yours alone
Others may walk it with you
But no one can walk it
For you
Jan 2017 · 242
Don't grieve
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Don't grieve
Anything you
Lose comes
Round in another form
Jan 2017 · 295
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
What you seek
Seeking you
Jan 2017 · 257
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Our death is our wedding
With eternity
Jan 2017 · 334
In your beauty
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
In your light
I learn how to love
In your beauty
How to make poems
Jan 2017 · 279
God and I
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
I said , What about my eyes
God said , Keep them on the road
I said , What about my passion
God said , Keep it burning
I said , What about my heart
God said , Tell me what you hold inside it
Jan 2017 · 293
You have no end
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
I choose to hold you
In my dreams
Because in my dreams
You have no end
Jan 2017 · 189
Dance stars
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
In the  beauty of the  night  sky
They came to dance for you
Jan 2017 · 563
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Poetry is
A Wise  giver's  guide
To understanding
And enjoyment
Jan 2017 · 325
Be silent
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Love said me
There is nothing
That isn't me
Be silent
Jan 2017 · 277
Change chaos to Zen
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Deep silent thought
Meditate for inner peace
Change chaos to Zen
Jan 2017 · 239
The inspiration you seek
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
The inspiration you seek
Is already Within you
Be silent and listen
Jan 2017 · 229
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Every part of you
Has a secret
Jan 2017 · 226
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Woman is a ray of God
She isn't  that earthly beloved
She is creative
Not created
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
In every religion
There is love
But love has no religion
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Never lose hope
My dear heart
Miracles dwell
In the invisible
Jan 2017 · 292
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Silence is
The language of flowers
Jan 2017 · 571
Federico García Lorca (2)
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
You hear a voice
Through the door calling you
As a fish out the water
Hears the waves
Come back , Come back
This turning toward what
You deeply love saves you
Jan 2017 · 268
The ocean
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
All know
That the drop merges into the ocean
Few know that the ocean merges into the drop
Jan 2017 · 372
I open the window
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
At night
I open the window
and ask the moon
To come
And press it's face
Against mine
Breathe into me
Jan 2017 · 734
Raise your words
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Raise your words
Not your voice
It's the rain
That grows flowers
Not thunder
Jan 2017 · 670
Federico García Lorca (1)
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Yesterday I was clever
So I wanted change the world
Today I am wise
So I am changing myself
Federico García Lorca

می شنوی
صدای ام را
ما در جهان
جا مانده ایم
که باقی
به تماشای ما
نشسته اند
Jan 2017 · 282
Don't feel lonely
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Don't feel lonely
The entire universe is
Inside of you
Jan 2017 · 333
Like branches on a tree
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Like  branches on a tree
We all grow in different directions
Yet our roots remain as one
Jan 2017 · 744
Wake up
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Wake up
With determination
Go to bed
With satisfaction
Jan 2017 · 430
Be able to look back
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Maybe  not today
Or tomorrow
Or even in a year
But eventually
Things will turn up
You will get better and
Be able to look back
And say with relief
I made it ...
Jan 2017 · 273
Only your mind
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Only your mind
Will listen
To you
Jan 2017 · 341
If you want to know
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
If you want to know
Where your heart is
Look where you mind goes
When it wanders
Jan 2017 · 434
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
You are not only
A beautiful drop
In an ocean
You are the entire ocean
In a drop
Jan 2017 · 361
A gift
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
Is a gift to you
For your joy
Jan 2017 · 362
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
The singing
Of Nightingales
Needs no
To translation
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
A buttercup
Ramin Ara Jan 2017
You may see
A butterfly
Rest upon
A buttercup
And the sip
The nectar
Dec 2016 · 428
Ramin Ara Dec 2016
The whisper of trees
Can hear earth
Dec 2016 · 266
Ramin Ara Dec 2016
Love is the bridge
Between you
And everything
Dec 2016 · 1.3k
Music .. The Ocean ..Stars
Ramin Ara Dec 2016
Don't underestimate the healing  power
Of these three things

           The Ocean
Dec 2016 · 276
Of future
Ramin Ara Dec 2016
Don't limit a child
They are the hope
Of future
Dec 2016 · 263
Ramin Ara Dec 2016
Every dew drop paints
On  all the  petals
Dec 2016 · 867
Ramin Ara Dec 2016
In the new year
I have three wishes
For all people
In the world
First , peace
Second, joy
And third ,  a happy world
Dec 2016 · 224
Cold December
Ramin Ara Dec 2016
A piece of food
A single perching bird
Dec 2016 · 424
Words fall like leaves
Ramin Ara Dec 2016
Words fall like leaves
Onto the empty white pages
And a  poem  appears
Dec 2016 · 303
Ramin Ara Dec 2016
When at night
You remove the veil
From your face
The visage of a flower receives illumination
Dec 2016 · 865
Watches the butterflies
Ramin Ara Dec 2016
How sadly the bird
In  his cage
Watches the butterflies
Dec 2016 · 669
Wet petals
Ramin Ara Dec 2016
Best thing is
Wet petals
With Incident Light
Of dew
Ramin Ara Dec 2016
Whenever you entrust your heart
To love
You get
A  happy  moment
Dec 2016 · 352
With its fragrance
Ramin Ara Dec 2016
A red rose blossomed
In a forest
And the nightingale drunk
With its fragrance
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