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Nov 2016 · 530
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
Every time
In necessity
My learning
Is helpful
Nov 2016 · 250
Rose bud
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
A rose bud
Is like a child
In the arms
Of the rose
Nov 2016 · 804
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
your purity gives
The sky fine lustre
And your rays
Make the earth glorious
Nov 2016 · 270
We say
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
when we are unaware
Of the end
Of things
What could we say
At the beginning
Nov 2016 · 308
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
How can
To hide oneself
from destiny ?
Nov 2016 · 256
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
Of the end
At the Beginning
Nov 2016 · 388
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
You may sit
In the heart
That is free
From sorrow
Nov 2016 · 317
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
Before you assume
Before you judge
Before you hurt
Before you say

By ?
Nov 2016 · 279
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
Hope is something
Finds a nice  place
In the heart
Nov 2016 · 257
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
Revealing a secret
That night turns
Into a  star
Nov 2016 · 693
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
Blessed is  first flower
That gives the tidings
Of spring
Nov 2016 · 993
Tulip and narcissus
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
A tulip said
To a withered narcissus
See what a bright face
We have presented
Nov 2016 · 166
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
The sweet scene
Of the garden
That reveals
The beauty
Of flowers
Nov 2016 · 446
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
The flower
Of destiny
Has no untimely growth
I'm wayfarer
Of the path
Of destiny
Nov 2016 · 258
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
If you wish to make
This village   flourishing          
You must first make the huts
Of the peasants habitable
Nov 2016 · 232
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
The great will not slip
On this road
Since They act prudently
From the start
Nov 2016 · 239
Ramin Ara Nov 2016
A young bird's song
Really very lovely
On a Branch
Oct 2016 · 403
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
What a blessing
Like Jesus
Ascended into heaven
Without wings
Oct 2016 · 269
A mirror
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Better than affection
Of hypocritical friends
Is the insult
Of an enemy
Who tells the truth
Like a mirror
Oct 2016 · 256
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
And selfishness
Are the enemies
Of repose
Oct 2016 · 289
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
A simple practice available to all
which can reduce stress
Increase calmness
And clarity
And promote happiness
Oct 2016 · 432
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
My petals
Are always
Kissed by a pink dawn
Oct 2016 · 310
A young nightingale
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Happy flower
That has
A young nightingale
As a neighbour
Oct 2016 · 236
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Asceticism is based
A pure thought
Not a clean robe
Oct 2016 · 200
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
It is incumbent upon every girl
To value learning
So that no one can call
A boy alert
But a girl stupid
Oct 2016 · 215
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
We are content
With our share
While a raven
Resorts to stealing everywhere
And is still hungry
Oct 2016 · 626
Sarcasm a flower
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Being so mean
Colorless and ugly
Why have you taken
A seat
In our rank ?
Oct 2016 · 245
Of time
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
I always laugh
At the ways
Of time
Wondering at all
Its uneven
and crooked
Oct 2016 · 303
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
In that way
Luck favoured me greatly
and make me steadfast
In that hardship
Oct 2016 · 201
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Don't wonder
Why a candle
Lot is
to burn
Oct 2016 · 947
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
A Poet's heart
Is secure
From thieves
Oct 2016 · 169
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
I like my enemies
Better than my friends
Because in distress
A friend proves
To be enemy
Oct 2016 · 232
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Oct 2016 · 218
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
How long do you wish
To seek seclusion?
Be a neighbour
Of a garden
Or orchard
Oct 2016 · 196
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
What is the difference
Between race and origin
Oct 2016 · 255
A shrine
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
You have nothing
But a heap
Of water
and earth
Whereas  nothing
Is so blessed
As the a shrine
Of the heart
Oct 2016 · 258
Philosophy (2)
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
We were not informed
Of the mystery
Of creation
So don't ask
A believer
In appearance
About this reality
Oct 2016 · 259
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
When the thief
Becomes a pillager
At night
The robbery of rulers
Takes place
In daytime
Oct 2016 · 763
The autumn wind
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
I have heard
In the time
Of leaf dropping
A leaf fled
From the autumn wind
And it  hid itself among the branches
But how can
To hide oneself
From destiny ?
Oct 2016 · 501
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Don't be charmed
By a face
Because ,there are many faces behind the mask
Oct 2016 · 235
A flower
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
If you love a flower
don't pick it up
Because if you pick it up
It dies and it ceases to be
what you love
Oct 2016 · 222
Old man
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
One  day
A young man said
To an old man
How the treatment is performed
In old age
The old man said
There is a vague point
In this story
The meaning of which
You learn
In old age
Oct 2016 · 150
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Every rose has its thorn
As a Neighbour
Oct 2016 · 754
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
What difference is there
Between  a  narcissus
And a  daffodil
Both happy
And every flower
Whatever  it is
Looks  Coquettish
In the meadow
Oct 2016 · 691
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
At night
When  this azure garden
Was illuminated
By the rays
Of stars
The eyes of day
Hid itself
for sleep
and the dark
Of night emerged
From ambush
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
Raven and peacock
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
One night
A raven claimed
To be a peacock
But such boastful claim
Was falsified
In the morning
Oct 2016 · 190
One hair
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Don't neglect yourself
Even little
Little as a hair
Because life hung
Only on one hair
Oct 2016 · 408
Morning bird
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
The morning bird
Began to sing
In memory
Of the past
Oct 2016 · 283
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Each creature is given
A lamp
Of vision
To enable him or her
To proceed
On this dark path
Oct 2016 · 700
Ramin Ara Oct 2016
Be a mate
Of rose
Of daffodils
Of gladiola
In the garden
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