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Ralda Robles Dec 2018
dont you wish there was another world
in another dimension
one so distant from the one you occupy now

you could escape it all
the pain theyve caused
all the forgiveness youve had to find
youd be able to live
even without the pain
they couldnt reach you i bet
youd light up your own world and the skys would gleam
there would be self love enough to last you a lifetime

imagine running to this place
imagine needing nothing or nobody
imagine never being hurt
imagine never having to forgive
Ralda Robles Dec 2018
Sometimes the picture gets smaller
I imagine my feet tiring of running
Becoming only a speck on everyones mind
Until I'm no longer in reach
Escaping from those who caused me pain
It could only be me
My self love
One that never made me doubt myself
Not the kind that made me hate myself
Could I live?
If all I had now was just a memory
Could I pick up and leave it all behind
Would it save me from the pain
Or would the pain they caused become embedded in my brain
Ralda Robles Dec 2018
i miss not knowing how much you miss her
my ignorance was bliss
more than that baby
it saved my life
Ralda Robles Dec 2018
She was only a dream at first
Then they mentioned her name
You made sure to dress her up
Expressed every piece of her until she was real
All of a sudden I knew her all too well
I could not only fear her, but see her
She was completely built and adorned right in front of me
Yet, she was just part of my imagination right?
Until, you made her my reality
How long did you miss her?
Was it that time you brought her up
Sorry, I mean the few dozen times
Like when I wasn't to be touched because of how she reacted when she was
How I wasn't to be trusted because of how she acted when she was
Let's not forget she knows this all too
I imagine her face too often
The feeling of security she soaks in
A feeling I no longer know
All because she knows you missed her while I wasn't to be cared for
I can hear the comments her and her friends made
They're even louder when you tell me you love me
For every I miss you I get, the one you gave her just becomes louder
When will I forget.
Lets be honest, I wont.
I mean, you didn't.
Ralda Robles Dec 2018
If the pain could grow legs, would it walk away

Would it pity me

When my eyes lose the light and my body begins to bruise

Would my tears be enough to keep it away

If I screamed at the top of my lungs, would it run away

Could I teach it to hide if I swore at it

Will my scars remind it to stay away

What about the tears in my mothers eyes

Would pain know it’s place
Ralda Robles Aug 2018
although she is loved, she is not missed
although she is given presence, she is not cared for
not like her
not like he cares for her
or not like he misses her
but she is adorned with attention
just not wanted like her
she is eager for his love
but he doesn't want to give it like he gave it to her
she is full of hope
her mind is somewhere else
he already gave her the affirmation needed
she waited months for the affirmation
he doesn't think unless its about her
her and she are not the same girl
for he thinks she is too much all while dreaming about her
she wants the love he once gave her
the love she got wilts easily while he never stopped loving her
when you're not the one but someone else is
Ralda Robles Jun 2018
Engulfed by thoughts roaming
All around are spells used for pain
Like the whispers you left with me
Promises of a tomorrow
But I've forgotten the smell of yours clothes
I wonder what your mind looks like at this moment
Any thoughts of me?
What quivers between your lips
Any spells for me?
I've caught on to them all cant you see
I've taken up a profession in searching for your love
Like a lost key
But one never carved to fit my home
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