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Dec 2021 · 699
Rajib Ahmed Dec 2021
Rains are god's tears
or ****
or her getting wet
or ___
Mar 2019 · 193
Rajib Ahmed Mar 2019
Heads, Heads,
I want Heads,
Smiling Heads, handshaking Heads,
Heads full of dung,
Heads hiding tons
Heads that are scheming
Always overseeing
Heads that love licking
Otherwise it's aching
Heads making deals
After the kills
Heads who think sharp
Their sycophants clap
Heads making tails
Heads growing nails
Heads, Heads,
I want...

often you see them
Making headlines
'working' for people
and killing at night
they are all smiling
but covertly thriving
apt in hard-quashing
any dissenting voices!

they speak of rights,
they talk of justice
they air confidence
they paint rosy future
you think 'His excellence,
is irreplaceably nice.'
that's exactly the thing
they'd like to spread
while they conspire and devise

Heads, Heads...
Smiling Heads,
Heads with headgears
Heads with less hair
Heads with a cap
Heads full of crap
they come in varieties
in suits or saris
all of them are honey-tongued
with daggers under their arms
they are the looters
they fear no other
except the roars
of united men.

when the men assemble
their thorns tremble
and finally they pay
with heads that were gay
I want those Heads
it's time for Heads
enough of waiting
it's so frustrating
it's time for Heads

We need to chop

chopped Heads
Head chops
chopped heads
Head chops

I want heads
warring Heads
plotting Heads
lying Heads
looting Heads
corrupting Heads

Heads, Heads,
those rotten Heads
I want them chopped
I want them Heads.
Nov 2016 · 390
The New War on Devils
Rajib Ahmed Nov 2016
Our spinning world is in the grips of devils now.
As 'the best lack all conviction',
the sadist, split-tongued devils
have captured
all the good and whatever therein
i can see its red ***** genitals
from below as it tramps over us
stomping and splitting, and mocking us.

And we just go by, with patience.
wait for better days, but too coward
to endeavor for it
We all bent on graduating this
hell fire of deprivation and loss
with good grades.

Our predicament is that we're fragmented
and confused, and merry-go-lucky idlers us all.
We want it better, but don't venture forth.
we wan't a ready platter.

But we've been given dung to eat and kicks at the back to endure
and by the mercy of our great Lord,
we eat and drink and be merry too

The world is in the grips of devils now.

we must reclaim it.
we must hoard up the badasses
and cull them like sick chickens
we have to start this new war
to reclaim whatever that was ours
we humans are to save humanity and our spinning world
the devils are to be shown the hell-fire
where they belong

we must act now, and start at this moment
for the good, and for the working devil.
Oct 2016 · 387
When you’re 20 years late
Rajib Ahmed Oct 2016
When you’re 20 years late
In life and living
You are early to lose hope,
On things that might matter to you.
You would face the predicament,
Of deciding whether to sit down somewhere and repent,
Or to go berserk and make up.

You see time just round the corner.
About to turn out of sight for you.
You still have an unexplainable new you.

Yes, rarely knowing what to do with your ****** self
Now that you feel you are already late
You begin to smell and go bad.

It’s a hopeless case now.
It’s a ‘sinking star’ you think.
But as time about to bid you good bye
And close the ledger for the day
The desperate you remains to be accounted for.
This mortal existence begs for a second chance
‘To strive’ and ‘to seek’ and ‘never to yield’,
So you give it a last go.
As it’s a better choice you have anyway.

Jan 2016 · 422
The Day Laborer
Rajib Ahmed Jan 2016
I see a poor fellow
cleaning my office with sad downcast face
A miserable soul - with no hope in his eyes.
Beside him stood my idle students
some gossipping, some drooling
like sick hens
The cleaner doesn't exist for them
his world is far far away from
their high hopes:
good jobs, good money, family and friends.
They don't care.

What am I supposed to teach them?
Do I show them the way
of all the tyrants and mischiefs
of the world who are bent on
piecing up the ***** among themselves
letting go of their self-respect and dignity
or do I preach something different
A less trodden way of
measure, struggle and equality

Are they ready for it
Will they listen to it
Is it worth the it?
Dec 2014 · 520
The estrangement
Rajib Ahmed Dec 2014
Dear lovely friend -

You remind me of my early days.

When we used to go about,
in various places.
Take coffee, jeer or sing songs
Check out people, or movies.
There was something in the air
that would keep us aloft
Like eagles charmingly balanced
on the sea of wind.
falling and rising,
sometimes flipping, as it wished
the horizon is endowed to him, with endless moves.
Drifting in the pleasures of the moment.

But now,
We meet only by chance,
And invite each other
for tea
on some future days
without actually meaning it

Months may pass.
And we meet again:

next Sunday
our old place
see you.

That begins another of my very secret waits
to suddenly meeting you somewhere again
malls, pubs, public offices.
Silently sniffing the air to feel
your invisible presence.

The Berlin walls may have been pieced out.
But our walls
The walls that we have built
May never be done with.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Some Haikus
Rajib Ahmed Nov 2014

There is no other name
Some know it and some don't.


The world is
On my plate, with forks.
But I need a good sleep first.


Chocolate melts in my mouth
Slowly, or I can hasten.
So is ***.


The yellow powdery sand
Covers the earth.
A live chicken in oven, with spices.


Old Time, like fireflies
Flickers hope once and stops
So is our uninspiring life.


My son's eyes
Are the new stars.
You say we spin in space.


Night is like a pitcher
Of black thick energy drinks.
Day's catastrophe is right at the corner.


Facebooking, tweeting
Downloading and tid-bits.
Nothing like sunny walks in the open field.

— The End —