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378 · Jan 6
Poison seed
Alex Yao Jan 6
A poison seed is furtive in neglected soil.

From scorched earth it emerges with the aroma of cunning veracity.

But no truth will grow.
329 · Feb 7
planet trash
Alex Yao Feb 7
A planet of trash,
I lay underneath.
The filth runneth over
to where I sleep.
In humanity's discarded
roiling heap,
a toll of their sins
is what I keep.


On Planet Trash,
I live beneath,
a most revolting,
and glorious heap.
No one can see me
where I sleep,
but my acquaintances,
they soon will meet.


My Planet of Trash,
I give to thee,
more than I
could ever keep.
You know now where
my secret sleeps.
Take all
that's left of me.
326 · Feb 3
Nightmare 1
Alex Yao Feb 3
Tired of the
on the window.
Running through
After empty room,
After empty room.
did all the people go?

I've searched all ways
but behind me.
I hope
they never find me.
Do Not Turn Around.
I run through empty room,
After empty room,
Do Not Turn Around.
After empty room,
I Am Found—
dreams are bad lately
Alex Yao Feb 10
whenever your master
tells you to celebrate,
you have found glory
within the context of
235 · Feb 1
Don't fall for it
Alex Yao Feb 1
You're not dumb.
You're not blind.
You know what you see.
You're not half as weak
as they claim you to be.
So Speak.
Speak your mind.
Be free.
Alex Yao Jan 27
Looking inward
And feeling down
Doing all this self-searching.

In brainy head
I'm digging 'round
while querulously lurching.

"Self, O' Self,
Cannot you say...
What it is that is that 'I'?"

Answers came,
(but two or three)
And surely didn't satisfy...

So, I peeked that brain
outside my cave,
to see myself externally.

The Earth's aflame!
And someone else has seen me!

I must abscond
in quick retreat,
while abandoning my query.

I shall pivot then,
in mock defeat.
To Escapism, my Sanctuary!
191 · Jan 3
Tower Rise 2
Alex Yao Jan 3
I shall watch them all fall.

My spire has no guardian.
My soul no judgement.

Glory is a peak to crumble.
180 · Jan 18
S, G, V and C C Cinema
Alex Yao Jan 18
I know you're tired.
Do not worry.
I'll do the thinking for you.

Not inspired?
There's no hurry.
Just sip another snake-juice.

When prescribed
that sweetest slurry,
you'll know exactly what to do .

Your tongues were tied
in fervent worry,
but these words will see you through.

Your greatest enemy is doubt.
You can choose what you believe.
Know only what's in your heart,
Do not trust the truth you see.

Know my name,
and spread it well.
But salvation has a fee.

With your payment
made in full,
Drink salvation on thy tiny screen.
Alex Yao Jan 9
Sipping black bitterness to read more bad news I should spit it out!

Still, there's a coffee in my hand.

The film of shame atop my tiny pleasure does not compel my altruism to drop it.

Still, there's a coffee in my hand.

Is my consumerist loop inertia
to imbibe that which I know is wrong
So beguiling it has become
my greatest good?

Shut up and Enjoy
Shut up and Enjoy

Hedonistic nihilism
Fervent anti-capitalism
Humanistic utilitarianism
Democratic socialism

All better with a coffee in my hand.

Coffee coffee coffee
The bitter swill enlightening,
delighting my daily misery.
146 · Jan 16
"Do your own research"
Alex Yao Jan 16
Boogey boogey boo
the government's coming for you.

You claim to speak the truth,
but I can smell the bull-doo.

Suckered into algorithmic chat,
you swapped out your foil hat.

you got plenty to say about that...

"Do your own research," you say
in that smarmy, satisfied way.

A Cheshire grin of vapidity
stretching across the infinity

of your insipid, stifled ignorance.
Well, maybe just for once,

instead of condemning us to hell,
you could try questioning yourself.

I'd say a character with no self doubt
is guaranteed to be wrong about

141 · Jan 12
that dragon
Alex Yao Jan 12
That dragon's not my adversary,
That dragon's my most loyal friend.

Always there to catch me,
(Like the bottom of a well)

I descend,
and it's leathered wings curl
around my mind.

In that place
   I am fine.

   I am
      at ease.

(But it's not me.)

When allowed,
that spooling dragon wraps
into my consciousness.
It feels like bliss.

We sail through every fantasy
delighted by each novelty,
subtle and obscure,
permissive and demure.
That dragon purrs.

The sound,
a grating staccato,
withering heartbeat,
with a red face of glory.

I vanquish and devour,
but as I conquer I'm consumed.

It's too late to pull away.

The talons found their purchase.
The flames their tinder.

And once the ash has cleared
And all's laid bare to see...

That dragon's not my friend.
It's not my enemy.
(It's me.)
113 · Jan 21
he wishes for compulsion
Alex Yao Jan 21
"I don't miss her, I swear!"
"We were miserable in the end."
"But I fear I may never feel that way again."

"Each new love
that follows the last
is so much nuance wrapped in intention."

What was easy before,
could be so much more,
if he could reach beyond his ignorance.

But his inherent void
drives him toward
the desire of pre-oedipal innocence.
76 · Jan 2
Tower Rise 3
Alex Yao Jan 2
Your face is familiar to me.
This light before has played along your contours.
This air has molded to your voice.

Your shadows are reflections,
And your echoes are embedded
In my stone.
In our stone.
Alex Yao Jan 7
I fell right down the stairs.
With a tumbling joy.
And laughed at the bottom.
72 · Jan 9
bipolar rubberband
Alex Yao Jan 9
the further i stretch
the more painful the retraction
and the more brittle the substrate
it feels too late for
discipline and temperance
to slow this roll
it needs to break
71 · Jan 9
indescribable feeling
Alex Yao Jan 9
Is it such a fantasy
that words
yet to be articulated
will be?
71 · Jan 17
Your Free Speech
Alex Yao Jan 17
Allow me to disseminate
my messages of hate.
Do not deny me
my misinformation.

You have no right to regulate
the falsehood that I state.
Do not attack
my fabrication.

The People must participate
in my bad-faith debate.
Do not obstruct
my obfuscation.

Take me at my word.
(Or don't.)

Your voice cannot be heard.
(Or won't.)

The lies I spoke,
are only jokes.
And you will indulge
my exaggeration.

Pick the news
that best suits you.
And you will hear
my proclamation.

The only truth
is what you choose.
And you will accept
my validation.

No matter what you do,
you will hear the words I say.

No matter what, or who,
you will thank me as you obey.
68 · Jan 6
Enemy #1
Alex Yao Jan 6
It happened matter of factly
Exactly as proclaimed to be

Before I had the time to see
I chose the path they chose for me.

I'm their worst enemy.
Alex Yao Jan 10
though aware,
the absurdity overflows
to despair

my life
has only trained me
to feel at odds
with what's out there
Alex Yao Jan 2
Why is the bottom always there?
Climb or jump, or flee in terror.

It rises with me and within,
and compels me to ascend.

Forty years, the tower rise—
Just a plaque that says, “Here lies...

Human, tyrant, coward, sleeper.
Only fear is digging deeper.
Tower Rise 1
Alex Yao Feb 15
Then atrocity was done,
In the name of everyone.

Forget not what they did to you.
Forgiveness is the new taboo.

Eye takes eye. Hand takes hand.
Never be the better man.

On the high road walks the scorned,
and ******.
Turned cheeks well worn, their tears well ran.

Know not peace, but know thy enemy,
then burn in his effigy.
65 · Jan 27
Mob Justice
Alex Yao Jan 27
You got a taste as
The teeth sank in.
A Mouthful of guts.
Spitting Ravenous,
Hungry savage.
Chase em with
the noose tied.
Burn a house down
with a family inside.
No escaping this time.

Sparks. Shatter. Glass.
The hateful gather.
Tongues pointed, lusted.

Mob Justice...

Deny. Deny.
A distended death cry.
Woke with the taste of blood,
and never know why.

"Got carried away"
"Just a little mistake."
"A good person, I swear."
"You just had to be there."

"The blood. The blood."
"Was all up in my head"
"You didn't hear what they said."

"Guilt is dispersed."
"You can't blame me."
"I'm just one of the many."

Retract. Retract.
Rejects those facts.
"What you saw was fake."
"We were heroes that day."
"Propaganda, you see."
"What was done unto them,
was done unto me!"

Forgive and Full Pardon.
"We were right! We were right!"
"What fire? What night?"
No screams. No bodies.
No guilt in sight.
No Justice.


64 · Dec 2024
sleepy baby
Alex Yao Dec 2024
sleep and dream of sugar plum dumplings and dripping ******* dangling to suckle with your pursed mouth in a perfect “euuuooo”.

what troubles you, o perfect man? cause man you are, and man, you are a ****, and also the president.
from 2017, unfortunate revival
64 · Jan 14
Rejected form
Alex Yao Jan 14
A sculptor sees form beneath stone,
and essence emerges from discarding.

But this hammer was not wielded by expert hands.
Material has been carelessly cast away.

What remains is fractured, uneven, and lopsided,
with one eye far lower than the other,
and a contorted expression that is both
proud in posture, but slack in repose.

A master sculptor would call it a lost cause.
A sophomoric effort.
An amateur's attempt at boldness.

And they are correct.

But perhaps the medium can be changed.
Alchemical processes can turn stone to plasticine—
elastic plasticity that graciously conforms
to the will that shapes it.

Though there is little to work with,
the stone can be softened,
and new forms can be.
61 · Jan 9
somewhere to be?
Alex Yao Jan 9
I can only walk like I'm dancing
I can only speak in poetry

My body is rigid

My tongue is frozen

Truth has never been my destination

Truth is just a flourish in my journey

Either way I'm dancing
and I'm talkin like I got somewhere to be.
Alex Yao Feb 10
Stopped the car before arrived.
Smeared the paint before it dried.
Closed the book before the ******.
Set the clock, but didn't wind it.
Not unpacked the last few boxes.
Never found the matching socks-es.
Burn the bridges 'fore they're built.
Still the hole you dig is filled.
Lots to do, but nothing finished.
Half a life with nothing in it.
Forget the chicken and the egg.
I'm as big a quitter as there is.
57 · Jan 12
Alex Yao Jan 12
been gettin kinda dark in my head
can't afford therapy so i'm writing
poetry instead
57 · Jan 21
Citronella deadlock
Alex Yao Jan 21
Disappear in your
new delusion.



You bought it.
You ate it.
But who is eating whom?


Tiki torches are on sale
for seven ninety seven.

You swallowed
your ideology

But, you'll never
be full again.

So, where do you go,
when crossroads
circle back to where
you began?

Oh, I know.
54 · Dec 2024
waiting for the sequel
Alex Yao Dec 2024
Ah with each new thing i see
a fresh surcease of novelty
Passion led me to the end...
again again again again
Alex Yao Jan 9
is not reflection
nor reaction
It is the natural state

Divine bolts and
Watchers from above
Below flaming chariots
And squealing torment

Before I met you
Fear and wonder
Were not absent in me

But now even those
I temper with doubt

Yet disbelieve
and all
  I know
   is this

     A champion of reason
       is alone in the abyss
53 · Feb 1
Alex Yao Feb 1
Until I look I'm happy
And then, y'know... I see.

It's so much nicer without
that shallow corporate "squee".

The diatribe of private dictators
so self-servingly

Proclaiming that their failure is
the fault of their employee.

Their mistake is in the hiring
of those who will not sip

That rancid, unappealing
Kool-aid fed by drip.
Alex Yao Jan 13
I forage the grove,
or grave
of tangled thought.

Like a wild wood
what grows there,
was not planted.

Seeds are scattered,
thriving, but entwined
along the animal path.

The birdsong carries
a distant echo...


       ...the detritus
          of what I know.
Alex Yao Feb 10
They wreck themselves a thousand times
upon the shores of their own making.

Each quest they fraught to find themselves
returned, annihilated.

Embarked upon an odyssey,
to plumb the inner depths.

Adrift upon an endless sea
of monolithic conquest.

An ocean tide within a being
contains an empty void,

That threatens all who venture there
to see themselves destroyed.

A self that's sought may never be,
found when looking for.

Traverse the thought of self-that's-seen,
beyond the narrow corridor.
50 · Jan 8
Do something
Alex Yao Jan 8
I try to believe in nothing.
My teeny toe is dipped in nihilism.
But nothing, I struggle to attain.

To be a sponge, a vessel of
An empty state of being,  but still
grasping at the feeling

That someone will fill me with desire.


Am I nihilistic, or just burnt out?
Neural pathways terminate in "X".
Do not pass. All roads lead to pain.
Oh, you've let me down again.

Pain isn't nothing.
I should heed its alarm.
But believing is something
I fear more than ego-death.
49 · Jan 18
fishing with my dad
Alex Yao Jan 18
I remember them standing there,
watching me try to reel it in—
their sardonic expressions
as I complain.

I'm six years old.
The pole bends hard.
I feel like I'll be pulled in.

A rust-red shape arcs in the water.
The line snaps.
Their eyes widen in surprise,

but they say nothing.
They quietly hold their shame,
and take the rod from me.
49 · Jan 10
Alex Yao Jan 10
I'm trying,
as fast
as I can
to run out
of things
to say
so I can
go back
to being
a productive
but that's
not likely
to happen.
47 · Jan 16
H*w a*e y*u?
Alex Yao Jan 16
Hello, Depression!
It sure is a fine day we're having.
You look good.
Is that a new shirt?
(Don't worry...
I won't ask you
that question.)

But I was wondering...
Do you still have
that book I lent?
or that dance step
and that drum set
and that pile of projects,
or that relationship
and that tiny pit of—
-not despair-
we used to sit with?

And what about that
career path,
or that time we had
or that moment of belief,
where sorrow was reprieved,
and we knew—
we knew
that love was something real?

I know you're very sensitive, Depression,
but if you don't give them back—
I'm going to have to ask you...
That question.
making empty threats to my own state of mind
47 · Jan 11
Dream last night
Alex Yao Jan 11
A movie became manifest
I left with an axe
I ran
And thorns caught me in the ***
I was in a theater when the movie became real we had to fight our way out but leaving the theater it was just normal, and I was suddenly embarrassed by my warrior stance and brandishing an axe so I ran away down the street and got caught in a thorny bush. Couldn't pull the thorns out so I woke up instead
Alex Yao Feb 5
Brazen bravado,
and cheers to yourself.
Self aggrandizement,
and praise no one else.

The Truther is talking,
he's got so much to say
about blacks and whites,
and trans and gays.

What a man, what a man
no one else has
lived such a life,
on such gilded paths.

Praise to the strong!
And woe to the weak!
Step aside children
let The Truther speak.
46 · Jan 31
My hypocrisy belief
Alex Yao Jan 31
Can you show me
The only way?
Do you know it?
Can we go
Is it heaven today
When it rains forever?

To true believe
I sleep under

And wonder.

Make a fool of me.

And the good will acting,
Acting selfishly,
And the boulder rolling,
rolling, falling.

No real desire,
But to push again.
The myth of nihilism.
Where all I find is much
too much.

Then what is this call?

I need another name,
but "God".
Of "Him" I cannot drink.
Or "death drive", or "entropy",
Or a "sharp wave cascade",
Or the "heat death of the universe"


46 · Jan 24
Alex Yao Jan 24
Take off your mask, fascist
You don't need it anymore
We all see what you are.
We guessed the intention
of yer dog-whistling gesture.
giggling behind your
festering red-tie vestiture.

What a joy to be
in the land of the free
With you and your
little boy cronies
playing make-believe
wannabe king.

Play soldier next.
Step up strong.
Wear that uniform.
Dye it black, and tacticool.
Dripped in silver skulls.

Grow a little mustache.
Ride that edge.
Put that X
on a red field,
in a white disk.
46 · Jan 14
polite— head ramble
Alex Yao Jan 14
Pardon me, sir.
Could you direct me toward the exit?
I seem to be lost in here—
You're just my shadow.
do you know?

(Shadow Sighing)
Of course, sir.
Follow me.
Right this way.
Mind the gap.
Mind the trash.
Mind the forty year impasse.
Mind the—

Pardon me, Sir
I was asking for the exit,
not a lecture—
Hold on,
there's a phone call.

(Shadow Waits)
I—think you have the wrong number.
Uh, Shadow, do you know a Jod—I mean God?

(Shadow shrugs)
Yeah. No. Sorry.
Uh, y—you have a blessed day, too.

About that exit.

Where'd you go?
46 · Feb 2
Shallow talk
Alex Yao Feb 2
See The Prophecy.
The self-fulfilled
waving the flag
of surrender
before the
blow lands.

They stand,
fist raised,
for you
to cower,
before they
press it down.

hammered silent
by the one
who proclaims
their own
See no other.

Love the butterfly.
Set it free.

There is real
to be found

Don't abandon me.
Do not act beaten.
A reminder to myself.
Alex Yao Jan 8
Sunyata i will never be
Though the path is clear before me...

You wouldn't like this body without its
conscious integrity.
45 · Feb 1
Alex Yao Feb 1
He knows your desires.
He know your hopes and dreams.
He knows that you know
He is not what he seems.

Your hope is so great,
that you will not see his smirk.
While he winks at your faith,
You take him at his word.

When reality serves
his unsavory dish,
Know you have been
as deceived as you wish.
Alex Yao Jan 22
I am another man
screaming "oppression".

My outrage is clearly justified,
because they don't make movies
about my fantasies anymore.

Where all God's
good little boys
and girls knew
their place in
the great society.

Where living meant
dying for the cause
of people who looked
and thought like me.

Where evil was black
and good wore white hats.

Where glory
and moral certainty
protected me
from the bad guys,
and the bad thoughts.

Filthy C---sucker *****—
Oh, excuse me.
I'm so sorry.
(No I'm not.)

You should have known...

It's for your own good
when I take this throne.

I shall cast my moral
judgement down upon
thine aesthetic value!

I shall condemn any
who deny that which
I know to be true!

Let renewed doctrine shine,
an effervescent, blinding light
of right and wrong,
and leave my enemies BURNING!

But, take heart, soft thing.

Within my
glorious wisdom
there is no

Take my
firm and gentle
to guide

Let's go to the movies!

Prepare your ***** for the rise of Fundamentalist Christian Cinema.
Coming Soon to Theaters Near You!
Written by Men Who Hate Women and Jews.
Stallone, Gibson, and Voight
45 · Jan 10
Real Bad Fancies
Alex Yao Jan 10
Why aren't you as scared as me?

Many things unseen are lurking in my periphery.

Your absence of belief does not reprieve of this insistency.

Whistling in the night, I walk toward the face I see

In shadows cast by flames so bright that darkness undertakes the

Harrowed, narrowed journey through esophagus and kidney.

A poison quaff of mother's liquor tastes, absorbed, incendiary

Avails but mine eyes to see that superflous villainy

And its cutting undercurrent of all things heavenly

With flames engulfing peeling back my superstitious fantasy

I'll wrap myself in fear again to mask my shunned reality
inspired by a reddit post. Someone whose spouse has many superstitions, and they've been acting as if they believe as well, to stay married- (disturbing thought to me)
Alex Yao Feb 26
Digging unexploded ordnance
on a mountain of corpses,
but the view is amazing.
45 · Feb 1
Alex Yao Feb 1
I'll ne're be empty
When I'm so bottleful.
Drink to the heathens,
And sip to the ne're-do-well.
Cheers to seers, scheming
Lewd in their freshed hell.
Give thy sighs arresting
Forthwith with them a thpell.
Bartled body brandyful,
a bottled bag of burgundy.
Bourbon, bourbon, bourbon
bourbon, brandy, brandy,
sober, just sleepy
44 · Jan 16
Just an actor
Alex Yao Jan 16
I am frivolous.
Pain equivalence.
What I feel,
is it real,
or is it just perception?
That's the question
I'm begging you
for answers to.

guides my action.

Chemical and automatic,
Stagnant and static

These thoughts of me..
frozen in immobility.
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