She's driving fast
on the winding road,
and she won't
Sign says thirty,
She's going fifty-five.
"Jess, Please Slow Down"
She Doesn't.
She Won't.
My Pleas induce
her acceleration.
"Stop the car!"
"Let me out!"
She hits a sign.
"Stop the ******* car!"
I pinch her side.
She does and I get out.
And then it's all my fault.
Her eyes roll, at the same time
asking for forgiveness.
"I'm not riding with you," I say.
Incredulous, she drives away.
I don't know where I am,
but a crowd has gathered.
I follow them into the building.
A store. A small town gathering.
I draw attention to myself.
The small, gray man,
who disappears in the city
but stands out among the folk.
The eyes want contact,
but their faces turn from lack
of recognition.
I feign a smile, and a polite air,
as I shuffle through.
Making one circuit,
then back to the exit.
I'm walking home.
A two day journey.
Or a single flight
of screaming terror.
Is that irony?
Two large men corner me,
as I amuse myself with
my suffering.
They speak as if I'm not there.
Sizing me up.
"He doesn't look dangerous."
For some reason I say,
"You don't ******* know me,"
and this makes them laugh,
as though confirming my
impotence in their eyes.
They stop following,
and I start walking.
I've got a long way to go.
half a memory... half a nightmare