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Rafael Sep 2014
I'v broken so many hearts
I'v made so many tears
not of my own
this mind of mine
cant be conformed with someone
seems like ill always continue to break emotions
don't let me into your heart
distant me from the very start
say i'm not the one, let me be
or else i know myself
like a spider who wont let you free
ill cover you in light
then bring you down to darkness in a flash
forgive me to everyone iv hurt
it was not my intention
i guess its just in my nature
sorry i'm just immature
Rafael Sep 2014
Thundering sounds
circling around
my body and my flesh
ready to temp me
unforgiving and empty
call upon my name
___ you are the one
who will have a heart of a flower
you'll have a lot to live for, with positive power
it is hard to overcome
the temptations embracing me like the sun
delivering them to me from the demon under the sun
use my heart to thrive
jump into the opposite side
never forget my past that convicted me
it opened my eyes and heart to see
that the overwhelming positive is real
concealed to only a few
less than that will follow through
will i change for the good
or will i follow the embracing
warmth of the sun
no time, to be a coward
just do whatever your soul desires.
Rafael Sep 2014
No time to share
Our thoughts and our feelings
We already have a connection
It seemed like we were destined to meet
Can you say it was meant for us to be?
Like the hero's that suddenly appear
Or the road that lead us near
No need to shed tears
I'm here
Beware of my tremendous self
Many have tried but all have failed
To trap me and call me keeps
Its all in mind
Till now all i have done was keep it inside to hide
Play as nothing was there
When in reality it was crying bursting to tare your heart
it has and now you came along
Rafael Sep 2014
How hard can this be
Wondering what our future could have been
Those moments i expressed all my love
Feels like all i'v done was left it to rust
It was pretty cool seeing you again
Even though our words and ears never collided
I know your ok
I know your new life is better,
because its without me=)
Rafael Jun 2014
It’s crazy, how life turns around. How people change. No matter how drastic or tortures it was.

The phrase is true though. We have to change no matter how difficult it is. Without it, we would never grow. Never evolve.

Understanding who you are. What can I say about that? Too put it in simple terms once you found it, you’ll know. In my experience it was the most wonderful thing in the world.

Ones soul. It’s what makes you the person you are. That’s the way Jesus Christ connects with us. The reason why we feel what we feel in our daily lives. The pain, the joy, the crying and the smiling.

GOD. He’s the one and only. All the plans he has for us, we must just be strong and wait for them. The outcome we must trust in.

Life’s a journey, many say. Journey- “an act of traveling from one place to another.” I think it’s more of an Adventure. Hazardous, yet it’s fun to see what’s on the other side of the hill.

That’s why we must squeeze our SOUL. To get the best out of it, so as we lay on our death bed. I WISH WE CAN ALL SAY, BEFORE OUR LIGHT LEADS US TO THE END OF THE TUNNEL, OUR LAST BREATHE, life was a journey.
Rafael Jun 2014
Wonderful life in a day
go threw the slides in my head
music, movies, girls, ***
a man will be a man
whats to say we don't have a conscious
all the weight is noxious
to good girls only human
in cameras like Truman
but its ok
us good guys will thrive
we will not hide
because without us
the world wouldn't spin
Rafael Jun 2014
Love me today
because there might be no tomorrow
yesterday never settled
for those magnificent moments
of me embracing your lips
minutes, hours aren't enough
don't force me to be tough
just let me release my temptations
for the one i adore
it'll be mean
yet soft as leather
our souls will fall to the ground like a feather
then we'll just lay in bed together.
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