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2.5k · Aug 2014
Raelena Aug 2014
One will be there, one will not,
the older sister ought,
to give you advise,
for she has been your age, she is wise.
The younger sister will be a delight,
playing all day with all her might.
1.9k · Aug 2014
Bloody nose
Raelena Aug 2014
Blood, blood everywhere,
It runs down my nose without a care,
My nose is filled with tissue,
I hate blood and the blood is you.
227 · Aug 2014
Raelena Aug 2014
Death, death is so much pain,
Feels like you been run over by a train,
You do not like it,
It is uncool,
If you do then you are a fool.
196 · Aug 2014
Bad or Good
Raelena Aug 2014
I look both ways,
One is light and one is dark,
Dark has you pay,
Light makes you free like a bird in a park,
So always know,
You can choose were you want to go.

— The End —