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Can I ask in soft a tone if you ever feel alone?
Feel like no one ever cares
Doesn't notice you are there
Doesn't seem to see your face
Doesn't know you feel their pain
Never knows what you feel
Always makes your heart reel
Then you as I, sleep alone
We wonder what we do that's wrong
Try so hard to make it right
But sleep alone every night.
Written 1990
Remember at school ?
Sat in a row?
For a team to pick you to go
You silently prayed you would never be last
Knowing you can't play was bad enough.

Years pass by then the dates begin
The one you like always with him.
Not just him
It's HIM again !
The one who left you on the bench

Time moves on more years pass
You meet again they are married now
The perfect pair or so it seems
He still shares who is in your dreams

A few years more you cross again
He's on his *** and life has changed
The perfect pair no longer together
The love you thought would be forever

But now its odd he's all alone
She flew the coup his lover gone

People change as values do
As time erodes both me and you

She wanted more or was it him?
Communication imploded in

So now you share a different bench
No now picks who ends up friends
You raise a glass to drown the past
Pick me!
Pick me!
An echo now

So now full circle years past
Still they know you not
You write for you not lovers lost
You write to record the thoughts you have
The good the bad the sad the mad
You write in hope it's understood

Now others read the words you write
From far away day and night
Pick me, pick me it matters no more
For those who read already know.
Tattooed and a bike rides in the night
Sleeps in a onesie and loves her dog
Loves the world hates the worst
But wants to have spoons
Oh I'm tiddly poo where are you
Whats it all about
Turn the TV on but I don't want to watch it
Pick up a book I will never read
Close my eyes but sleep escapes me
As million thoughts freefall away
Its not today or yesterday or simply days before
It's the replay of life 30 yrs before
What is contentment what will stop this film
That plays in my mind when I try to sleep
My thoughts are cluttered daily by the abscence of common sense
The throwing away of reason without knowledge
The abandonment of all that I call rational
Yet I cannot cross the line for I fear I fall and not be caught
That stepping into another's world where you are bereft of footing
How easy it is to be rendered lost by the presence of another
Love or infatuation, lust or lear who categories it
Not I I'm simply just consumed

— The End —