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I was so happy
With this new boy
That made me forget that
You and I ever existed

Then you tell me you're biggest secret
You had ***
With your current girl toy
Washing up memories
I thought I had scrubbed away

Now the terrible thoughts leak back into my head
Drowning all my happiness
With this vow of silence
You made me take

I feel  my aching mind ticking like a time bomb
That could go off at any second
Causing me to snap
And stain myself in hot crimson

I take a needle and thread and sew my mouth shut
I close my eyes and try and wipe away the memory of you confiding in me
Bleaching my brain cells in the process
Causing me to grow weary once more
Killing any ounce of feeling I had left

So, I'd like to thank you for what you have done
You started to pull me back to you
Thus strengthening my feelings for my new boy
The one who is nice to me
The one who doesn't lie to me
The one who really loves me
Unlike you
He's better
And doesn't constantly tear me down
And make me want to cease my existence

He helps me breathe in this toxic air you've created and expel it as if nothing had ever happened between you and I
You've decided to leave your friends for another group?
You hang out with some new friends to get over the pain that the old ones are accompanied by?
I thought you didn't feel pain, I thought you were above being hurt.
What happened, did you get reminded that you were not invincible?
Whatever happened, you fell too hard and broke your own heart.
You crushed your own world, and you had to make it someone close to your friends.
You deny yourself what you need, and it is stupid.
You hardly sleep in physical and mental pain.
What is wrong with you right now, I can't tell because me winning over your brain shut it down.
You are pathetic, but I can't help you other than by giving you feeling.
The fires of hell are in your future if they exist, and I thought you wanted the most out of life due to that.
You just can't win can you, dead-ends everywhere you look.
Every word even your own heart speaks is venom poisoning your mind.
Anger is so evident, but you haven't let yourself feel the pain in your rage.
You can't let it out, you want those sweet tears of salvation to pour, but they won't leave your eyes.
You think of the things that you like the most, and you cling to them.
You sing your madness away with every waking thought.
You avoid sleep because you will remember you broke your own heart.
You broke me into hundreds of little pieces despite the warnings.
You said you could take it, and you can, but what have you done to me?
I am shattered and torn up, and I just want to help you.
A heart can only have a voice in life when it is whole, and wholesome hearts are forged in love.
Yet you try and force things that won't fit with you.
You shove, claw, and tear the hearts so they may fit, but the blood always shows.
You can see it in your hands as the hearts fall apart, and yours shatters.
It breaks so violently because as you've aptly said before you turned it to stone.
Stone so cold the peaks of Everest shiver, and the tundra of the Arctic asks for a blanket.
Stone so hard Excalibur shatters at it's strike, and the king's arm breaks from the effort.
Stone so softened by affection that a flick makes it all fall apart.
So you broke me, she broke you, and tears still haven't fallen.
I am sorry I can't show you what life is.
I am sorry I can't be the best heart.
Emotion of a monster
To over power
And to conquer
It is
Close to insanity
Vengeance and jealousy
Then it fills your mentality

It is deep inside you
Well mind you
Even the kind do
Have it

Best triggers the gun
Sending the bullet forward
Flaming hotter than the sun

Devil in the background shouting
'Feast! Release you inner beast!'
Then all hell breaks loose

This emotion...
Is the fuel for the muscle
Pumping uncontrollable strength
Pumping uncontrollable thoughts
To your brain
Much like going insane

This is a test from God
Whether you pass or fail
Is up to your inner self
Your inner peace
Mind,body and soul
We can compare it to a glass
Cause' its fragile...
Like a punching bag
Its always getting hurt
You can see it physically
If you're like me

It is easily shattered
And easily scattered
But t the same time
It is easily flattered

The chains
That keep her heart
And her mind together
Is her disadvantage
Cause' you take her mind
You stole her heart

Once broken
You can never fix it
Whether you're a therapist
Or a guru...
The feeling of being loved
Can put the pieces together
Its not the cure
But if the love is pure
It can speed up the healing process

Once broken
She's never the same
Cause' the heart has built a wall
For itself
Now the heart's...
Locked on safe mode
Now the defenses are up

Well I say...
Can you fix a broken glass
By hand?
That's how he felt
When he found out about her history
the storybooks never prepared you
for someone like me.
i am neither knight nor maiden
but i can try to be both,
can try to drape myself in
armor while i wait for you  
to rescue me.
you’re digging through me for
your hero and your beacon
but all you’ll find is questions
and contradictions; a game of
mix-and-match between
what’s pounding in my head
and coursing through my body;
a constant war between
what i need and what i’m given
and baby, this is no man’s land.
watch where you step.
I didn't even notice
the tears in my arms and legs,
because there wasn't one through my chest,
or through my paper heart.

The little slashes were endless,
but I ignored them all I could.
Tears in fabrics and laces are
easy to repair,
and I'll patch myself up quickly.

I changed my wear like paper clips,
and pulled all the tape from my hair.
I promised I'd keep it safe, still,
I tried to pretend I didn't care.

Crimple me,
and tear me.
Stash me in a frame.
Make me pleasing to appear,
and very nice to see.

Paint me like a china doll;
pour me in a vase.
I can be just as lovely as,
you'd dress me up to be.

But in the wind I falter,
and the water washes me away.
I may be 'nice' to look at,
but it'll never stay.
 Jul 2013 Rachel Sullivan
every word that comes tumbling out
of your superfluous lips
is loaded with wholesome irreverence,
weighing leaded and cruel upon my heart
by the pale recycled light of the moon.

déjà vu lingers before my bleary eyes
as crumbs of flightlessness
slip through my fingers, again.
and I can see you unfolding us,
dissecting us, laying out all of the pieces
in a heart-wrenching vivisection.

and I know you can't really **** something
that's been near death for years,
but when do you give up
on resuscitation?
 Jul 2013 Rachel Sullivan
I get asked why I do the things I do
I do them so the only person that can hurt me is me
So I can control the pain
So no one else can hurt me
But people say I'm too young to be so sad
I'm this way for a reason
You brought me here
You took me to this place
I wouldn't be in this state of mind without you
So I'd like to thank you.
Thank you for being such a great person
For making me take a blade to my own skin
And wish I wasn't here anymore
I really admire you though
You're honesty
I never believed any of this
Until you told me
So it must be true.
So thank you
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