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Rachael Judd Oct 2016
She has lived her whole life saying she wants to be a Poet. But inside her, all she is searching for is to be someone elese's poetry.
Rachael Judd Oct 2016
He has this way about him, he flows like the river and sings like the ocean waves crashing into the sand on a winter morning at the beach
He laughs in colors that bloom flowers like it's always spring and he walks with such elegance that each step he takes is a new breath of life if he's walking in your direction. He speaks in sounds of church bells ringing in your ears with sweet songs of the universe. He was born from the cosmos shining like stars in a midnight sky. He puts the world to shame, when he says my name in the hushed silence of a nervous mess. He speaks softly but his words hold such power that you could believe anything coming out of his mouth.
Rachael Judd Oct 2016
She held the stars in the palms of her hands, watching the universe beyond her dancing on her fingertips she fell in love with the thought of controlling the moon and which way the earth rotates she would give you her hands and pour stars into your glass she would give nights to days and days to nights, so there wasn't any darkness. She gave you the sun while holding the moon. Losing her ways through the stars she became lost in a universe so small it lay in the hands of nothing more than a thought of her.
Rachael Judd Oct 2016
Now, we move forward
We shake hands
And part ways
Have a last glance over the shoulder
And walk silently back
To your miserable life
Starring a rings that once was a promise
Now lays deep in the ocean
Of lost marriages and affairs
Thinking back to past memories
Only leaves you with an empty bottle of *****
Now your staring at the guy across the bar
The average male, handsome and tall
With white teeth and black hair
He looks back at you and sips his glass
Then the room stops for just a second
And then guy across the bar turns into him
Blinking once or twice you look at the man drinking his glass and wonder if your going home with him tonight.
Now your sleeping around with all the not so average anymore guys and his face doesn't pop up much anymore
And you think your happy, but your just drinking to subside the pain
Thinking that one more shot won't hurt
Then your too drunk to drive
So that **** ****** bag who was hitting on you all night takes you home and ***** you till your nothing but disgusted with yourself
Now your walking home in shame trying to call a cab because your life ***** and your lungs are full of cigarettes and there's always bags under your eyes and your eyeliner is smeared every night
You look at yourself now and you look a little too skinny, oh yeah you forgot to eat last night.
Maybe you'll eat lunch this afternoon, but probably not. The guy from the office asked you out for a drink since he hears that your easy to ****. So you go about your day and don't even bother wearing a dress or heels cause you know it will come off anyways.
You walk out of the house expecting just another one night stand like all the rest
Then you think of him, the guy you parted ways with two years ago and you think of how your life's gone all to **** when he left you
And then everything went black
And you open your eyes
About to part ways from your loved one
But you stretch out your hand and grab his wrist he stares at you and kisses your lips
And the nightmare is gone
Rachael Judd Sep 2016
She walks with elegance
And speaks songs of silence
  Sep 2016 Rachael Judd
He asked me
if I could feel the pulling of the moon
Like I was the ocean
Standing Infront of him
I replied,
you are the moon
And I am the waves
Rachael Judd Sep 2016
He told his family I was his friend. I didn't get the title girlfriend anymore in his eyes. To everyone I still introduce him as my boyfriend, the love of my life. Yeah, that's him. He's the one. But to him, I'm the friend. Not the love of his life, no not anymore. I was a month ago, now? Now I'm just her. I'm just the girl pondering over thoughts in my head every time I try to go to sleep just wondering when he will take me back. I didn't cheat, I didn't lie, I didn't do anything wrong except not be perfect. I am not a perfect person, I make mistakes and I let people down. But never, I mean never, did I let him down. I was his shoulder to cry on when he talked about his father. When he talked about how sad he used to be. I was there, I was always constantly there. And then he dissapeared. He left without saying goodbye. Yes he still talked to me everyday but he wasn't him anymore he was the guy who broke my heart. And now he will forever be the guy who broke my heart a thousand times in a thousand ways. He looks at me like I still put the stars in his ******* sky he still kisses me like I'm the only girl he will ever kiss. But maybe that's just the way I see it because I want it so badly to be real. It's been a month, a month since the day he broke my heart. I still run whenever he says to come. He has me wrapped around his pinky and I'm holding on for dear life, while he's the puppet master and I'm the puppet on strings.
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