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 Apr 2014 RacerX
It's better to be losing her in books
than losing her to someone else.

 Apr 2014 RacerX
Soul Scalpel
they convinced you that it's right
so keep yo ***** locked tight
till your honeymoon night
when your man will rock ya right

but if yo man's a ****** too
it won't happen like ya reckon
cuz when he stick it in
he'll be done in 2 seconds

ya been waitin' all your life
for that magic first bangin'
but instead you're left hangin'
and a hoochi hole crampin'

a pretty diamond ring
and limp ding-a-ling
no lovin', no 'gasm
just a sore hoochi spasm

you shoulda' known better
you shoulda' got some practice
you want a hot lover
not a 2 second slugger

so dump his ***, girl!
and do it real quick
being stupid ain't bliss
virginity's *******!
 Apr 2014 RacerX
Soul Scalpel
ya heard this line before
but now ya know it's true!
*'*****', **** any guy,
'*******', any guy but YOU!
 Apr 2014 RacerX
Soul Scalpel
cuttin' & sluttin'
pukin' on the ground
slicin' up your skin
******' every guy in town

till somebody notice ya
that's the "way", your "habit"
blamin' everyone you love
and babblin' like you're rabid

"But I need to feel something!"
"I need another drink!"
"You can't understand!"
"You don't know what I think!"
"You didn't love me!"
"That's why you divorced!"
"It's all 'your' fault that my life is off-course!"

Just 'shut-up', *****!
**** comin' out your mouth
you're just whorin' & borin'
that's what you're all about.

You think u got problems?
You feelin' all depressed?
Then take my suggestion:
"slice a razor 'cross your neck!"

Problem solved.
Nadie quiere amar
Solo alejan la posibilidad de  
Pensar que es posible ser amado
Solo siento que me pierdo en mi
mundo de tristeza
Luchando por estar en paz
Nadie quiere , nadie viene, nadie vuelve
Y sera que soy yo quien repela al amor
Al vivir, al querer ser feliz?
Me falta completar en la vida
Andar con la frente en alto
y decir que no me importa con quien ando
Esperar que algun dia llegue ese momento
En el cual me sienta bien y no mal
Y dejar de esperar en que alguien va llegar
Que se quede y que se quede..
Y que no me deje ir jamas.
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