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Apr 2011 · 1.1k
We Used to be
r h e a Apr 2011
United in ties
were the joy's of growing up together
enjoying friendship, sharing sorrows
expressing concern delight
endured to Us by the intimacy of years........

Guiding us through this long period
was the same parental ***** we belonged to.
A witness to All,
that sheltered happiness, strife, good will

We, want to follow a commandment
that says-man should love his neighbour
as natural as breathing, but,
We found substitue's???
Now, in confusion,
strife, sorrow and misery
Where are "We" ?
The "We" that used to be
flesh of the same flesh,
blood of the same blood.
How, more false
can we be,
as natural
as breathing easily???
Apr 2011 · 1.6k
r h e a Apr 2011
soul mates
with the same aspirations,
imagination and
a spontaneous dislike
of ties and rules.

love one another
absurd social obligations
or imprisonment.

understand one another immediately
and[fell] fall in love...again and again and Yet again.....


are crossed for ever????.
r h e a Mar 2011
When the morning sun
Streaks across my room
And I've waken up
>From another dream of you
Yes I'm on the road
Once again it seems
All I've left behind
Is a chain of broken dreams

But you know I love you
Yes I love you
Oh I love you

How I wish that love
were all we'd need live
What a life we'd have
Cause I've got so much to give
And it seems so wrong
Deep inside my heart
That the dollar sign
Should be keeping us apart

But you know I love you
Yes I love you
Oh I love you

And if I could only find my way back to the time
When the problems of this life of mine didn't cross our minds
All the answers were found in children's nursery rhymes
I'd come running back to you
I'd come running back to you

And you know we can't
Live on dreams alone
Just to pay the rent
I must leave you all alone
But you know I made my choice
Many years ago
Now this traveling life
Is the only one I know

REFRAIN (four times)But you know I love you
Yes I love you
Oh I love you

REFRAIN (three times while fading)But you know I love you
Yes I love you
Oh I love you;=related
Mar 2011 · 750
The Object Of His Love
r h e a Mar 2011
He tenderly draws
and invites Me,
mind you each one of us
He loves, comforts
protects and delivers us,
from all confusion[s]
embalms our oppressed sorrows
Hold on to your peace
and endure without doubt
your tribulations
Talk to him
with a clear conscience
dont worry who is with you
Or against you,
He's to be the only object
of your hope and assurance
No man's malice can hurt
Let God be
your Epitome
your["eye"] "i"
[I] specialist
Mar 2011 · 856
This one day...Everday
r h e a Mar 2011
Give me your help Lord,
To live this one day.
One knot to unravel;
One problem to weigh.

One path to discover
To choose the right way.

One worry to conquer;
One lesson to learn.

One moment of gladness
To overcome pain.
One glimpse of the sunlight;
One touch of the rain.

No one can see into tomorrow;
Will our fate be joy or sorrow?
So I’ll turn to your love

And with perfect trust say,

“Give me your help Lord
To Live this one day.”

Everyday :O]
Mar 2011 · 567
With love from Me to You
r h e a Mar 2011
Far away....
      in a distant land,
You will see
        the writing of
my hand.

My face
      You may never
                               see :(
Dear Love
                         Do think of Me
Mar 2011 · 522
My Love
r h e a Mar 2011
You Coloured
                              my World
                                                  and gifted me Dreams
Of Our sweet moments
Feb 2011 · 1.1k
r h e a Feb 2011
Your voice
soft and gentle
awakened me

to my delight
call my name
sit up and smile.

You open the windows,
i breathe the air
of the moist earth
heart beats loud and fast
when you come near..and whisper
good morning sweetheart
you smell sweet
i doze off

i dream

i see the heavy rain
the lightning
the murmurings
our laughter
our joys..
remembering times
reciting poems, close and funny
i open my eyes
i see you smile
no sadness... despair  mild
my joy..
Our memories
the sweet taste of love

endure a calm
another sweet sleep of night
i dreamed!!!
Feb 2011 · 591
I Know
r h e a Feb 2011
I may not be

            [one of] Your Favourite's

But, I know

am              *

                      A Fovourite

One way
                           or the Other

and that's Reason enough

                    to keep me happy
Feb 2011 · 688
Past All Bounds
r h e a Feb 2011
That search,
the miracle
The image,
the visions
the intrigues
mind wanders....
all senses- uttering words
with emphasis
is the wonder!!!
that i feel,
comes so easily
past all bounds
of pain
The beginning
the Unending...
Feb 2011 · 700
You and I
r h e a Feb 2011
alone senseless
like the leaves sway
in the wind  composedly
fray into the future

Errors obstacles aplenty
hours days permitted to pass..unpainted
as fast as painted.

Theres neither hearing
nor seeing

Do we dwell in the tapestries
of thoughts?

when again can" We"
make sense
You and I ?
Feb 2011 · 485
Do YOU ?
r h e a Feb 2011
think of you
                    in silence

no eyes could see
                                         me weep

but deep within my little heart
                                                            Your Image
i will keep
Feb 2011 · 919
r h e a Feb 2011
My eyes

of pure intention
see You, beyond all objects that
come between..
have no equal

In the ecstasy of my mind
You fill me with your presence.

All things grow dim-for,
am absorbed..
Thoughts of you
rule the power of my mind
and appeases the motion of my feelings...

Keep me always in the possession of your Love

In your love,

Happiness :O][smiles..happily]
Feb 2011 · 696
r h e a Feb 2011
Like in an elegance  
wake up
have my black coffee
through the window, i see
the pine green,
the Morninglories,
the jack fruit trees..the sky,

blue a lil black a lil purplish
i imagine a voice- feel the breeze
thoughts intact,
of an indistructable Being
find a reason for living..For
God knows by heart,
what the source is

just one desire
to be close
to the end of distance.
Jan 2011 · 648
YOU and .....
r h e a Jan 2011

must have rain
to see the rainbow and
endure the thorns
to have the



                                        a teddy bear

                                                          ­ easy to love easy to hold

Each                                    morning is worth waking up to
                                 coz it tells me am one day closer
                                                          ­                    to being with you


                                    will write your name on every star to show the world
                                             what you mean to me.
YOU and...guess???? :0]
r h e a Jan 2011
subconsciously said it
that i am an angel in disguise
it took me by surprise And
you were embarrassed
coz you thought it sounded ridiculous
such words coming from you.
At that instant,
I believed the earth moves...
I wont keep asking if it were true
but it also might be true, even though
you regarded me as a
harmless eccentric
coz thats how much i adored you
now it really dosent matter
coz theres not going to be
another approach- For, then
Ours was an era that
got everything right-
I remember that
in a significant space of time
We paid loads  for the cracks and still do
for the distances...
You can watch what you started
as I wander directionless
My thoughts fluctuate
my mind simply cant control my heart
What do we have in the future
taboos of the past ?
though i still feel
You are the BEST
Yes, you are the best.
Jan 2011 · 655
Love Touched all senses
r h e a Jan 2011

the air an invisible river
mind instant in,
the winged like

the storm!!!..

We find ease
We walk together, in time
flashes and
invisible scars

Our joys
make visits
pains mapped out..deleted.
holding silence..serene
going along with
times toughest reaches.

Sometimes empty mist..
drawing shapes
becomes meanings.
Never forgetting..
that life gave life
to A Love thats
Constantly near
Dec 2010 · 663
r h e a Dec 2010
Awake to the echoes

morning noon and night

Of a rare miracle....
Of warmth of care of calm
Tears from despair, faith
the happiness..
the gleam, is not gone.

As time draws itself
away from me-
its sad
as sad can be.
From nothingness
to something i sink-
sweet music
sweet sleep,

in a sweet unrest,
the days of before
still fresh.
Dec 2010 · 888
r h e a Dec 2010
The air tingled
the flowers most generously
perfumed the night
The sky was frosted
with stars
the birds were asleep
was all silent!
frome isloation
to isolation.
She stood next to him
she could smell what
he was wearing
the warmth and dust
of an hard day.
She loved him near
she tried not to seem excited
nevertheless to break free,
was temporary
All questions answered
was value time together[;)] wink [;)]
Dec 2010 · 792
r h e a Dec 2010
Half the setting moon
for the bat, the night has flown.
A chill breeze, then a faint light
the sun!!
"come on," out"
the lily whispers...
We "wait" adds
the rose..and blossoms all flowers
pink blue purple and red
dew drops twinkle on the grassy bed
buds slowly open for the bees.
The waves sway calm
the sea begins to sleep.
Red breasted birds gather
on the roof top
and swallows twitter...
The music of a name enters my being
the voice i hear so sweet
am aware of the charm, the magic!!!
thy sight was a a vision
yet, Unceasingly....
Dec 2010 · 553
r h e a Dec 2010
They tremble, they fall,
they are torn, they rise,
they walk again
hand in hand...
They sit under trees,
they happily sway on a swing,
to feel no fear,
all glory is above them.
they would live in the woods,
if only they could,
for they match the landscape , the sky,
the flowers, the wild
Out doing as much as they could,
In a sovereign floating,
of joy..always when they are together,
yet again and again.

Dec 2010 · 643
From Dawn to Dusk
r h e a Dec 2010
Everyday when the dawn is breaking
the sun comes up and kisses the waters brim
its sheer delight from dark to light
A new day as always expected

Our life.. we wait, we experience
joys sorrows hardships- silence,
secret treasures we possess
leaving behind lost shadows.

Sun beams and all the earth bears
its bodies and its burdens..
As waters swirl and fall
life goes on- hundreds of million years...

Awaiting the wonders
from dawn to dusk.
Dec 2010 · 592
All Of Me
r h e a Dec 2010
I breathe
me alone
i embrace my body
with all my heart, i
open the eyes of,
my timeless mind
thoughts heavy...
on distance,
a shudder of joy,
runs through me

All of ME ends in You
Nov 2010 · 791
r h e a Nov 2010
Sun dazzling in the noon sky,birdless,
the grass blades fade.

A gloom

In a warm pond,
stands A  lone sunstruck lily.

Sun circling the hills and  meadows.
i lean back, stare into empty space.

Pain "crystalline",Sweet thoughts-...
entering every blood cell

Within the depths..
there is a value of the things
I  know..i love,
so well.

— The End —