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R A Sanders Oct 2012
I've never been good with my words,
You know that,
When I try, my temper only rises,
I don't have some complex way to tell you how I'm feeling,
It all just comes out simple,
Maybe that's because I'm just a simple person,
I'm so typical it kills me,
I'm another clone in society,
But something about you,
You saved me.

I didn't have a heart,
I swear, I really didn't,
There was just a hole,
And the older I became, the hole grew deeper,
I tried to fill the hole,
With useless things that I'd convince myself were important,
But all those things, they weren't important at all,
They always fell through,
and I was left with that hole,
Then you came along,
And for the first time ever,
The hole started to cover,
And a growth began,
The growth, grew into my heart,
It was all because of you.

When I tell you, you saved me,
I don't mean that I was about to burn in a building,
Or drown in the ocean,
It's much more then that,
You gave me a reason to live,
Not just be alive,
And if you've ever been there you know the difference,
But I pray that you never have,
Because someone like you,
You should never hurt at all,
You're a adventure, the bright morning sky,
Nobody has ever shined so bright in my life.
R A Sanders Oct 2012
When I met you, I wasn't ready,
I've always been terrible with timing,
You were in a whole other world,
And my feet were still dangling,
I still had all these visions, endless opportunities,
You were so established,
You were so safe.
I wasn't looking for safe though,
It was the opposite.

I was so young,
I thought I'd never get hurt,
I always felt tall, and bullet proof,
And when I was brought down to the right size,
I just bounced back up and headed North to the sky,
At night you said you dreamed of me,
But I was just like the wind,
You felt me, but could never hold me,
Nobody has,
I took pride in belonging to nobody,
Not even myself,
I took the utter most fulfillment in the thought of being free,
Then you followed me,
Trying to tame me,
You never could understand my type,
You just can't make a bird stop wanting to fly,
On the ground I despised you,
In the air, I missed you,
and In my heart I always knew I loved you,
But this time is terrible for me.
R A Sanders Oct 2012
You don't see,
Everyone loves you,
They love you,
He loves you,
She loves you,
But most importantly I love you,
And you never see that,
You're to busy looking for someone who doesn't exist,
It's all an act,
You're so scared of being hurt,
But I can make promises, that they won't.
All those other women,
They didn't wait for you like I have,
They didn't try anything just to make you smile,
and try to comfort you in your darkest moments.
I wish you'd just open your eyes and see me,
Not the friend your so close to,
But open your eyes to a woman,
A woman who's been standing here loving you
ever since I met you,
Don't be afraid,
My love doesn't fade,
I'll be here forever,
I can't help it,
I couldn't leave if I tried,
Without you my pieces are broken,
I'm lost in this world,
Maybe you'll never realize,
and I'll be watching from the outside,
I'm just waiting for you to love me,
Like I've always loved you.
R A Sanders Oct 2012
I'm spinning,
Round and round,
And I see you,
But I can't stop to touch you,
Instead I just reach for you,
But I know I'll never be able to touch you,
I just can't seem to slow down.
Pictures are fading,
It's a blur,
Yet, Whenever I come around I see you there,
Not your face,
Or any intricate detail of you,
Just the form of you,
The way your standing,
I know it's you there,
But you're gone with the wind,
And I'm spinning still,
And I just can't stop.
R A Sanders Oct 2012
I left a trail of broken hearts along my way,
I burnt bridges, Never turning back,
Every man was warned, hurting's what I do best,
But they chased, and I showed how much I cared...
Along the highway, my hair in the breeze,
I'll be out of this town, and into the next.

I warned it was nothing serious,
I just needed affection,
If they can't do one night, then maybe I should be onto the next,
They always fall in love,
They swear they won't,
They underestimated me,
I'm the best at a hit and run,
It never means anything to me,
They never understand.

As I go they always yell,
"Why are you so heartless?"
I always wonder the same thing,
Then I'm taken back,
I almost crash,
I was the one in love,
I was the one left,
Now I'm just taking the highway out of here,
Trying to feel again.
R A Sanders Oct 2012
I believe in everything,
I know I shouldn't, but I do,
I guess I'm just a foolish little girl,
I still believe things to be true,
And although I am still bruised,
That I can be shined as good as new.
I believe in people,
Even if they all break my heart,
I know the fires hot,
But maybe this time I won't be burned,
I believe in contradictions,
Solutions to problems,
Not all people are evil,
You just have to know how to look at them,
I believe in miracles,
The light in the dark,
Wishes on stars,
I don't know why,
I believe it all,
I'm just a foolish girl,
I fall to hard,
I believe it all.
R A Sanders Oct 2012
I'm sorry baby,
Can you make that a double,
I'm so thirsty tonight,
I've been spending all night,
Trying to drown these memories,
But you keep popping into my mind,
I've tried it all,
And I've gotten nothing,
Where else is there to hide,
I've learned that there's nothing,
In this life worth living,
If you're not by my side.
I thought that you'd look back,
I thought one day you'd want to be here with me,
I miss you a lot more,
Then I thought I ever would,
So tonight,
I'm just drowning memories.
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