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R A Sanders Feb 2012
You resent me,
I know you do,
It's not what you say,
It's the tone in your voice when you storm away,
When you speak about me,
Acting like I do terrible deeds,
Just because I'm the seed of a man who did terrible things,
But he's dying now,
At this slow pace,
I know the memories could never be erased,
Although, I'm his spitting image,
Don't hate me too,
How long will you make me pay,
Mommy, just say you forgive me for the things I didn't do.
R A Sanders Feb 2012
Forgive me Father; for I have sinned,
Look what I just did again,
Give me grace to let them in;
What I monster I've became,
I can hardly live this way,
I struggle everyday,
Is this the way it was suppose to be;

Wish I could just skip rocks and play make-believe,
Reality's tearing away every unbroken piece,
No way to get some inner peace;

Everybody stay away
Your not safe with me this way,
I have no boundaries no regrets,
No hope for turning back;

Life it to real to stand her comfortably,
So mentally I'm ****** up,
all these doors shut,
But nobody cares,
I'm not any one anymore;

Daddy's gone,
And Momma's getting there,
I can barely look at myself in the mirror,
My image just keeps getting clearer,
What I never wanted to be,
Is all I ever see;

The hate just eats away at me,
There's no escaping for me,
I'm the monster they created,
Father forgive me Father for I have sinned.
R A Sanders Jan 2012
Buzz and beeps from machines,
Air pushes in and out,
Your chest moves,
My knees shake;
Yet I try to seem steady.
There's a rawness in my throat,
A hole in my belly,
I feel as though I should just drop to the ground to cry
The nurses look at me with pity,
The doctors glance as they go by,
And there I am;
Watching you die.
R A Sanders Dec 2011
She's wrapped up tightly, with one leg dangling off the bed,
He enters, She hears his every move,
She wonders if there's any use in begging anymore,
His draws open, He unzips the empty suitcase,
She feels her chest tighten,
He tosses things in the bag,
She tries not to gasp for air,
He closes his draws,
She tightens her grip on the sheets,
He walks to the closet,
She chokes back the lump in her throat,
He grabs his shoes,
She can't bare to move,
He walks to the bed, watches her struggle,
She wants to stop him,
He doesn't want to leave,
"Please, no." She pleads to herself,
"Tell me don't go" He continues to think.
R A Sanders Dec 2011
Contrary to your belief,
And unlike whatever you think,
I don't regret our time,
And if we're making confessions,
I'll go ahead and make mine,
That your the only thing I got right.

I'll admit I think back,
I'll admit I miss you,
And sometimes I wonder,
Pondering my thoughts,
I know the truth,
I couldn't hate you,
Even if I tried to;

I know you regret us,
I know you want to take it all back,
But I'll treasure that time,
That year of my life,
That belonged to you,
The one year,
I got something right.
R A Sanders Dec 2011
Failure's a bitter pill to swallow,
Life hits a spore spot,
But if you believe we can do this,
I'll believe in you;

Sometimes I want to call it a day,
I want to go our separate ways,
But then you tell me how we're right,
And I don't want to leave;

We're ****** if we do,
We're ****** if we don't,
That's a part of this game we play,
But I'm the best player you'll ever take.

Let's throw in the towel,
And go on our way,
You know I love you,
But you know I won't stay..
R A Sanders Dec 2011
We'll see him in the news one day,
One way or another,
A feature on business,
Or an obitchuary,
Everybody'll morn,
They'll say they never saw it coming,
But when he pleaded for help;
You were to busy to look his way
Poor kid begging on his knees,
He knew his fait,
When you looked past it,
Now he's gone,
He could of changed the world,
But we all were to busy;
To ever see it coming,
We didn't just lose a number in population,
We lost a child,
We could of done something,
I can't help but think;
We could of done something.
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