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Mar 2020 · 177
Quinn Mar 2020
Am I crazy for wanting to crawl out of my skin?
This endless craving for violent metamorphism pulsing in my heart
My stomach hungry for my own end
This body a bloated ****** whale carcass waiting to explode
As my skeleton wrestles its achy bones from this cocoon of flesh
Discarding the rotten remains of my own prison
Even then will I be free?
Mar 2020 · 167
Lazarus of Love
Quinn Mar 2020
I am the ghost that haunts our house
With a sheet over my head
To hide the hole where my heart used to be for you
I've framed you for my death
To mask my own suicide
You're attempts at playing God only bury me further
Into this hole of apathy that I've made my bed
Laid with narcissus and nettle
I've come to put you to rest
Come lay your head
So I may bury you under the sweet mud of our love
Mar 2020 · 186
We haven't spoken since
Quinn Mar 2020
I found God underneath your skin
And blood
So much blood
As I took a butcher knife to your flesh
You bared your bones to me
****** faced as I carved my name into your heart
You ran away naked
You must have left your lungs behind that night
And your tongue, hidden in the night stand
I found God
And he was cold
Jul 2017 · 493
Trying in vain
Quinn Jul 2017
I stand at the kitchen sink and let the water run scalding. Steam lifting from the dingy metal surface like banner clouds lifting into the early morning sky. I stand at the kitchen sink and scrub the skin on my hands, the water turning to mud in my fingers. I stand at the kitchen sink with a knife to my flesh and pull back the skin that I'm so desperately trying to escape. One by one I tear my nails from their beds. They clink as I drop them into the sink. Standing at the kitchen sink, I watch the brown water turn to blood, red running from the faucet. I dip my hands in boiling bleach. The smell reminds me of home. I stand at the kitchen sink and let the salt run down my face and burn away whatever flesh is left till I am staring at smooth white porcelain. I watch my tears run down the drain and imagine it was me. I sit in front of the sink, craddling my newly baptised sins that were never mine to bare.

Nothing will ever wash away the filth
Alt. Title: Attempted escape from the prison of my youth
Aug 2015 · 610
Skulls on my door step
Quinn Aug 2015
I ****** in a healthy dose of smoke into my lungs; fire twisted and lovely. Like powder in my eyes. The ash Like sand in an hour glass, filling up my lungs like hunger. Taunting flickering flames with mouths and teeth turn me ragged with age and use. Oh the clock is ticking and the seconds are gone in the flames. The smoke is lost in my hands as the time slips by and the skulls on my door step start talking. Their bones rattle my name and the grave I can see. They are waiting for me. In the smoke and ash and dust of time. The skulls are talking on my door step.
Dec 2014 · 510
Moments Glory
Quinn Dec 2014
You're skin was like communion
And you're lips were like sin
As I reveled in every damnation your body could afford me
I held tight to you
Praying on bent knees for just another moment of this glory
But the seconds moved like sand between my teeth
And the time was bleed dry from my body
Left with nothing but a pillar of salt
With you're hymns still floating on my breath
Jul 2014 · 712
a child's craving
Quinn Jul 2014
And it is love's great triumph
That in our bones we feel whole
The illusion leaves us warm
And the impression that spring and summer will never fade
In these eternal seasons the blind wonder content in the world
Silently fearing the inevitable
But in this cycle we exsist
With emotions both hungry and primal
We crave the lie that we concieve in selfish childhood
Jun 2014 · 348
Quinn Jun 2014
My heart my soul keep quaking because I miss you in my bones
May 2014 · 461
Quinn May 2014
Blind lovers are true
Behold the sadness in them
Yet they save face
May 2014 · 488
Quinn May 2014
In the inbetween space
Of what I am told to believe and the immense possibilities of this lying life
I converse with the devil and the god who are all the same
And the room is orange with inkwells in my mind
As the birds who do not only challenge me but may not exist
How do I know if a room is there when I am not in it
What is life but a divine lie
While death is a white void
How do I know what is real and what is made
When the skin boils like meat
When humans are indestructible
Are we living
May 2014 · 574
Behind Payned Glass
Quinn May 2014
A bee tapping against the glass
No way out no way in
As the flowers remain outside
And I remain in
Their vibrant colours haunting the
Polygonal patterns of my eyes
As the bee thump thump thump's
It is helpless to the taunting house
Soon it will curl up on the window sill
When it is tired and out of breath
And so will I
May 2014 · 718
Quinn May 2014
With cigarette stained lips
And smoke rings in her eyes
She cried her numb tears from the marrow of her bones
Something she didn't know she could do anymore
And as the salt stained earth of her skin rippled in rapture
Her throat sang gospels of ash and devils
The pink in her hair grew red as her wrists
The night fed her euphoria and shadows in her tear drops
The last of them spilling on the blue grass fields beneath her bed
And they bloomed into trees of white sand and salt
She grew devils under her sheets as she lay restless
Stray dogs howled to the nothing in particular of her song
As the gospels wore thin
And the house began to wheeze with fright
Its old creaking beams wrapped around her as she lay alone
In a bath tub
In the bedroom
In the kitchen
Quinn Apr 2014
The pennies burn through me like hot irons
They press through my heart and and sting my eyes with searing flesh
They hurt and they harden
Inside my bones they make me heavy
As the pennies collect
And I become nothing more than a metal tin
Now I  have enough to sink
Apr 2014 · 672
Nature Adapts. We burn.
Quinn Apr 2014
Now that the sun has burnt out
And the stars lay ****** at my feet
What now is to be done about the consequence of us
As we stand at the thresh hold of marriage
With death at the door
How will we thrive when we are gone
While the trees taunt us with their strong roots
We are swept up by fools
As we burn and rip and tear and leave little for any compassion
Let it burn
The trees will grow
We will not
happy earthday
Apr 2014 · 778
Standing on the cliff
Quinn Apr 2014
I have come to the edge
Where I can see below me the world
And it is here I realize that the world hasn't changed but I have
My eyes are open now
And I can see that everyone
Is a self absorbed *******
With little empathy for others
And only living life to get high on something
Be it drugs or doing something good
Everyone does something to feel good inside
So they don't drown in their self absorbed sorrows
Apr 2014 · 479
Stone crowns
Quinn Apr 2014
I need stone crown
Not a soft pillow
Where the worms will appreciate me
And I'll finally be of use to someone
Apr 2014 · 355
Heavy and Sad and Scared
Quinn Apr 2014
I'm not broken
I'm heavy and sad and scared
I'm not a puzzle that need to be put back together or fixed
I'm ill not injured with metallic limbs
I can't even get up in the morning
And the more I remember
The harder it is to stand
And by god it hurts to be me
Quinn Apr 2014
It's a sad sort of hell
Where I no longer feel at home in my skin with my friends
In the flesh with taunting faces
As the tears roll down my cheeks
And I can't help but sink deeper and deeper into this inferno
I feel heavy as lead
And melt like it too
Mar 2014 · 287
Quinn Mar 2014
I don't even
The energy
For tears
Or sadness
Quinn Mar 2014
It's this crushing tumbling despair; One that few words can describe. An ache, a pain; One that keeps me up at night as the walls curve in on me. It's where you want to sleep; long. You crave it. You tire relentlessly and yet there is no goal; No finish line. What a cruel joke where the punchline is unknown. How it's kiss is tempting; How I wonder. I must sleep eons now; For the demons have returned and with them the dark times. So thus I shall sleep in the dark, with my eyes open; Too tired to care but too afraid to close my eyes. When I awake maybe the world will be new. Maybe not so bleak. Maybe worse.
Mar 2014 · 417
3 AM Withdrawl
Quinn Mar 2014
I can't stand you
And the way you make me ache
At three in the morning
When I long for your whispers
And a shot of novacaine
To my heart
From where it pains me to hear the words
Or to think that I'm nothing more then Idle
And Stupid
When the clock strikes four the acid in my veins is all too much to bare
And the creaking in my bones is the echo of your heart beat
Mar 2014 · 412
Universal Creation
Quinn Mar 2014
There are meteors in your throat
While you cry moon beams
Stars falling from your mouth like and avalanche
The stardust in your soul is unrelenting
And your heart is like a super nova
As the galaxies in your bones expand
And the pain becomes clear
Your creation is like black hole
While the muses play god with your mind
Quinn Mar 2014
It's a hollowness in the pit of my bones
Like an infection in the core of being
I can't feel anything but the sensation of caving in on myself
And have the over whelming urge that I'm about to collapse
I'm alone, So alone
And only I can hear the madness in my marrow
Or the vipers in my throat
And I am alone
So alone
I'm just drowning
Quinn Mar 2014
My busted broken lip matches my busted broken ego
And the bitter taste of iron is once again a familiar tone on my tongue
The satisfaction of being right has evaded me again
As it rings ragged in my ear
As I am forced to kneel of no accord of my own
I bend with slouching shoulders
And a lazy smile
That I paint on with acid and arsenic
And I wait
For when I can mend my bruised flesh
And mollify the monster inside us all
Quinn Mar 2014
And in this void of paradoxical living
I live within and without my body
For it is nothing but a shell that for comes the shallow epitomy in society
For ugliness lies in the hive where it breeds
Parade in all our humanity
Run through the swarm
And break open the black oozing hive
This is where the sickness lies
Not within us
But within
Mar 2014 · 836
By the Hand of Man
Quinn Mar 2014
I'm tired of this empty concept of a man's mind
Contracting and constricting my world
And pulling it out of parallel
As it preaches ideals that should be human nature
Not the word or teaching of some divine entity
Mar 2014 · 466
Quinn Mar 2014
You're neck deep in the blood pulsing through their veins
As the brain swims in this Nausea of the soul
Dizzying vibrations rock the earth out from above you
As your teeth are set on edge and the very fabric of your mind
Tears at the existence of your being
And the world's cold cruel hand tries to dig into you
And your eyes roll back in your head
And the world turns into an obscure Dali visions
Your heart set into the empty void of your youth
Mar 2014 · 596
Kingdom of worms
Quinn Mar 2014
Your living breath turns to dust as you are crowned a king
A shiny wooden box, freshly lacquered, as your thrown,
With chemical vitality in your veins
Welcome to the kingdom of worms
How grand your coronation is
With weeping women
And strong sturdy men who help you to the gate
Crowned in stone with withering flowers to match
Long live the king!
Feb 2014 · 384
Quinn Feb 2014
The roses in the window sit and welt in the soft sunshine
Their plump blushing petals soon turn to a despairing colour of dried blood
Petals crumple and crunch between my fingers like old bones
Dying, from the moment they were plucked
To show how eternal thou love is
Feb 2014 · 594
Twist of Fate
Quinn Feb 2014
All of hell's angels and all of heaven's demonic beauties
Could not spare me the fools folly from once I came
And all at once I wished selfishly for a world undid
For my mortal soul should have been left to the clay
This breath is not life
This bane of unseen puppeteer
Who doth set the stage
Whose cross am I left to bare as the bell tolls and the raven flies
For evil and heaven lay in the same eye of fate
But it is us who controls the puppeteer
Quinn Feb 2014
As the night begins to deepen in this lonesome soul
Will you still be here
When St. Jude calls my name and when the insomnia begins to crawl
Will you love me as the blood turns to quick sand
Am I still breathable?
Am I safe to touch?
As the contagion muddies the mind and burns the body
When my skin turns to ash and my mind to mush
What will become of us then?
In this hapless state of angelic demise
The soul begins to crumble
The mind begins to wonder
And a love laid in stone can be worn away by the wind
Feb 2014 · 362
Fill the void
Quinn Feb 2014
Liquid tongues and long faces dance around me like dogs; Maddened with insanity that pulses through me like electricity. Oh to be young and dying in the cold; No air left to breathe with no space to live. Colour is my enemy as it taunts my face and brushes it red. Through the dark decay of life on this god forsaken rock; All is forsaken in a non existent god who neither cares nor feels our pain. As we pour our efforts into days that grow short; Distracting ourselves from our pain.  It is like a drug in our poor minds; Begging on the street for more. Hell, the pain makes us human; Makes us feel. It brings light to that bottomless void in us and fills it with something that makes us feel alive. Without it, who are we to say we exist; With false fantasies of happiness conjured up by some puppeteer or dreamer; Where we are mere atoms that make up their life. But the pain makes us live; Makes it true. Makes us alive where otherwise we would be dying. It fills the void.
Quinn Feb 2014
Abuse in the purest form
You made me fall
And By all the laws of gravity I crashed
And you flew
With your love laced wings
Along with Her
Into the sunset with all my well spent dreams
And I broke everything
With nothing to slow me down
Quinn Feb 2014
Marred with words I never said; Coursing with the notion I'll never say them. Words like thunder; That echo in the heavens as they rattle your atmosphere and break the very bones that keep you structured. Words that are so soft and lustful; They are a mere gossamer touch in you ear; Lulling you to idleness. They stain. Ink bubbles out of my lips and dribbles onto my chin and down my neck. Staining me blue in my inadequacy.
Feb 2014 · 807
Quinn Feb 2014
My lids heavy like mountains as they creep up against the sea; Laden with sand that courses down my face. Sand dunes fill my palms as I burn; Hot and eternal. A bright flame in an even brighter place but there is no place to breathe. The dry air pulls all the vitality from my aching skin and robs me of all life. As my bones turn to rock and the rocks turn to sand and the sand returns to the sea; For thus I am reduced. Joint after joint collapses till my journey is carried on by my eyes who trod on; Perishing soon after to the moon; Vanquished by the stars.
Feb 2014 · 1.5k
Inhumanity in It
Quinn Feb 2014
The drop of a needle sounds like the falling of an anvil; In the center of my existence. I was forewarned and forbidden; Oh, but it made the fruit from the Garden even sweeter. It had an edge; How ever sharp or dull the knife. It made me feel daring and alive; Now its smothering me. All of It. Now, Some sad sort of creature who can't get a hold of its being sits in the mirror before me; Its has an inhumane existence to trundle on with. Its dying of an addiction no rehab can cure, however hard they try. Falling; falling to the void. Deep into the withered hearts of those long before who suffered and lost. Aye; It has suffered and lost. No humanity left in these cheap wine like bones. With sunken lips and bruised hope. No love to live on and none to give away. Come join it in it's bleak and tragic existence; Wallowing in the dirt of its grave. Crowned and dug it lies with no prospects to forgive. How wise it thought itself to be. Stinking of sunshine when really it was rotting to the core. Vile imperfection and false intentions. Knives and daggers to those whose crossed it's path. Bleach bones and beach whales in its wake; How unforgiving the cold to the man who has been cast out; Rejected? How dead a bird whose wings have been clipped; Broken? With bleeding heart to match. Not even It could fly with broken wing and painted snarl in the fashion of a grin. With sharp teeth and empty longing. Oh how it longs for just a whisper on the wind from the old country.But so it will trudge; Broken with a head of false hope on it's hunched over shoulders.
Feb 2014 · 1.5k
Quinn Feb 2014
Close your eye; Dissolve into the uncertainty of the dawn. It's coming regardless of how prepared or at peace you are with it. It is coming for you; It is coming for me. It is coming with bloodied fingers and cruel words. As the light blinds us; Dawns bright light. So cold; so cruel. Let it wash you into the sea with impure intentions. Let it's fingers wrap around your neck like a lover. Scream; Yell; Shout. Nothing is nothing; And we are all small nothings in the sea. Swept away with all the shipwrecks and whale bones. Decay is all we are; Big bags of decay. We waste and we squander all of our being. As non-existent time ticks on; So does our dying bones to the dawn. Let us close around our deep bruises and bleed our black sour blood to the wind. For if we don't live, what are we left to do but decompose into ash and waste away to the earth. It is an unsightly faith for which only we with our "superiority" hold dear. As we count and die by the dozens. Like flies; We fall off the cliff face like lemmings. One after another; Mother after brother. Down they fall. So they perish. Or so they fly; Fall; Die; Live. But the truth of it is inevitable; We are all dying in our skin.
Feb 2014 · 836
The fall of man
Quinn Feb 2014
As fortune fades with all our golden virtues; we are left to taste the bitter morality of our truths. Left alone with ourselves; we lie. Most of all we pretend to distract us from fate. How cruel our existence; as we aim high and fall short. Plumet and fall; Falling is our destiny. Man with it's greed and emptiness. We will fall as it is foretold. Had not newton spoke of this. And, oh, shall we plumet. Burning as we fall. Our "Humanity" shall be our deaths; least of all the end. Let man swallow the sun and the shadows swallow man. Our naivety makes us weak as we pretend to not see; we choose to be blind. Truth will shine through. It always does. It is the sick twisted way that fate has of reminding us that we live by threads. Cut your threads and jump. For fate has no hold over us now. Take the calloused blood stained hand of man and plunge it into the ice cold bitterness. Cleanse yourself of falsehoods. Remember who you are. We've all seem to forgotten in our maddened state. Shed your skins; Come out of the darkness. Hark the generation anew. Are we strong enough for such a task. The world of man is fickle and ever changing but the tide of fate is strong. Wade through the stream and get swept away. Drown in the tide; Forget what you've become. It shall be your doom.
Feb 2014 · 611
Human desire
Quinn Feb 2014
The heaving of my stomach
Hard and convulsive, as I slip down the drain
My shaky hands can't hold a tune
And my throat is sore and burning
My legs slip out from under me as my knees collapse
My heart races and my lungs skip a beat
The world spins in lazy hula-hoops arounds and around
My bottle breaks as my eyes begin slide down my cheeks
My stomach rests in knots at my feet
And I lose my causes to the unconscious desire that is human
Feb 2014 · 533
Quinn Feb 2014
A scream wants to tear out of my throat,no , a howl. It’s clawing my way from inside me, my heart throbbing in my chest. Poison drips from my lips in ink, staining my pale skin. My too pale skin. My hands clutch at the raw dry feeling in my throat as I try to scream but no words come out, no sounds. Finally I just give up and my hand drops to my side. In the darkness I sit huddled against the wall, alone. My heart beats slowly. Thump, thump, thump. It seems to be the only sound beside my ragged breathing. Each breath feels torturous as air fills my cracked, damaged lungs. The only lubrication for them is the metallic blood that seeps from the dry tissue. My shriveled up blood caked lips mouth words that no one will see. Pity, they were my last.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
The revelation of a Weed
Quinn Jan 2014
A friendly word in my mind meant gospels
But the glittering salvation never came
How self absorbed I was
To wish a **** into a violet

Vain hypocrisy I was to wish
How vain I am not
For deep inside is the longing for friendly words
Shallow and sweet

How shall I tell you
Of my final success
Of withdrawal and dismissal
As I purged myself of vanity

I let go of my skin, and was free at last
I needed no word from any flower or jewel
I accepted
And the world of weeds and flowers disappeared

Peace, true, peace.
Quinn Jan 2014
There is a sadness in our bones and a sinking feeling in our souls.
As the tide washes in and all that is left is black.
Our eyes are still and cold with empty thoughts.
Tears paint our faces black and blue as we disfigure and break.
But alas, we will survive, because we know what it's like to be hollow and deprived.
So, alas, we will survive.
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
Damnably In Love
Quinn Jan 2014
As the nights languish with a fond kiss from lover's lip; Spry words spring from the dwindling flame as to revive its languor. In vain they stumble; Quick to the sword.
Love is, alas, a simple trinket to be bought and sold as they chose. Let it **** the next folk who haplessly come across it's starry eyed embodiment. Oh how black and binding it becomes; blinding the eyes to the truth. Which foolishly enough we over take.
For any chance at the happiness we seek is a happiness we take; Little in the hearts of man do you find contentment in solitude. Such a desire that burns in the heart; Little do we know of the derangement that befalls us.
Damnable in all it's wiles; once as sweet as honey then in a blink of the soul a black churning cyclone. It is the destruction we seek; But yet we do not destruct alone. This is what love brings us.
Countless night up; With wondering minds and curious hearts. It brings spring on a whim to tempt the summer to come back to us. It brings heart ache like a dusk; As the sun sets and we have fear that tomorrow never will come.
When all you get is heart ache; Is this what you crave. Endless nights in the dark after the wolves devour all your happiness.
Crave this lust of love; For all your want, you'll never have. Bestow upon yourself this damnable title and live as you shall. For we are men, and this is our curse; This damnable want of love to escape the lonely pit of ourselves. If only for the night.
Jan 2014 · 649
Quinn Jan 2014
I was going to be sick
As this little balding man preached to us about Jesus
And politics
While Mark rotted in that box as Grammy watched and wailed
The smell of embalming fluid filled my lungs and began to suffocate me
Sickly sweet and pure chemical death
Nicotine drenched fingers
And leather were abundant in Osborne's
Where a funeral was a place to advertise
I was going to be sick
I wanted to crawl out of skin and scream
I wanted to hold her
While she grieved
I wanted nothing more then to hold her
As they shut the box on Grizz's waxy pale fingers
And she cried as a Mother should cry
Because "No mother should see her son in the obituaries
or in a box or have to burry them"
Quinn Jan 2014
I dream of a time when I was small
A time where my memories no longer reach
When Memerre was still here
And Jean too
When the weight  of the world was light
And snow fell livid in my soul
I dream of the hazy beach sun and those road trips to Kitty hawk
I dream of the colourful array of pegasi
I dream of spring
A time where Rolo ran beside me in the thick grass
I dream of the house on hollywood with it's two stories and pealing paint
There are flickers in my dreams of Matt who was strong and of the Jeep that kept mommy safe
I dream of a time where I didn't know the meaning of the curses that flew in that house
And a time when they weren't directed at me
And I miss it

I miss it all
I miss not knowing which bottle was filled with beer or understanding why mommy acted funny
I miss not knowing what a **** was or how to make one
I miss when Grandad was around
I miss when Caroline was my baby sitter
I miss Cindy and that pool she took us to
I miss my childhood and I hate that it was taken from me

I hate that the curtain was lifted
I hate that I didn't do anything
I hate what happened to me
I hate what happened to us
I hate what I've become
Jan 2014 · 789
Quinn Jan 2014
Hollow like bleached bones
And the insufferable greed for more
To fill the empty void
Consuming and consuming as I go
Eating the stars, and the moon, and any scrap of sunshine I can get
Yet it's still not enough
And happiness still evades me
Till the hunger, the greed, the need for more destroys me
Or I destroy myself
Jan 2014 · 611
Quinn Jan 2014
In her arms, as she held me
It all just melted away
The air was still, my mind at ease

As my sobs began to lessen
And my breathing became still
All was still, all was resting

Her arms still held me, as the tears still streamed down my face
She held me, and it was all okay
Quinn Jan 2014
The shaking tears roll down my round cheeks
Hot and heavy are my laboured breath
It feels like a punch in the gut
The abscence of life
Why am I crying so hard for a man I barely even remember?
It's no matter now
I'm all spent up
And he is soon to be just another bag of bones anyway
Into a crowned pit he goes
Only to be forgotten
Jan 2014 · 1.9k
Quinn Jan 2014
As scream threatens to tear through me
As I am torn apart
My blood stained breath lingers with what little heart beats I have left
Ragged, and harsh
My voice is like sharp glass
With every venomous tone of morality
It's like acid on my tongue and I want to ***** up a lung
My back arches back as pain spikes through me
My back bending violently
At all angles
Snap, crush, pop
My limbs torn from their sockets
Breaking or being ripped from me
Agony with its lush voice shreds me apart
Till I am bare and gushing blood on the floor
Life dripping from my lips
Dark red staining my pale skin
The world becomes blurred
As my intentions become a skewed
My body a crumpled mess
I can feel that last breathe
Warble out of m-
Jan 2014 · 770
Never stop drinking
Quinn Jan 2014
It was times like those,
When I could get drunk on your words
And swirl them around on my tongue
Like fine wine
You were my tall champagne flute
Lean and see through
But I loved you all the same
We became a drunken stupor
And the hauntingly lone nights became my hangover
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