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  Feb 2016 annabel blanco
Timothy Ward
the sun will
kiss the earth
each day
and soon
these dashing lines
of youth
hard charcoal, pen and ink
dancing, arousing
the parchment
shall also fade
portraits ought to
be lived
This began as an exercise in Architecture Design class. We each had to do a self portrait and design a space for ourselves for the rest of our life! One space! Very introspective n mind altering exercise!
annabel blanco Jan 2016

i think your love is all untrue
don't misinterpret me coz i'm feeling blue
but i wonder why in all that i do
you are following me wherever i flew

do you love me or you're just fooling me
tell me the truth and i'll set you free
coz i don't want my heart, to offer to someone
that for just an hour he'll destroy my world

so before i end i will tell you this,
i love you boy, don't be a foolish
coz if you tried it once, i'll warn you nice
i hate you then, if you do it twice

— The End —