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  Oct 2015 puer luna
E. E. Cummings
who knows if the moon’s
a baloon,coming out of a keen city
in the sky—filled with pretty people?
(and if you and i should

get into it,if they
should take me and take you into their baloon,
why then
we’d go up higher with all the pretty people

than houses and steeples and clouds:
go sailing
away and away sailing into a keen
city which nobody’s ever visited,where

                   Spring)and everyone’s
in love and flowers pick themselves
  Oct 2015 puer luna
E. E. Cummings
in the rain-
darkness,     the sunset
being sheathed i sit and
think of you

the holy
city which is your face
your little cheeks the streets
of smiles

your eyes half-
half-angel and your drowsy
lips where float flowers of kiss

there is the sweet shy pirouette
your hair
and then

your dancesong
soul.     rarely-beloved
a single star is
uttered,and i

       of you
puer luna Apr 2015
He’s someone out of a dream, or a fairy tale and when he saved me he was a prince rescuing a damsel in distress. He holds a smile of sunshine and shares with me words of promise and pure gold. When I hold his hand I feel like a child who’s about to ride her first roller-coaster; with butterflies on the inside and knuckles clasped. Gripping with no desire to release thanks to the fear that letting go could result in disaster. And his lips are salt water; the more they caress mine, my thirst for them perpetually increases.
puer luna Apr 2015
the feeling he gives me
is an omnipresent euphoria
that ratifies my body,
embracing all of me;
from the calicoes built up on
the bottom of my heels to the
baby hairs that frame my face.
every square inch of my body
becomes profusely dominated
by the rush of enchantment
i am graced with
once he makes an appearance
in my atmosphere.
puer luna Apr 2015
i don't know if i'm phrasing this right but no one in my house validates my feelings; they always kind of brush them off or make me feel like i am irrelevant and don't matter and you know what? i think that is one of the main things that has ****** me over. i watch movies and tv shows and see how ******* compassionate the mothers are with their children and i have never once felt like my feelings even matter to my mother or that she even gives a **** about me or the relationships i have. just because i have only been on this earth for sixteen and a half years doesn't ******* mean i don't have feelings and problems or that i can't feel hurt or depressed or anxious or in love. that doesn't come with age, it comes with being alive. i am just as much of a human being as you are and it breaks whats left of my glass heart and she doesn't even care enough to get the dustpan and sweep it up into the garbage can.
puer luna Apr 2015
i can't touch
my pen to a
piece of paper without
the overwhelming desire
to write your name
next to mine.
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