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When will I ever grow up...

Says the innocence of the child
I want to experience all there is in life
And I want to experience it now

When will I ever grow up...

Says the newly developed teen
I've just stepped out childhood
Ready to live the life I've dreamed

When will I ever grow up...

The nineteen year old says
They tell me to vote, send me to war
Yet still call me a kid

When will I ever grow up...

Says the twenty something wife
Like I saw in my mother
At this stage in her life

When will I ever grow up...

Little did she know her mother said
When she was also that twenty something
As she gazed at life ahead

When will I ever grow up...

Asks the forty year old divorcee
And will I find someone mature enough
To fill my wants and needs

When will I ever grow up...

I ask myself time and time again
I just hope and pray it happens
As I'm fast approaching the end

When will I ever grow up...**

Says the old man on his death bed
It's got to happen soon
As he expels his last dying breath
and I'm not
but you're
the closest
I've ever
come to what
people call
Welcome to the School of Gossip
Where you'll learn to ruin lives
Passing around what little you know
Not caring if it's lies

We'll teach you the art of digging deeper
How to squeeze out all the latest info
Given to you by third parties
Adding what you wish as you go

Learn to draw the listener in
Starting  conversations with
"Did you hear about" is a favorite
Or "You're  not going to believe this"

There's an advanced course in "When you make someone cry"
Playing the part of an innocent friend
Having a listening ear and a shoulder nearby
Getting juicy tid bits and adding your spin

We have the highest graduation rate
Of any school in town
Make something up about us, tell all your friends
Just make sure you pass it around
This world seems to cruel
For there to be a god

I don't believe anything
That the old testament has to say

The words that once led me in life
Are nothing but rhetoric

Because religion is ambiguous
And everything it has to offer is twisted

My religion is the feeling of success
It's the music that never escapes my mind

It's Bob Dylan's songs
Allen Ginsberg's poems

My religion is your touch
The friends by my side

I refuse to have religion imposed on me
I will not have my first amendment rights infringed upon

I will not say candles are holy
Just because my deceased grandmother believed so

I am a person
I am not a religion
I am a female.

I am in my early twenties.

I have naturally brown hair smudged in fake red and vibrant green eyes.

I am short with a baby deer walk.

I am a student.

I am a worker and a dreamer.

I am an advancer and an experience glutton.

I am a caffeine rush with a brush of sarcasm coated in a smile.

I am a music enthusiast with notes flowing through my bones and measures lifting my every step.

I am a note aspiration draped in wrong tunes and character.

I am a musician unborn.

I am a glutton for the melodies and rhythm of the world.

I am of a shadow generation desperately seeking themselves in each passing fad.

I am a product of the public and society, but am of the discarded bunch, tossed to crowded shelves for less potential.

I am a generation pent up in a box and I am making my break through.

I am of a generation with the potential greater than the last and the means for a voice louder then the rest.

I am a decade of pain and tribulations and of hope and progress.

I am a cynic and I am hope, I am a technological hub and a mirror of all that is to come.

I am the future, the present and the past.

I am representative of those left behind and those who ran full speed.

I am a dancer in the air around me, I am a writer of the languages I cannot speak.

I am an open book with blank pages. I am a magic observer and a culture absorber.

I am a student of the world and the land and the people.

I am a prophet of language.

I am a reader of words sealed in paper.

I am all that I could ever hope to be and I am all that I never wanted to see.

I am my mother, my father, my friends, and my peers.

I am you as he is he and we is me.

I am the product of my mother.

I am the lick at the end of your tongue.

I am the bite in your spite.

I am the twinkle in the glitter you spread.

I am the pocket sized rowdy mouse running about a world too big.

I am the offspring of my father.

I am the peace that was given a chance.

I am the notes dancing from  the end of a bell.

I am the back that never turns and I am the last shirt to give for warmth.

I am love and I am hope.

I am the looking glass of perseverance.

I am that nature that will not give up, until dreams are met.

I am radical and quiet all in the same.

I am me.

I am everything and I am nothing.

I am whatever I hatch for the sun's breaking day.

I am a product of the universe and I am molecules unspoken.

I am a voice and I am impact.

I am the change and I am the cause of the need for change.

I will be the dream, I will be all I hoped to be.
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