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  Aug 2014 Prince Sajid Ali
you were the most beautiful
thing in my life, and the only
thing i'll ever regret letting die
Prince Sajid Ali Aug 2014
Please don’t tell me not to cry
Please don’t way there was a reason why
You don’t know what I am feeling
Or how much I hurt
The wet spots are from tears on the collar of this shirt
You think I should go on with life
Forget about it and be strong
But deep down I am sad, and I don’t want to go along
I don’t expect you to understand why
For no apparent reason I break down and start to cry
My life has changed forever, you see
And that is why I am not acting like the same ole me
So please don’t try to act like nothing happened
Because it’s changed my life forever
I will never be the same again
Not today, not tommorrow, but never
The best thing you can do for me is just be there
Just like always, my friend
My broken heart is hurting bad
And it will never mind
Prince Sajid Ali Aug 2014
Watching you from across the room
sends searing pain through my heart.
I think back to a year ago,
when I thought we’d never part.
My love for you just won’t die down –
it just grows with each new day.
I wish you’d dare to look at me
and hear what I have to say;
“I love you and I want you back – ”
but these words you just won’t hear.
You don’t seem to remember them –
all the memories I hold dear.
You were my first kiss, my first love
and now you don’t even care.
How could you just blow it away?
We were the perfect pair.
you seem content to let me go –
You’re doing fine as you are,
while I’m still missing how we were.
We had the best love by far.
Prince Sajid Ali Aug 2014
I found my heart
lying in a ditch
my precious heart
was treated so rot

gone here n there
to stitch it back
place in the chest
avoid rotten tracks

I thought it was safe
to use it back
n using it I found
it was so badly hurt

I couldn't feel its throb
it died so quietly
without any complain
not even I felt

and all that's left
is just some ash!
Prince Sajid Ali Aug 2014
I was always there
Waited for so long
Now I am gone
I am no more here

If you ever came
I won’t be there
You’ll see the place
It’ll be the same

With its hanging bowers
The grass may be green
And the trees that tower
The house will stare
With the rooms all bare

While walking on the pave
You’ll crunch some dead leaves
You may think you heard
Someone scream

You’ll clutch your heart
You may depart
But I won’t be there
I am gone for good

Now it is me
Who is lost forever!
Prince Sajid Ali Aug 2014
Ages and ages pass by
But love never change
It stole hearts and break every laws…
Leaving thousands to cry and hundreds to be alive….
Prince Sajid Ali Aug 2014
I see the world through my eyes
As a vicious cycle of pain and lies
You’ll never see what’s inside of me
So back away and leave me be
I’m sorry to say
But stay away
I don’t want to hurt you
Even though it may seem cruel
You are there in everything I do
That’s only because I fell in love with you
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