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 Sep 2012 Preech
 Sep 2012 Preech
I am counting twelve pairs of ribs lining the perimeters
of my torso
Boney Me
Asthenia fingers
Wasted knees and knuckles
Pricking the hard chords on my chest-guitar
Misery eyes -- Dashing around in dustbin sockets
My head like a raisin with skull-shaped framing
****** inward
Looking at the dead animals guilting me
Looking at the withering plants begging for water
Evil food.

Attracted to the mirror
I know only this
Only what I see -- And I see a sow.

Lost in this possibly regrettable movement
Boney Me
Looking at the evil food
I tell it that I hate it and that it will never be me

I tell it I want to be like the flossy ones on magazines
Thin to skinny to boney
Boney me smoking an e-cig
I defeat the evil foods tonight
Surviving on primal back-up spirits
Surviving for the hope of closeness
I can waste away all this skin
And finally see my own heart.
 Sep 2012 Preech
Saul Makabim
 Sep 2012 Preech
Saul Makabim
Filthy brown bag floats
In a stagnant tidal pool.
Discarded garbage.
 Sep 2012 Preech
Saul Makabim
 Sep 2012 Preech
Saul Makabim
Laughter explosions
Diabolic cruelty
That crude red carving
The grinning maw
Of the purity devouring beast
Know best for his face
His maliciously insane
Irrational thought patterns
He laughs at a two word phrase
As he caves in a woman's face
Sprays bleach and mace
from a fake flower on his chest
Lobs hand grenades recklessly
Muttering jokes that only he fully understands
Minions bent to his twisted humor
Severed limbs and organs sent
With personally crafted limericks
Fourteen inch barrel
.44 Magnum revolver
Crash a clown car into rush hour traffic
Feed the mayors poodle
To a pack of hyenas
Grease paint white face
Toxic green locks, slicked back
Red Cheshire cat grin
Ear to ear
Like the mouth of a demon of madness
Do not ponder why he laughs
He laughs because he must.
 Aug 2012 Preech
TD Rucker
What is a man who has his will stripped away?
Manipulated by the wiles of the essence form,
Rushed with flesh and breast to be denied
An onslaught of fleshly desire
overwhelming the senses
Consequence of the life sentence
Anger begins to boil with trouble brewing stew
Regret garnishing the platter of one's just dessert
Now the man is punished
inside and out
For his will being stripped
But alas I ask again.
What is a man who has his will stripped away?
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