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The first bird (bard?) of the morn
I peeped into the salon.

Are you ready mate? I queried.

His eyes were ashes of night
and I doubted his mood.

I should be, he said
your hair is my livelihood.

Make it short I said
top bottom and the sides
and his scissors was Beethoven
soothingly rising and falling
making the sweetest sound
celebrating martyrdom of my hairs
resignedly falling on the ground.

But too soon it was over
and he held the mirror.

Wouldn't a little shorter be fine?

Nope, he smiled
considering your hairline
further recession would be a disaster.

I paid him buying his logic
and like a symphony
skimmed the air merrily.
Deft hands cut precise whirrs the ceiling fan
closed eyes bar view the scene can't scan
before they reach the ground take windy spin
falling in scattered piles gathered for coffin.

Shreds of gray and black dot the white shroud
little to write about nothing to be proud
don't reduce anymore that's about fine
add not to the growing woes says hairline.

Cool the clime crawls the clock at its own pace
halts the head to think about the changing face
would it look better or yield a worse clown
ridiculed by one and all folks of the town.

Nothing can be done enough damage is done
fiercely to blow the heat waits fiery sun
over sir says barber open my eyes
the one in the mirror doesn't look any wise.
At the Barber's, Feb 19, 2017, 10.30 am.
(pardon my liberty with the spelling of the title)
In a translucent twilight zone
I find myself all alone
In the mirror only my face
Loneliness I lovingly embrace!
Madly I listen to the silence
The only thing that makes sense
Thoughts uninhibited and random
Pour out, here they find freedom!
In the world outside what’s uncouth
Is unshackled here, like hidden truth
There’s no prose, it’s all wild verse
The mask is irrelevant, there’s no farce!
My unbridled self at the twilight zone
Loves to come out, bared and alone
Bored of the rules framed by the sane
It finds itself free from the ******* of pain!
Today at dawn in windy rush
Before sun could melt its heat
Sinking my feet in dewy grass
I strolled merrily bare feet!

I felt on my feet a thousand kiss
Heart leapt in an unknown joy
Too long you missed this heavenly bliss
Grass whispered to a reborn boy!

Lost count of time when walked last
Retraced a stretch of green route
Forgot my root lost all trust
To walk on the grass barefoot!

The tickling grass as hugged my toes
Shed their dew like tears
They asked *ugly leather smell our nose
where have you been all these years!
I don’t need your bare skin
The deep alleys lying within
When I sink my nose in your hair
All day you linger there.

I can do without your kiss
Warm crevices I don’t miss
When graze my lips on your ear
All day you linger there.

I don’t want you pierced and dug
Nor crave you tight in hug
Catching you once in stare
All day you linger there.

I don’t thirst your panting moan
Grab you as if you I own
One touch of your loving care
All day you linger there.
village girl pillage mind on the first sight
hazel eyes gazelle runs hair dark night

barn’s smell holds tale fathomless deep
flutters heart falls apart resolves fast slip

she knows it my heartbeats quicken for her
in love glow paint rainbow on day sky a star

she can catch as I watch slavish eyes’ plead
more than me it is she can my dreams read

but wouldn’t bend have me lent one little kiss
honor ******* her guard not let me do as please

she soon fades stays in head lives carefree
ever far upon a star sweetest memory.
Huddled in the lantern light
they sing of life and death
of love long lost but living
in the ashes of time
a yearning for home
walking the long roads sunburnt
in blistered feet
in the knowledge
healing of pain
is only a rain away
and life is too short
but never too short
to bathe in the power of god
that makes a pauper
be a king
under the canopy of stars.
Night with them under the stars, November 12, 8.30pm.
Bauls: Rural folk singers of Bengal, the mystic minstrels.
Crowd of skin flock for tan
with too many feet sands are pressed
a minion before the monstrous plan
the sea recedes waves are depressed.

Chairs are littered tents abound
through walls of flesh the sea is far
the beach is now a carnival ground
where noise holds fort and peace debarred.

I seek that place where the two of us
would hear the voice of deep solitude
walked in dream through melting hours
on a paradise now lost for good.

I tell my children the shades of hue
when the sea mirrored the colors of sky
till greed of men for more revenue
poisoned the beach drove her to die.
Because I am not there
You trap the bird
And never set it free,
You think it smart
To tear the innocents apart,
You deem it cool
To see your power rule
In bringing down the harmless
You never see their face,
Love, pity, you could choose any
You preferred tyranny,
Armories of weapon you build
To make this world a battlefield

Because I am not there in your heart
You are dead from the start
Imprisoned in your ruthless kingdom
Ever denying the bird its freedom!
I haven’t ever known you, truly -
I got you easy, without a price.
It’s like the closeness of the birds
To the silvery clouds,
The treetops’ brush with the sky,
Too known is your face.
How could I ever know you were priceless!

A few playful beaking from him
And I remember
Did not soap the dirt off my hand!

Here I stand

My parrot doesn’t get an infection.


Because it bothers
Low I stoop
To pen about bird ****!

On my way from office
Fell the hit-never-miss.

Finding no dried leaf
I used my handkerchief
And verified from a stranger
There wasn’t a stain!

Bird **** is a bane.

So they said
Is the chance my head
Would soon be bereft of hair

Quite unfair!

Here I stand

The few remaining don’t leave me.
She swam in her delirium in an unfamiliar semi-darkness
Around her an ocean in slow motion engulfed her dizzy senses
Voices from a faraway space echoed garbled in her straining ears
She flew past all horizons wings spanning across many light years.

The flight was such thrilling she wished it had never ended
But she was slowing down on an emptiness she descended
Seeing and hearing nothing she fell inside senseless gravity
Lay silent in anaesthesia the patient in Bed 223.
Streams light from moon
flows through window

in a different land though
I traverse to a dune

The Bedouin in white robe
on silhouetted camel

rides on a mystic trail
did his woman elope

Rise from sands spark
rider’s eyes glint

must find footprint
an end to disembark

Night a moonlit art
bounces camel’s ****

she left him in the dump
trampled on his heart

Overhead stars fade
weary hooves pine rest

in his hollowed breast
he finds of her no thread

Foams in mouth the beast
feels the deadly heat

hopes slow retreat
the eyes gather mist

His dagger sparkles white
closes eyes the moon

dawn comes too soon
burns his blood bright
A bee here
another there
the bee catchers busily chase

enjoy every bit
hit and miss
miss and hit

the urge to live is the sugar
sweetens the grind
keeps death out of mind.

If you keep death in mind
high is the cost
in the momentary dying
life is lost.
as i drew the curtains
felt a crawl on my hand
that fell on the bed as i ******.

then saw the other of the pair.

i shoved the duo out of the bed
hoping they won't land so far
as to not find again one another.

past my initial reaction
i felt ashamed of the stupid act
and remorse,

for having wasted the time
it took them to be close.
Can you bring me a little warmth?
The night is like an unending tunnel
Ahead looms a long winter month
When I go, there won't be a funeral.
Can you not hold me close?
Rub the cold off my heart?
So that when the chill goes
I can blissfully depart.
I am cold as the frosty night's bird
With the smell of warmth under my wing
The sound of my fall if it's ever heard
A dirge for me can you sing?
It’s time you turn the machine off, it’s time,
Before the bard in you flies away
With the last melodious rhyme.
For too long your eyes are fixed on the screen
Living in a virtual world forgetting your kin
While you looked away, the rainbow came and went
The flower bloomed and withered
You never got her scent.
The clouds gathered on you for your glance
Then wilted, you frittered away the chance,
Every bit of nature on your door knocks
To find you lost in the rectangular box,
Switch it off, turn your eyes
Before the bard in you forever dies!
When you narrow your focus for wayside picks
can see a couple of sparrow prancing on bricks
they are still not gone out of town
the lady whitish her male red brown!

They are fast fading leaving no trace
love human home for building nest
but where are nooks for them warm space
a cool inlet for summer's rest!

But still they seek would go last length
with all their hearts gathered strength
to find an address can call their own
these cutest birds need kindness shown!

Their chirping weaves what magic spell
the pretty lady and her brownish male
let's spare for the couple one smallest nook
not leave them be fable in storybook!
Take the children to the seaside
To a fair for a joyride
Be with them as long as you can
Because soon they'll be man!
Cuddle them hold them tight
Drown in their eyes' joyous light
The short days though bright
In no time will be out of sight!
Spend with them in long travel
Delight in their childish marvel
See them giggle in boundless glee
Such times though divine quickly flee!
Tell them stories sleep with them
Play with them the silliest game
Without restraint let them be wild
Before cruel time banishes the child!
You are moving on, you are saying goodbye
I can't leave your mind, I'll be in your eye
You are parting way to go away from me
My face in your heart, you are far from free.
You are moving on, you are saying goodbye
It won't be easy, when you take off to fly
You'll feel the pull of staying back again,
To recreate the love and ignore the pain.
You are moving on, you are saying goodbye
It all sounds so unreal, your eyes aren't dry
You wish you could stop, retrace the lost way
To tell me just once, what you never did say.
You are not writing a poem
June is so long ago

it's end November
not one is added to your name!

maybe after that last write
you let the ink rest in your pen
on something else was your sight
you can write anytime again!

I'm sure you're not moving away
that would be such pity
something else occupying your day
life throwing new priority!

it happens poet all the time
though they buzz in your head
you've to let go priceless rhyme
and hold other things instead!

June is so long ago
it's end November
not one I find under your name

show me you're still there
write for me one
I'm dying for your poem!
to all my poet friends not being seen for months.
loving the manifested
without guessing the hidden.
The son vents his suppressed anger on dad
The father should know he’s no more a lad,
He’s a man that needs his own space
To lead a life at his own pace.
Every time thus the son speaks out
Feels brave enough to open his mouth
The father feeling himself an intrusive mole
Shrinks in panic, seeks a hiding hole.
Every father at sometime absorbs such pangs
And buys peace with the youthful arrogance,
On his heart though weighs a load of stone,
He swallows all that he can’t tell his son.
stores are running deficit
provisions unreplenished
ovens seeing less of flames
you're writing love poems!

cobwebs in the rooms dance
future in shambles unplanned
caught in lunatic trance
you're writing romance!

dirt is marking the wall
worries bursting the skull
expenses shaking nerve
you're busy writing love!

no bother no future plan
quickly dwindling ration
drowned in dense emotion
you're pouring passion!
Deciding to carry a plastic bag
was all I needed
for a spark of belief!

It was raining hard
and I saw a gain
in carrying it
for my experience told
people in the bus don't find it funny
when drip on them
raindrops from my umbrella.

There was one window seat empty
as if in wait for me
itself drenched in the pour
upon which the plastic bag I spread
reflecting on the divine design
god's kind grace
in protecting me in warm dryness
when in that ******* relief
was born in the atheist's mind
a belief!
I live with my belief and I’m not weak
From it I derive a great strength
Belief is easy, it comes quick
Not needing a travel of great length!
Belief in something that runs the universe
One that determines my role
Driven by it, my life I traverse
I act with a purpose in soul!
I don’t question it, I have no doubt
I believe it controls all things
I don’t ask, ‘what’s it all about’
Such thoughts I prune their wings!
I’m in peace with a straitjacket force
I sail on the ocean without end
Belief is what I have, my only recourse
Before it I bow my head and I bend!
I don’t believe in god
But still thank him
That I’m better off
Than so many others.
I have a bed
A roof on my head
And something to
Look forward to
When he felt horses were a passe
bought a pair of zebra from the zoo
got them hitched to his carriage
believe it or not it's true!

Soon he got a trainer on hire
to train them to pull his car
the news soon got into the press
he had put the zebras on harness!

The man given easily to caprice
never once felt the slightest remorse
for ruining those dumb animal's peace
the zebra could not be a striped horse!

One of the pair died shortly
the other was left to pull his car
he would be seen riding merrily
dressed in his royal attire!

To him a sport he was never ashamed
used to boast of his crudely callous fun
a zebra like a horse though can't be tamed
with his carriage had to make a fast run!
One zamindar of Calcutta rode in a brougham carriage that was drawn by Zebras instead of horses. He had many horses of high pedigrees in his stables but being an impulsive man in nature, he bought a pair of zebra from Zoological Gardens, Calcutta @ Rs. 6000/- in 1935. One of them died shortly. A photo was published in The Statesman in 1936 with the caption, “An Indian gentleman has trained his Zebra, to draw his carriage and is here seen in his strange Equipage, near the Eden Gardens, Calcutta."
The golden tinge of sun pierced the cloud
But the mangrove held onto its dark cloak
She hid somewhere between the light and shadow
When from one irresistible daze I awoke.

Unbeknownst flamed up the rocks salt white
Dry since the waves receded beyond the *******
A cold loneliness crept up in the spell broken light
As if eons had passed without the sight of her.

Then one seagull’s spriteful fish dream shriek
Motioned me up from the vacuous stupor
Buzzed each sand grain all years’ unborn speak
Was to be seized this moment and tell her.

The wind having carried the voice of her name
Spread it across the mangrove and far
From the receding waves rose a rising flame
When in her hug beneath an acacia I found her.
Beads on her forehead
Drops on her cheeks
I love when they’re made
In hot summer weeks!

Some above upper lip
Trickle some down
A few on her nose tip
This hot noon in town!

Beneath flowery parasol
Flushed is her cheek
The shade is just too small
To avert sun’s *****!

I care for nothing more
But the walk beside her
See on her face pour
Streams of summer!
On the wayside / she was dancing so free
The sparrow legged girl / beneath the bullet wood tree
Her face was blooming / in the night’s passing light
My eyes noticed her / heart stuck at her sight!

She was the dancer / heavens blessed that I chanced
The pirouetting svelte / held me dazed and entranced
A small village girl / oozing ocean of delight
From the crowd I could see / the flower most bright!

She was all smiles / soothed smooth all the mile
Her carefree swing / her jaunty bouncy style
Ten minutes I stopped / wished it was lifetime
To sink in her grace / in her charm sublime!

Not a bit bothered / if she had an audience
She skimmed the air a fairy / dropped like rains
In her joy mattered not / if her show was a flop
If an eye discerned her / a passerby made a stop!

Such moments outlast / eons of travel’s tales
Beneath the bullet wood tree / the winds she sails
In an ecstasy unbound / sparrow legged butterfly
She would never know / loved her a stranger guy!
it sniffs for the sweet breeze of Florentine
when all around are flies on rotten meat
can vaguely feel being the last of its line
as slowly falls silent sounds of heartbeat.

its fading eyes seek the far off moorland
feet still echo the long runs on limestone
in the deep woods where giant trees stand
a home where never would rest its bones.

in delirious dreams it stalks at the night
hunts for preys chasing opossums rabbits
itself haunted by looming shadowy fright
of fires that brought down all of his mates.

it's so cold out here with the sun ever far
limbs ice frozen to hold the shaking frame
only frail groans and no one to hear
for man the hunter it was another game.
Benjamin, the last Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacine), died of exposure to cold and neglect at the Hobart Zoo in September 7, 1936 after being kept captive there for three years. It (gender not known) was caught in the Florentine Valley in 1933. Intensive hunting by man was the major cause of this creature's extinction.
It must be very ******* her

the bird she cared deeply loved
has found a new pasture.

*but be my dear once a bird
grow on you a wing
know the ache hurts so hard
when stuck within iron ring!

tended well fed the best
the wings still must try
still must deem it a complete waste
times spent flightlessly dry!
poems flow like rivers in tide
when she’s by your side
and reclines a November afternoon
on the back of the crescent moon!

you tell her stories only for her made
as the birds their weary wings spread
when her face is west borrowed red
and you grab the last flickers before they fade!

you don’t talk of love but companionship
as night wears on and comes not sleep
the mangrove smells of long dead shells
with returning tide the river swells!

beside you walks a woman in your mist of tears
a face you hadn’t seen over all these years
she’s the woman you wonder if you ever knew
a companion a lover one dream forever new!
Your eyes say it all
Says your silent sigh
Through the day and nightfall
The sufferings under the sky!
Reflects your face
The apathy of earthmen
That tests your muteness
Tests limit of your pain!
You are loyal you abide
Break yet never bend
In life's uneven ride
Man's best friend!
the more i see dogs the less i like men (voltaire)
Best poems are lost in the morn's toothbrush
wash away with rinse fade like first crush
run away with the trail of the bus you miss
fly with summer clouds melt like first kiss!

Best poems are lost with the winds' dusty blow
half seen half known through half shut window
burn away like fire on a long winter night
lure with contour eluding full sight!

Best poems are lost in the crescent moon's glow
when your mind is too weary head hits pillow
evanesce like youthful time smoothness of face
undecoded hieroglyph untraced address!

Best poems are lost like petals in the rain
in the race for vain pride rush for self gain
seen through smoked glass pages unread
crumbling with time wasted like ****!
Don’t let it deter
The tongues wagging behind
Do what’s better
Speak out your mind.
Go ahead and do it
Do it the way you like
Strongly and with grit
Not a half-hearted strike.
If it needs be brute
Unyieldingly stout
Fear not tell the truth
It’s what stands you out.
Bow not your towering head
Succumb to power’s might
Glories of empires fade
Lives on the brave knight.
Give a little love and care
Light up faces with your smile
In others' need be there
Walk an extra mile!
So often they are in disguise
You've to look in their eyes
They're waiting for your hand
Waiting for you to understand!
You have to take a break
Greater things are at stake
Out there is waiting a heart
Know its beat be its part.
A blue moonbeam in the yellow sun
My dreams crimson in the violet sky
From the black oozes the silvery dew
If only I knew, if only….!
Boundless colors of madness
Rationality is starkly dull and grey
Without end, without recess
If only I knew, if only….!
End is looming in the boiling ocean
A blinding rain fogs my dreams
Heavenly is the boundary less whims
If only I knew, if only….!
Orange is the color of closed eyes
It leaves me behind, it flies
Blindfold yet green with romance
If only I knew, if only….!
A remote tunnel on the azure path
Along the rainbow clouds
All unleashed in the midnight coup
If only I knew, if only….!
If only I knew
The Bethlehem star dies every night
In the dark the fireflies find sight
Disappearance is coming back anew!
The winner gets his way
The loser will have his day

The winner may lose tomorrow
The loser needn’t break in sorrow

For the loser is no reason to fret
Time would come to celebrate

Today’s winner maybe morrow’s flop
For the loser with loss life doesn’t stop

There will be coming always a next chance
For the winners to lose see new winners’ victory’s dance

*Some win some lose, who to side with better not choose.
Something I would tell you son
that's only known to me
a burden it is knowing alone
it's time I share with thee.

Shocking was what he revealed to me
tragic too was the tale
of a woman's loss of dignity
her passing thru fire of hell.

Her I have held in high esteem
her sanctity locked in trust
never knew she was a sad victim
of a man's monstrous lust.

My father felt it would only be fair
it needed him just to be brave
with son the secret he must share
not carry alone to the grave.

I hold it now that grave secret
father left his job was done
burdened with a heavy weight
that I can't share with son.

The woman she is still alive
knocking on ninety's door
her skin a shade of dried beehive
she remembers not anymore.
true story, like most of our poems are.
I rest my tired hands
The keys need a rest too
My last poem just lands
From where it quietly grew!
Once again I’m sane
Flowing with normal tide
Relieved from the labor pain
Of taking a stormy ride!
I enjoy this happy phase
Though it won’t be for long
Would soon return the thoughts’ race
In endless stream they would come along!
This moment now is pure bliss
The short-lived time of pause
Before once again is shattered my peace
For no known reason or cause!
Now between writings I create a space
so could read in ease and not in stress
to fill me with things I had less
not let my mind be drowned by pace.

Now between writings I create a space
it lessens the hurry kills the stress
helps to see ways find new address
discover light in untrod recess.

Now between writings I create a space
it shows me the order clears the mess
I think now more write down less
my soul is happy to be out of the race.

Now between writings I create a space
it reinvents ways kills the stress
lets me to places I didn't access
of unseen tears unread happiness.
seeks a way

bird                    out

  caged the

  sees a freedom
            beyond meshed wire

                                                           ­      outward
   ­                               a
   ­               flying
  finds  itself

 prisoner             still

The birds raise a cacophony for food
hovering over the river of summer home
washing off flakes of winter memory
in the duck-warm joy of another renewal
bobbing up and down with the waves
like I hold her in my dancing visions
gazing waywardly her way
gauging if somewhere in the ether
hers meets mine
guessing when they do
sparks of fire
will burn the logs
keeping another winter at bay.
On a vessel on the river with her, in the company of migratory birds, March 20, 2017, 5pm.
Like flickers on wall of candlelight
will what remain
of the shadows of night
and its memories of pain!*

When comes the dawn
bleed not your heart anymore
know you will not be alone
someone will be knocking your door.

Wipe them all tears of past
gather the broken pieces of night
walk in the rising wind's gust
holding faith with all your might.
When I reach the island when I look behind
I see the expanse of sea you are not in mind
I'll have left everything our home and your heart
go beyond the last turn make there a new start

I know I can bear it forget you pretty soon
can live there all desolate holding onto the moon
I dreamed of it a longtime waited the tide's turn
when I could sail the boat without a heartburn

You wouldn't drop a tear your eyes would hold the moon
you know you can bear it forget me pretty soon
you were long drifting you were long apart
you'll have left everything our home and my heart

We wouldn't drop a tear our eyes would hold the moon
it would seem so easy forgetting each other soon
we were long drifting we were long apart
we had to leave everything our home and our heart

When we reach the island when we look behind
we see the expanse of void love is not in mind
we'll have left everything our home and our heart
go beyond the last turn build on ashes a new start
The clouds scare me
I forget to sing
life is like a dead tree
I don't see the silver lining!
Worried grows my face
at the smallest darkness
Islands of light I miss
pale and cold is your kiss!
Yet I know it's within me
to rid the phantom and be free
revive the dream and dare
to go beyond the nightmare!
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